C Support:
Timerra: Grilled and ready to go! This meat is so yummy it’s gonna make your taste buds dance.
Alear: Wow. That seems like a lot of meat for the two of us.
Timerra: Oh, no. This one’s for me. I was gonna do yours next.
Alear: What?! How do you eat that much?!
Timerra: Oh, you know. Open my mouth, bite, chew. I won’t bore you with all the details.
Alear: Wow. You’re really something, Timerra.
Timerra: …
Alear: Please, keep your voice down!
Alear: I’ve heard that this area isn’t very safe.
Timerra: You can say that again. It’s absolutely crawling with bandits.
Timerra: That’s why I’m out here like a nice, tempting hunk of lamb on a spit.
Alear: Wait a minute… That was your plan?! To use yourself as bait?!
Timerra: It worked, didn’t it? Look. Those bruisers have had their eye on us since we got here.
Alear: It looks like… It looks like they’re getting ready for an ambush!
Timerra: Not if we pounce on ’em first! Come on─this oughta be a piece of cake for you and me!
Alear: Ugh, all right. But you know, a little heads-up would have been nice!
B Support:
Timerra: Thanks, Divine One. You really saved my bacon.
Alear: I was happy to help.
Alear: I will say, I wasn’t expecting our picnic to turn into a two-person raid on the bandits’ hideout.
Timerra: Really? That’s how most of my picnics go, to be honest.
Alear: When you invited me, you said we’d be eating meat together.
Timerra: And I was telling the truth! You got a nice big helping, right?
Alear: Yes, I was stuffed. I only wish you had said something like…
Alear: “I’ve found the bandits’ camp, so let’s barge in, take them out, and then grill up some meat.”
Alear: That would have been more, you know, accurate.
Timerra: Hahaha! So wordy, though. My way was much more concise.
Alear: That’s one way to look at it.
Alear: Still, you never cease to amaze. You take it upon yourself to help root out bandits…
Timerra: What, is that not normal?
Timerra: I’m just protecting my people. I thought that’s what royalty was supposed to do.
Alear: You say something completely radical like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Timerra: Hahaha! That’s my charm!
A Support:
Timerra: Hey, Divine One, it’s meat o’clock! You in?
Alear: That depends. Will there be a surprise bandit- hunting trip this time?
Timerra: Hehe! No, I promise it’s just you, me, and some fresh-grilled hunks of meat.
Timerra: I got a nice haul from the latest hunting trip, and I wanna share the spoils!
Alear: All right. In that case, I’d be happy to partake.
Alear: Woof… I’m so full I can hardly move…
Alear: I must say, that was delicious. Good job at the grill.
Timerra: Uh-oh.
Alear: What is it?
Timerra: OK, before you get mad…I really did intend for this to be a plain old picnic.
Timerra: But there are some thugs surrounding us, and it looks like they have other ideas.
Alear: What?! I thought we cleared them out!
Timerra: I thought so too. There must have been a hideout I missed in my investigation.
Alear: Ah… There are a lot of them…
Timerra: I’ll create a breach, and you run through to safety.
Alear: Hm, good plan. But here’s another to consider.
Alear: Let’s take them all out and eliminate the bandit threat once and for all.
Alear: If we do that, everyone in this entire region will feel much more safe.
Timerra: Hehe! Hate to admit it, but I like that better.
Alear: I guess you’re rubbing off on me.
Timerra: Come on! Let’s make sure these jerks never ruin a picnic again!
Alear: Right behind you!
S Support:
Timerra: Divine One, you know the people of Solm value freedom above everything else, right?
Alear: I do.
Timerra: That goes for me too. I love doing whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do it! It’s just…
Timerra: Do you ever feel chained down by your closest friendships?
Alear: What do you mean?
Timerra: When we connect with people─you know, really bond with them─those bonds make us stronger.
Timerra: I mean, our closest allies help us do things we could never do all by ourselves.
Timerra: That’s powerful stuff. But those bonds─those friendships─can feel like obligations too.
Alear: I see what you mean, and you’re not wrong.
Alear: Sometimes, when you care about someone, you have to put their desires before your own.
Alear: That happens in close relationships.
Timerra: So, you have to give up close relationships to really be free? Is that what you think?
Alear: I think you should take this.
Timerra: Is that…the Pact Ring?
Alear: Yes, and I want you to have it, Timerra.
Timerra: Me?! But why?
Alear: Because this will bring us closer together but never take your freedom from you.
Alear: I care about you, Timerra, and I don’t want you to lose the thing you hold most dear.
Timerra: Do you really think you and I can have this kind of a bond and also have our freedom?
Alear: Yes. I really do.
Timerra: That’s so…beautiful. I suppose I have my answer, then.
Timerra: I─ I’ll accept the ring.
Alear: I promise you, though our hearts will remain connected, you will be free.
Timerra: I like the sound of that very much, .
Timerra: This will be our bond forever… No matter where we are or where we go, we are always together.