C Support:
Alear: Louis? What are you doing there?
Louis: Oh, hello, Divine One. I wasn’t doing anything of note, really.
Louis: Merely observing those two over there chatting with one another.
Alear: Um, OK. And you’re doing that…why?
Louis: That is the question, is it not?
Louis: There are all sorts of philosophical implications to the simple act of asking, “Why?”
Louis: To which I suppose I would respond… for edification.
Alear: So you watch people chat in order to learn things?
Louis: Precisely. There is deep meaning in these seemingly simple encounters.
Louis: Through observation, many delightful and subtle details reveal themselves.
Louis: When one treats them as one would treat a gallery piece, can there possibly be any harm?
Alear: There, uh… I think maybe there can.
Alear: What’s right or wrong goes beyond rules and laws. There’s courtesy and decency.
Alear: If you knew they didn’t like being watched, you’d stop, right?
Louis: But of course, Divine One.
Louis: I would never elevate my appreciation above their own comfort.
Alear: Just so we’re clear. Well then, I guess…I’ll leave you to it…
Louis: Very good, Divine One. I trust that I have eased any concerns you had.
B Support:
Louis: …
Alear: Hi, Louis.
Louis: Ah! Greetings, Divine One.
Alear: Are you doing your people-watching thing again? I can leave if I’m interrupting.
Louis: Oh, you weren’t interrupting anything. I was thinking about my family.
Louis: I left three younger brothers behind back in my hometown.
Alear: So you’re the oldest?
Louis: Yes, I am the oldest of us four.
Alear: Wow. It must have been tough being the big brother.
Louis: I suppose so, from a certain point of view.
Louis: Our mother passed away before her time, so it was up to me to raise them.
Louis: But I love them nonetheless. We all muddled through together somehow.
Alear: Maybe taking care of them is how you got to be such a good retainer.
Louis: You know, you may be right. It takes quite a bit to ruffle me, as it were.
Louis: And now that I consider it…growing up in that way may have given rise to my little hobby.
Alear: How so?
Louis: Spending one’s youth in an all-male household gives one a rather narrow view of the world.
Alear: I… I guess.
Alear: Do your kid brothers do it too?
Louis: They do not.
Alear: That kind of pokes a hole in your theory, then. I think it might just be you, Louis.
Louis: Haha, the mystery deepens.
A Support:
Louis: Thank you for your help, Divine One.
Louis: I always have such trouble deciding on gifts to buy for my brothers.
Alear: It was nothing. I’m sure they’d be thrilled to get any gift from their big brother.
Alear: How’s the letter going, by the way? You said you were going to send one with the gifts?
Louis: That was my original intent, but I think I’ve reconsidered.
Alear: Why’s that?
Louis: Well, the purpose of the letter and gifts was that I wasn’t sure when next I shall be home.
Louis: But when it came time to put pen to paper, I found myself merely staring at the blank page.
Alear: I wouldn’t worry about the best way to say it. Just write whatever you feel.
Louis: Something from the heart…
Louis: “How are you? I am doing well.” Ugh, those are the beginnings of a rather childish letter.
Alear: No, it’s like the gift. They’ll be happy to hear from you no matter what you say.
Alear: The important thing is to make it clear. Take any chance you get to tell them how you feel.
Louis: Wise words…
Louis: You are correct, of course. Thank you. I shall include a letter after all.
Louis: And so long as I’m writing to them, I shall tell them all about you.
Alear: Me?
Louis: My brothers should know how wonderful you are.
Louis: You won’t object to me introducing a precious friend to my family, will you?
Alear: Aw, Louis. You’re embarrassing me. But yeah, that’d be nice.
S Support:
Alear: Sorry to keep you waiting. What was it you wanted to talk about?
Louis: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Divine One.
Louis: …
Alear: Um…Louis?
Louis: Would you care for some tea?
Alear: I’m fine, thanks. So you wanted to discuss something?
Louis: …
Alear: You’re fidgeting a lot today. What’s going on?
Louis: My apologies. I had hoped my anxieties would be less obvious for all the world to see.
Louis: I brought you here to ask a straightforward question.
Louis: Yet my hands are shaking, my face is flushed with sweat, and my feet feel leaden.
Alear: If something is bothering you, just ask, and I’ll help in whatever way I can.
Louis: It’s my brothers, you see. They strongly wish to meet you once the war ends.
Alear: Is that all? Of course.
Louis: That’s not all. It’s the reason they wish to meet you that has me so flustered. How to put this…
Louis: It would seem my brothers have discovered just what you mean to me, Divine One.
Alear: What?
Louis: The letter I sent them contained some…effusive praise for you.
Louis: In their reply, they said that they absolutely must meet this person I spoke of so gushingly.
Louis: They even included our mother’s heirloom ring that I might present it to you.
Alear: …
Alear: So that’s it.
Louis: I apologize for putting you in this predicament.
Alear: What a beautiful ring. And you’re giving it to me?
Louis: Pardon?
Louis: Yes. It would make me happy for you to have it.
Alear: Thank you, Louis.
Alear: You’ve had so much practice caring for your family that I’d feel lucky for you to care for me.
Alear: That’s why I have a matching gift for you, if you’ll take it. It’s the Pact Ring.
Louis: You’re too kind, .
Louis: When this war is over, we must visit my home and sample the grapes it’s famous for.
Alear: I’d like that. And I’d like to meet your family as well, of course.
Louis: It feels odd to step out of serving you and grow so close. But it’s a step I’m happy I took.