C Support:
Ivy: …
Alear: Oh, Ivy. Did you need something from me?
Ivy: No, Divine One.
Ivy: Must I require something to remain near you?
Alear: No, it’s not that…
Ivy: I see. Then please feel free to ignore me.
Alear: I would, but…it’s difficult to ignore the anger on your face.
Ivy: …
Alear: The kingdom of Elusia worships the Fell Dragon, doesn’t it?
Alear: If that’s the case, I can certainly see why you would feel uncomfortable around me.
Ivy: You can’t imagine how I feel.
Alear: If you can explain it, I’d love to understand.
Alear: It might reduce this…distance between us.
Ivy: True.
Ivy: But we should…get used to each other first. We’ll talk when we’re…more comfortable.
Ivy: For now, I will leave you be…
Ivy: and worship from afar.
Alear: Worship?
B Support:
Ivy: …
Alear: Ivy, do you think maybe it’s time we talked?
Alear: Whatever you’re feeling toward me, I’m prepared to listen.
Alear: As allies, I’d like there not to be walls between us.
Ivy: Very well.
Ivy: I am rather more comfortable around you now, so…I suppose it’s time.
Alear: I’m glad to hear that.
Alear: Can we start with why you seem to have such anger toward me?
Ivy: I love you.
Alear: Huh?
Ivy: I love you, Divine One. My feelings began long before I met you.
Ivy: Understand, I…do not mean romantically. I adore you as a worshipper adores a deity.
Alear: But…you looked so upset when you were staring at me before.
Ivy: My deity was standing before me, in the flesh. I was nervous.
Alear: Oh…
Ivy: Do you understand now?
Alear: Yes, um… Thank you for sharing that.
Alear: I, um, like you as well, Ivy.
Ivy: Yes…
Ivy: May I be excused?
Alear: Oh. Yes. Yes, of course. And…
Alear: And…I’m sorry.
Ivy: We’ll speak again later, Divine One.
A Support:
Alear: Ivy, can I ask why you call me your deity?
Ivy: During all the hardest moments of my life, the one thing I could turn to was the Divine Dragon.
Ivy: My faith in you gave me strength to survive.
Alear: Survive what, exactly?
Ivy: My whole world─the place where I was born.
Ivy: Elusia Castle is a den of treachery and double-dealing. No one is safe there.
Ivy: And the worst part is…I had no escape.
Ivy: My mother was at the center of every scheme. I was forced to be near every foul conspiracy.
Alear: Your own mother…
Ivy: In her world, every smile is a dagger looking for a back to stab.
Ivy: I hated that place. I hated what it did to everyone who set foot there.
Ivy: The one thing that kept me from despair was my faith─my faith in the Divine Dragon.
Alear: But why me?
Ivy: At first I worshipped merely to be contrary. They chose the Fell Dragon, so I chose Divine.
Ivy: It was a small, invisible act of rebellion. But it was what I needed.
Ivy: The more I thought about you and your life, the more I knew I didn’t belong in the castle.
Alear: I’m glad to have been some help, if only indirectly.
Ivy: Ah, forgive me─to experience your kindness in such a familiar way is an intense thing for me.
Ivy: Could you please act a little more like a deity?
Alear: Heh, understood. I’ll try to be more considerate.
Ivy: In all seriousness, Divine One…
Ivy: You are my strength, even now. Thank you.
S Support:
Ivy: This is where you wanted to meet, Divine One?
Ivy: Why all the way out here? What could you possibly be planning?
Alear: I have something important to talk to you about.
Ivy: That doesn’t explain why you picked this place. I would happily speak with you anywhere.
Alear: I wanted to be alone with you.
Ivy: I see.
Ivy: Well, here we are.
Alear: Are you OK? You’re blushing.
Ivy: I am? Of course I am.
Ivy: It’s all right. Whatever you have to say to me, I am prepared to hear it.
Ivy: Proceed.
Alear: Very well.
Alear: Princess Ivy, please accept this ring as a token of my favor.
Ivy: That’s the Pact Ring.
Ivy: The Divine Dragon bestows this gift only to deepen the most meaningful bond.
Alear: Knowledgeable as ever.
Ivy: You’re really giving this to me?
Alear: There is no one I would rather have by my side.
Alear: You are the one I feel closest to.
Ivy: I am, as ever, in awe of how forthright you are with your feelings.
Alear: I wouldn’t be a very good deity if I hid my thoughts from someone so devoted to me.
Alear: You opened your heart to me, Ivy. It’s only fair I return the favor.
Ivy: That’s true.
Ivy: Very well. In that case, I accept.
Alear: Good.
Ivy: I already feel so much closer to you.
Ivy: A bond with the Divine Dragon is more than I ever dared hope for. Thank you, .
Ivy: Now and forever, you have my endless devotion and adoration.