C Support:
Merrin: Divine One, I have something to discuss with you, if it’s not too much trouble.
Alear: Oh? No, it’s no trouble at all.
Alear: But first, you can loosen up a little. I don’t bite, I promise.
Merrin: Aha, of course! Forgive me.
Merrin: I’ve been working up the courage to ask you about this.
Merrin: See, I love rare critters, and I especially love dragons.
Alear: So, you think of me as a…rare critter?
Merrin: Well, you’re rare at least. You’re the world’s only Divine Dragon.
Merrin: So I was hoping you’d help me understand your species a little better.
Alear: Um… Wow.
Merrin: What’s wrong?
Alear: Nothing, nothing. Please, go ahead.
Merrin: All right, I’ll cut to the chase, then. Tell me, what is a typical day like for you?
Alear: Let’s see… Someone wakes me up in the morning. I eat breakfast. I train until noon.
Alear: I live like a normal person, to be honest. Is that helpful?
Merrin: Very! Basic activity is much like that of an average human…
Alear: Wait… Are you writing all this down?
Merrin: Of course. This is excellent material for the book I’m working on about you.
Alear: Book?! You don’t think that’s a little much?
Merrin: What do you mean? Future generations deserve to know all about the Divine Dragon.
Alear: I, uh… I guess so.
B Support:
Merrin: Hmm…
Alear: …
Alear: Merrin… It’s difficult to train with you staring at me like that.
Merrin: Don’t mind me. I’m not even here.
Merrin: I’m simply observing your behaviors to gather material for my book.
Alear: And how long do you plan to do that, exactly?
Merrin: As long as it takes.
Merrin: Don’t you worry. I’m not going to stop until I’ve captured every last detail!
Alear: Oh, please, cut it out!
Merrin: What? I was just…
Alear: You were just nothing! I’m not one of your critters, OK?
Alear: Yes, I am a dragon. I live longer than humans and have certain unique abilities.
Alear: But I also have feelings. I don’t appreciate being gawked at like an animal.
Merrin: Divine One, I’m so sorry!
Merrin: It’s just that…to me, you are more than human.
Merrin: You’re a truly divine being. I wanted to make sure future generations understood that.
Merrin: In hopes that they would protect you, the one and only Divine Dragon.
Merrin: But I never meant for you to feel like some kind of research specimen.
Alear: I know you didn’t. It’s all right.
Merrin: No, it’s not! Because that’s exactly how I made you feel, isn’t it?
Merrin: Forget about the book. I’ll stop writing it. I’m sorry, Divine One.
Alear: Merrin, please! It’s really OK!
A Support:
Alear: Merrin, listen. I’m sorry for blowing up at you the other day.
Merrin: “Blowing up” is a bit strong…
Alear: I didn’t understand that you were observing me so closely because you genuinely care.
Merrin: No… I was in the wrong, not you.
Merrin: I was completely oblivious to how my actions made you feel.
Alear: You know…now that we understand each other better, I’d be happy to help you.
Alear: There aren’t many books about Divine Dragons, and nobody’s asked me about my life before.
Alear: You want to fill that gap─help people learn about me. I can see the value in that.
Alear: What I’m trying to say is…please, observe to your heart’s content.
Merrin: Really?! You mean it?!
Alear: I mean it.
Merrin: Thank you, Divine One! I really appreciate that.
Merrin: When I’m observing you, I forget about all the stress and worry. Everything bad slips away.
Merrin: I just feel…joyful! And I want to share that joy with others, you know?
Alear: Haha! You’re truly one of a kind, Merrin. Maybe I should write a book about you.
Merrin: You flatter me, Divine One.
Alear: I do have a request. Stop thinking of me as “more than human,” all right?
Alear: I may be the only Divine Dragon, but hey. You’re one of a kind too.
Merrin: Hehe, you make a good point! I guess we’re both rare critters, aren’t we?
Alear: Exactly.
Alear: Oh, and also? I want to be the first to read this book of yours.
Merrin: Of course! I can’t think of anyone better to fact-check it.
S Support:
Merrin: Divine One! I’ve finished a draft of my book! Would you mind giving it a read?
Alear: I’d be happy to. Let me take a look…
Alear: “The Divine Dragon awoke in a floating castle after 1,000 years of slumber…
Alear: “Humble and kind, the Divine Dragon fought with a courageous heart to protect the people.”
Alear: I think I’m starting to blush…
Merrin: It is the truth.
Alear: “The Divine Dragon can live thousands of years and possesses powers that humans do not.
Alear: “However, this dragon’s habitat and behaviors are no different than those of a typical human.
Alear: “And let it be noted, the Divine Dragon is the most precious being in the world to the author.”
Alear: Merrin, this is…
Merrin: I’m sorry. I had to write it. Don’t worry, I’ll cut it from the final copy. It’s just…
Merrin: Divine One, I need you to know how important you are to me.
Merrin: And I want people to always remember there was a human who cared very deeply for you.
Alear: …
Alear: I want you to leave it in.
Merrin: I don’t…
Alear: And please add this: “The author of the book was equally as precious to the Divine Dragon.
Alear: “So much so, the Divine Dragon gave Merrin the Pact Ring and vowed to be with her always.”
Merrin: D-Divine One! You cannot give me something so precious!
Alear: If you care so very deeply for me, you have to accept it.
Alear: Your book must tell the truth─that the Divine Dragon adored a human named Merrin.
Merrin: If that’s how you feel. Thank you, Divine One.
Alear: When this incredible book is done, I hope people will see that I’m not so different from them.
Merrin: Yes, there’s just one problem. I can’t finish it yet.
Alear: Why not?
Merrin: I have to write about our life together─about how a human and dragon cared for one another.
Alear: You make a good point, Merrin. And I can’t wait to write that part of the story with you.
Merrin: Yes!
Merrin: I adore you, Divine One. The stories we write together will be told for thousands of years.