C Support:
Veyle: Hmm…
Alear: Veyle…why are you looking at me like that?
Veyle: I just… Are you really OK?
Alear: I really am. I mean, it was strange…taking Corrupted form and waking up from that…
Alear: But I’m fine now. And it’s all thanks to you, Veyle.
Veyle: I’m relieved.
Veyle: I… I also wanted to apologize for everything I’ve done. Everything I did in the past.
Veyle: So many people died. And it’s because of me. I was too weak. It’s my fault they’re dead.
Veyle: I know I can’t be forgiven, not completely. But if you could, even just a little… I’m so sorry.
Alear: Oh, Veyle. It wasn’t your fault. The Fell Dragon was controlling you. He’s to blame─not you.
Alear: You say you’re weak, but it was your strength that freed you from him. That’s impressive.
Veyle: Thank you.
Veyle: I’ll get stronger too. Like I said before, I want to be a dragon like you─ready to save the world.
Veyle: And I’ll do everything in my power to make that happen. I just hope…you’ll help me?
Alear: Absolutely. That’s what a big brother is for.
Alear: Absolutely. That’s what a big sister is for.
Alear: I’ll do anything I can to help you. It’s the least I can do to make up for not being around.
Alear: Don’t worry. I’m right beside you, little sister. We can do this together.
Veyle: Yes, we can.
B Support:
Veyle: Do you remember when you gave me the dragonstone?
Alear: I wish I could say I did… But everything from before I woke up is hazy.
Veyle: Well, you and I met just one time, a thousand years ago.
Veyle: Well, you and I met just one time, a thousand years ago.
Alear: We only met once?
Veyle: Mm-hmm.
Veyle: All of our siblings had died in the war.
Veyle: You were the only one to survive, and you came to see me.
Veyle: You were the only one to survive, and you came to see me.
Veyle: I was very young then─frail and frightened─ and you handed me the dragonstone.
Veyle: You told me that you couldn’t stay by my side but that you were still with me no matter what.
Alear: Oh, so I said that to you…all that time ago…
Veyle: You did. The dragonstone is shattered, but it was my protective talisman for a very long time.
Veyle: I held it close when Mama died and when Papa returned and said horrible things to me.
Veyle: I knew that as long as I had the dragonstone, I could be strong…and hold on until I saw you.
Alear: Veyle, I…
Veyle: Even if you can’t remember what you did, I am still so grateful.
Veyle: If you hadn’t given me the dragonstone, we never would have found each other again.
Alear: I’m grateful too. To think you held me in your heart all those years…
Alear: Without you, Veyle, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.
Veyle: Now that we’re reunited, we’ll be together forever, right?
Alear: That’s right. Nothing can separate us ever again.
A Support:
Veyle: Hehe, I had so much fun today!
Veyle: So this is what it feels like to have family.
Alear: Veyle, there’s…something I’d like to ask you.
Alear: How do you feel about our father? About Sombron?
Veyle: Oh…
Alear: Soon we’ll have to face him. Not as his children, but as his enemies. So…I had to ask.
Veyle: Yes…
Veyle: Papa hurt so many people in the past. And now he’s doing it again. He is…evil.
Veyle: He’s never shown me kindness. I’m not sure he thinks of me at all.
Veyle: Still…
Veyle: He is family, just like you. So I can’t hate him entirely.
Veyle: He is family, just like you. So I can’t hate him entirely.
Alear: I understand.
Veyle: Sometimes I just wish I could be part of a happy family. But I know that’s a silly dream.
Veyle: At the very least, I hope I can stop Papa before he hurts anyone else.
Veyle: No, I will stop him.
Veyle: So, that is how I feel about our father.
Alear: Thank you for telling me, Veyle. I feel the same.
Alear: The time for reconciliation is long past. I will use all of my power to stop Sombron.
Alear: But I won’t be able to do it without you.
Veyle: Don’t worry. You and me and the rest of our friends…we’ll stop him together.
Veyle: Don’t worry. You and me and the rest of our friends…we’ll stop him together.
Alear: OK. Let’s do this, Veyle. Then, when it’s all over, our future can truly begin.
Veyle: Yes. For our future.
S Support:
Veyle: There you are! I have something I want to give you.
Veyle: There you are! I have something I want to give you.
Alear: Oh?
Veyle: It’s for you! I hope you love it.
Alear: What a beautiful stone! It’s so clear and blue. You went looking for it, just for me?
Veyle: I did. I wanted to give you something in return for the dragonstone you gave me so long ago.
Veyle: I’ve poured all of my energy into it so, if we get separated again, we can find each other.
Alear: We really are siblings, it seems.
Veyle: What do you mean?
Alear: Veyle, I also have something I’d like to give you.
Veyle: This is…the Pact Ring!
Alear: Yes. It’s for you, Veyle. You’re my dear sister and the person most precious to me.
Veyle: But…
Alear: I can’t imagine giving this ring to anyone else.
Veyle: I can’t accept this. This is very special to you, Divine One.
Veyle: I’m the one who took Lumera’s life! I don’t deserve it.
Alear: That’s not true. You do deserve it, and I want you to have it.
Alear: Besides, I know Mother would want this. She would want both of us to be happy.
Alear: No matter what.
Veyle: …
Veyle: I understand. I will take it, then.
Veyle: You gave me the dragonstone and I made it my talisman. This ring─it will be my new one.
Alear: That makes me happy.
Alear: I know how much the dragonstone meant to you. I hoped this could replace it.
Alear: No, not so much replace it…more like symbolize something new─our bond as siblings.
Alear: Of course, I had no idea you’d go and give me a pretty stone before I could give you this ring!
Veyle: I’m glad I did. I like that we think so similarly.
Alear: You gave me the stone so that we’d always be able to find each other…
Alear: But I’m not going anywhere, Veyle. You and I are family, and we’re sticking together.
Veyle: The ring and the stone…they can remind us that we never have to be apart again.
Veyle: OK, let’s win this war and bring peace to the world…for Lumera. She would like that.
Alear: Yes, she would. And we can do it together.
Veyle: I swear on this ring… I’ll stand by your side and be a dragon who’s ready to save the world.