C Support:
Alear: Jean? Are you not getting enough greens at the café?
Jean: Oh, no, I’m actually picking medicinal herbs. See?
Alear: Wow, you’ve got a ton picked already.
Jean: This one acts as a painkiller, and this one is useful in several ointments.
Jean: It used to grow all over my home island, but it’s gotten harder to find lately.
Jean: So I’m picking some here to send back to my father.
Alear: For the clinic on your island, right?
Alear: This is a lot for one person to harvest alone. Let me help you.
Jean: No, no, no, that’s OK! You must have a lot of other important things to do, Divine One.
Alear: Not so many that I can’t lend a hand here.
Alear: Besides, with the war and your studies, I bet you’re so busy, you barely have time to sleep.
Jean: Hm-hm, I should’ve known the Divine One would see right through me.
Alear: That’s right. Nothing gets by me.
Jean: If you really wouldn’t mind, then yes, it would be a big help. Thank you!
B Support:
Alear: Picking herbs again today, I see.
Jean: This one really makes a difference in treating all kinds of illnesses and injuries back home.
Jean: I used to go out all the time with my father to harvest these.
Alear: I didn’t get to talk much with your father on the island. What’s he like?
Jean: Whenever I succeed, in studies or in helping out, he praises me like a well-behaved puppy.
Jean: But when I mess up, he gets very upset, like he’s scolding a misbehaving puppy.
Alear: So you’re a puppy either way, huh?
Jean: Haha, now that you mention it…
Jean: He was the kind of dad where some days we got along, and some days I hated him.
Jean: But in his absence, I appreciate him more. Same with my mother.
Jean: I didn’t realize it when I saw them every day, but I have a lot of respect for my parents.
Jean: I think the only reason I work so hard now is because of the way they raised me.
Alear: Jean…that’s so beautiful…
Jean: Huh?! Are you crying?!
Alear: That story about your family was just… very touching.
Jean: Thank you, Divine One.
Jean: Here, take this poultice. It’s good for swelling around the eyes.
Alear: Haha, thanks, Jean. I needed that.
A Support:
Alear: I have something for you, Jean.
Jean: Medicinal herbs? Oh! This is quite a lot.
Alear: I found a place full of them in the forest, so I picked as many as I could.
Jean: Wow…thank you so much. This is going to make a big difference back home.
Alear: What you said about your parents really struck me. I want to help your family as much as I can.
Jean: Thanks, Divine One.
Jean: Hey, what happened to your arm? It’s all scratched up.
Alear: Oh, right after I found the patch of herbs, I slipped and tumbled down a hill.
Jean: Oh no! Here, sit down, and I’ll treat it right now.
Alear: It doesn’t really bother me.
Jean: Please, Divine One. I’d hate for your wounds to stay open and get infected.
Alear: All right. Go ahead, then.
Jean: Let’s see here…
Jean: You know, Divine One, I think it was good that I left the island to travel with you.
Alear: Yeah?
Jean: You’re a very generous person, but you don’t know how to be generous to yourself.
Jean: As long as I’m around, no matter how little care you have for your well-being, you’ll be fine.
Jean: I want to pay you back a hundred times over for all the kindness you’ve shown me.
Alear: Wow.
Jean: There. All treated. It should heal quickly now.
Alear: Thanks! And I’m glad to have you along too.
S Support:
Alear: We pulled up a pretty big haul today.
Jean: Mostly thanks to you. You’re not tired from working so hard?
Alear: Having you along made it fun. I feel like I could keep going for hours.
Jean: Uh-oh. Looks like you’re hurt again.
Alear: Huh? Oh, no. That’s from the last battle. I stepped in to protect an ally.
Alear: I had it healed right afterward, but I guess it still left a mark.
Jean: You should try this. It’s an ointment I made from the herbs we picked last time.
Jean: If you smear it on, it should keep the redness down. You’ll have to wait a bit for it to dry.
Alear: Thank you.
Jean: If you’re ever hurt…or even just in trouble, I hope you know you can count on me.
Jean: I want you to be able to count on me the way so many others are counting on you.
Alear: But, Jean, don’t you know?
Alear: I already do.
Jean: You─ You do?
Alear: Of everyone in the army, you’re somebody I know I can always rely on.
Alear: In fact, I’ve been thinking you deserve to have this Pact Ring I’ve been carrying.
Jean: I don’t know… Something that precious should go to someone worthier.
Alear: I can’t think of anyone worthier than you. You’ve always been there for me, after all.
Jean: Well… I guess that makes sense.
Jean: Thank you. From now on, you can consider me your personal physician!
Alear: I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jean: But if that’s how it’s going to be, I’ve got a lot of reading and practice to get to.
Jean: The Divine One’s personal physician had better not make any mistakes!
Alear: Take your time. Once this war is over, I should have a lot fewer injuries to patch up.
Jean: True. Um, …
Jean: Thanks for believing in me. I’ll work hard to become a doctor worthy of treating you.