C Support:
Lindon: Are you ready to begin, Divine One?
Alear: I think so, Lindon.
Alear: But I do want to double-check one last thing.
Alear: This experiment will somehow result in making people’s lives easier and happier, right?
Lindon: Absolutely, Divine One.
Lindon: What I learn by examining you is certain to lead to a new discovery or three.
Lindon: I anticipate very interesting results relating to quality sleep.
Alear: Quality…sleep?
Lindon: You dozed for one thousand years, after all.
Lindon: It’s fair to say no one has ever slept more soundly than you. Maybe we’ll find out why.
Alear: Do you really think that’s likely?
Lindon: I most certainly do! This could be a godsend for those who struggle with insomnia.
Alear: I hadn’t thought of that. All right, sure. I’d love to help with your experiment.
Lindon: I greatly appreciate it, Divine One.
Lindon: The first step is to cast Thunder on you a few times to see how your body reacts.
Lindon: You’ll grow numb to the pain soon enough, but your hair may not survive the experience.
Alear: You know, I’ve changed my mind. Sorry, but you’ll have to find another test subject.
B Support:
Alear: I keep thinking back to what you were saying about sleep, Lindon.
Lindon: Ah, greetings, Divine One.
Alear: I’m still a firm no on that experiment, but I do want to talk about it with you.
Lindon: Are you sure you want to waste your time visiting this old codger?
Lindon: There are so many others you could talk to who’d have a real impact on your life.
Alear: What’s gotten into you? Is this because you got a talking-to from Vander?
Lindon: …
Alear: He wasn’t happy to hear you might have burned my hair off.
Lindon: Er… Well, no use dredging up the distant past, I always say.
Alear: I know it won’t happen again. So let’s put it behind us and talk about sleep.
Lindon: I’m relieved to hear you don’t hold a grudge, but even so, I don’t know how much use I’ll be.
Lindon: Find a more practical and efficient use of your time, or you’ll regret it down the road.
Alear: Well, I’d hate to waste any time, it’s true.
Alear: I of all people know how fleeting it can be.
Lindon: Well said. Now then…
Alear: All the more reason why we should sit and have this talk without delay, Lindon.
Alear: There’s a lot I want to ask, and any more back- and-forth would be impractical and inefficient.
Lindon: Well─ But on the other hand─
Lindon: Hmph. Too smart for your own good, I say!
Lindon: But have it your way. Whatever wisdom I’ve got is at your disposal.
A Support:
Lindon: My, but you’re a quick study, Divine One.
Alear: I have a good teacher.
Lindon: Ha ha. Cheap flattery won’t win me over.
Lindon: Ahh, but I never thought I’d live to see this day.
Lindon: A former royal knight of Elusia sitting with the Divine Dragon for a chat.
Lindon: If I could somehow go back and tell my younger self about it, I don’t think I’d believe me.
Lindon: …
Alear: Something on your mind?
Lindon: Just a request of the Divine Dragon from someone who has been around a while.
Lindon: Stay alive. No matter what foulness you see in this life.
Alear: Lindon?
Lindon: Among my many days were some so trying that I was tempted to give up and die.
Lindon: But something always came along afterward that made me glad I lived to see it.
Lindon: My friendship with you, Divine One, rates high among those happy occasions.
Alear: I’m touched that you’d say so.
Lindon: Push hard through those bleakest of nights toward the dawn where things seem brighter.
Lindon: If there’s one bit of wisdom I’d want today’s youth to heed from me, it’s that.
Alear: I’ll take it to heart.
Alear: Although I should mention, Lindon…
Alear: You talk a lot about how long-lived you are, but you realize I’m actually far older, right?
Lindon: Hahaha! I suppose you are, at that!
Lindon: You see? Every day’s a surprise! Hahaha!
S Support:
Lindon: So this is the Pact Ring. I can tell already that there’s great power bound up in it.
Lindon: You don’t mind if I experiment with it a bit, hm? First, I’ll test its reaction to Thunder…
Alear: Wait, stop! That ring is very important.
Lindon: Hahaha, just winding you up, Divine One.
Lindon: So, is there some reason you’re showing me this ring?
Alear: I was hoping you’d wear it.
Lindon: Hm. I suppose I could, but why?
Alear: As a sign of our partnership.
Lindon: Um…pardon?
Lindon: What’s gotten into you?! Why would you want a partnership with me, of all people?
Lindon: I thought you were bright, but you’re proving yourself an utter fool!
Lindon: I’m far too old to enter into something new with anyone now.
Alear: I beg to differ. We work well together. This ring is a sign of the partnership we already have.
Alear: We’re stronger together. I want to seal that bond in the hopes of saving the world.
Lindon: It has to be me, eh? There’s no one younger? I only have so many years left.
Lindon: You do this, and you’ll end up feeling like I did the day I lost my wife.
Lindon: Nothing but sorrow for you lies down that road.
Alear: Right now matters more to me.
Alear: You’re alive now. I draw inspiration and strength from you now.
Alear: Besides, even if I choose someone younger, I’m a dragon. I’d outlive any of them anyway.
Lindon: Hm…
Alear: Do you really think I’m a fool to ask this of you?
Lindon: …
Lindon: No, you aren’t. If one of us is being foolish here, it’s me.
Lindon: You came to me in need, and I brushed you off without a second thought.
Lindon: Give me the ring, and I’ll give you whatever I’ve got left.
Alear: I appreciate that. Really and truly.
Lindon: Ah, listen to me! I sound so ungrateful.
Lindon: Thank you for this gift, .
Lindon: I’ll make sure that it’s worth your while. Now, shall we go save the world?