C Support:
Alear: Oh, Lapis! I wanted to thank you for all of your support in our recent battles.
Lapis: Oh, I didn’t really do much out there.
Lapis: I was just following your lead. You don’t have to thank me for that, Divine One.
Lapis: There were lots of other, more skilled warriors in those battles. You should thank them instead.
Alear: Lapis, please. You’re strong and you think fast. You should have confidence in your abilities.
Lapis: Confidence? I don’t know about that…
Lapis: I’m thrilled to be a retainer, but everyone else is much more qualified. I’m not even a noble.
Lapis: I wouldn’t want to sound arrogant when I rank so far beneath everyone else.
Alear: Wow. You’re pretty hard on yourself, huh? I guess that can be a good motivator…
Alear: But you shouldn’t compare yourself to others like that. Everyone has different skills.
Alear: Be a little more kind to yourself, OK? Like I said, you’ve earned a bit of confidence.
Lapis: But… Well, Divine One, I… I’m not sure what to say to all of that.
Lapis: I’m not used to being complimented like this.
Lapis: I should go. Please excuse me.
Alear: Lapis sounds so sure that she doesn’t really belong here.
Alear: There has to be some way to help her work past that mindset.
B Support:
Lapis: Huh?! You’re serious? You really want to train with me today, Divine One?
Alear: Yes! I thought it would be nice to work together every once in a while.
Lapis: That’s so exciting! Thank you for carving out the time.
Alear: So, what am I in for, Lapis? What’s your usual training regimen?
Lapis: I start with some drills using different weapons, try a few practice swings…then do heavy lifting.
Lapis: I strap a weighted pack to my back and go for a long run. Sometimes I climb a mountain.
Alear: That…seems like it would build up an incredible amount of endurance.
Lapis: Oh, if you’re going to train with me, you’ll need a pack too. I’ll make you one real quick!
Alear: You’re going to make a weighted pack?
Lapis: Sure! It’s not too hard. I had to make most things by hand back in the countryside.
Alear: Countryside?
Lapis: Ah!
Lapis: Ahh! I…I meant, “can’t decide!” I can’t decide, uh, whether to make you a pack or not!
Alear: Oh. Well, I’d love it if you did. I think it’s really amazing you can make those kinds of things.
Lapis: Ooh, please don’t tease me like that.
Alear: I’m not teasing. Your crafting skills could be very useful on the battlefield.
Alear: Would you be willing to teach me how to make a few things? I’d like to learn.
Lapis: …
Lapis: It feels…strange to be complimented for such a modest skill.
Lapis: But yes, I can show you how to make a pack right now. Watch closely!
Alear: All right.
Alear: Whoa! Your hands move so fast! Can we, uh, go back a few steps?
A Support:
Lapis: Hello, Divine One. I have something for you!
Alear: Are these crafting tools?
Lapis: Yep! You said you wanted to learn crafting, and you can’t practice without a set of your own.
Alear: Thank you for these.
Lapis: I should be thanking you, really.
Lapis: I’ve been down on myself for a long time. You helped me shake some of that off.
Lapis: Your kind words about my crafting skills made me feel more confident in myself.
Alear: Good! You really are amazing, Lapis.
Alear: I watched you make that weighted pack like it was nothing. I still have a lot to learn from you.
Lapis: OK! I could show you how to make a rake.
Alear: A rake? What would we use that for?
Lapis: Harvesting taters.
Alear: Taters.
Lapis: Yeah! I can make a rake that works on all kinds. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Brodian yams…
Alear: Brodian yams?
Lapis: Well, Brodia is in the name, but they can grow everywhere. I even found a few near here!
Lapis: They’re so sweet when you boil them… Ugh, now I want some. Let’s get started on that rake!
Alear: Amazing. Like I said, I still have a lot to learn from you, Lapis.
S Support:
Alear: Hello, Lapis. Do you have a moment?
Lapis: Sure, Divine One! What can I do for you?
Alear: Well…I want you to have this.
Lapis: Wow. What is this? The metalwork is beautiful. It looks all fancy and expensive… Ah! Wait!
Lapis: Is… Is this the Pact Ring?!
Alear: It is. Look at the back side.
Lapis: Why is my name engraved here?
Alear: I carved it there using the crafting tools you gave me.
Lapis: What? You did this to the ring yourself? Using the tools I made for you?!
Lapis: Ahh, an engraving like this can’t be removed! Why did you do this?
Alear: I have no intention of undoing it. I carved your name into it because I want you to have it.
Alear: What do you say, Lapis? Will you wear the Pact Ring?
Lapis: …
Lapis: You know, there was a time when a situation like this would’ve had me fleeing in shame…
Lapis: But…I care about you, Divine One. And it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
Alear: Does that mean…
Lapis: Of course. I will accept this ring.
Lapis: You took such care in carving my name into it… How could I possibly say no after that?
Alear: Thank you, Lapis. I’m so glad.
Lapis: Um… I actually have something important to tell you, Divine One. You see, I…
Alear: You’re from a village of yam farmers, right? Way out in the Brodian countryside?
Lapis: Huh? How did you know that?!
Alear: I read up on Brodian yams. It’s just a nickname. The only people who call them that are…
Lapis: Yam farmers. Ugh. My secret is out…but I think I’m glad. That’s a big part of who I am.
Alear: Indeed. And I’m giving you the Pact Ring because of who you are, Lapis.
Lapis: Thank you, Divine Dragon …
Lapis: You’ll be safe with me. It turns out we’re both pretty crafty…so let’s carve out a better world!