C Support:
Alear: Impressive work out there today, Yunaka.
Yunaka: Whoa, what? I got praise from the Divine One?! Zappy! I’m thrilled! Beyond thrilled!
Alear: I’m serious. Skills like yours are in high demand. You must have been a mercenary or something.
Yunaka: Right, um…mercenary! Yeah! You could tell? I mean…
Yunaka: Obviously I’ve merc’d a time or two. No big deal.
Alear: I thought so. With strength like yours, you must be pretty well-known too.
Yunaka: Uh, sure?! I mean, yup! People, ah… People know me.
Alear: I’ll bet some of our allies are well acquainted with your reputation already.
Alear: I’ll have to ask around. There must be stories.
Yunaka: Aah! No! I mean… Could I ask you to maybe… not do that?
Alear: What? Why?
Yunaka: Because I lied. Again.
Yunaka: I’ve never been a mercenary. You said it, and it sounded nice, so I went with it… I’m sorry.
Alear: I’m confused.
Yunaka: You asked me about my past. I panicked. And just like always, I hid behind a lie.
Yunaka: I’m truly sorry, Divine One. I should not have deceived you.
Yunaka: You were only trying to praise me, and I just had to go and ruin it.
Yunaka: I’ll take my leave.
Alear: Yunaka…
B Support:
Yunaka: What can this humble liar do for you, Divine One?
Alear: I’d like to have a talk, that’s all.
Yunaka: I understand. And I’m prepared to accept whatever punishment you have in mind.
Alear: Punishment? No. I wanted you to know how grateful I’ve been to have you by my side.
Yunaka: Wait, what?
Alear: That’s how I feel.
Alear: You fight hard every day to protect our allies. There’s absolutely no reason to punish you.
Alear: In hindsight, I think the only reason you lied is that we don’t know each other very well yet.
Alear: So, let’s change that. Why don’t you start by telling me something about yourself, Yunaka?
Yunaka: Heh… Way to put me on the spot.
Alear: If you don’t want to, then I won’t pry. Simple as that.
Yunaka: OK…
Yunaka: Before I joined up with you, I was sort of just… wandering. Looking for my place in the world.
Yunaka: I’d left my old self behind me. Wanted to think I had, at least.
Alear: You don’t sound very fond of your old self.
Yunaka: Oh, I like her well enough. Others, though, not so much. That’s why she had to go.
Yunaka: But I like who I am now, and honestly, I’ve been having so much fun since we met!
Alear: Haha, I’m glad to hear that.
Alear: Good talk, Yunaka. I think we should do it again sometime. What do you say?
Yunaka: You got yourself a deal.
A Support:
Alear: What would you like to talk about today, Yunaka?
Yunaka: This isn’t easy for me, but I want you to know why I’ve had a hard time telling the truth.
Yunaka: So I’m just going to lay it all out there, OK? The truth is, I…
Yunaka: The truth is, I… I used to be…
Alear: It’s all right. You don’t have to tell me.
Yunaka: But I…
Alear: I can see how hard this is for you. It’s obvious just looking at your face.
Alear: I told you before that I won’t pry. It really is as simple as that.
Yunaka: You’re really OK with me keeping a secret from you like this?
Alear: Of course. I have secrets too, you know. There’s no need to make yourself uncomfortable.
Alear: I only want to hear what you are ready to tell me.
Yunaka: Thank you. Sincerely.
Yunaka: What I’m ready to say is that I’m truly grateful to have a friend like you in my life.
Yunaka: I feel like I’ve finally found that place in the world I was looking for, you know?
Yunaka: That’s entirely thanks to you, and I won’t forget it. I’m glad to fight for you and all our friends.
Alear: I really appreciate that, Yunaka.
Yunaka: I’ll tell you all I can about my past, but I think the present is what matters. Us, here and now.
Yunaka: We’re just getting to know each other. There’s so much more to say! It’s like an adventure.
Alear: An adventure. I like that. I look forward to continuing this journey with you, Yunaka.
S Support:
Yunaka: OK, Divine One. It’s time for me to come clean.
Yunaka: I know you said you wouldn’t pry, and you only want to hear what I’m ready to say.
Yunaka: But I’m as ready as I’m ever gonna get, and you have a right to know.
Alear: If you’re sure this is what you want, I’m here to listen.
Yunaka: OK… Here goes.
Yunaka: My name used to be Larimar. I changed it to get away from my old life…as an assassin.
Alear: Go on.
Yunaka: I was never too attached to Larimar…or to her parents, who left her when she was young.
Yunaka: She is my past, though. In that sense, she’ll always be a part of me.
Yunaka: Which means, even though I’ve moved on, you can’t know the real me without her.
Alear: It was brave of you to tell me all that.
Alear: I do want to know the real you. The value of this conversation is not lost on me.
Yunaka: I appreciate that. Thank you, Divine One.
Alear: Of course.
Alear: Since you trusted me with your secret, Yunaka, I guess I’d better tell you mine.
Yunaka: I didn’t even know you had one.
Alear: When you told me how glad you were to fight alongside me, I wanted to jump for joy.
Yunaka: Why?
Alear: Because somewhere along the way, I stopped being able to imagine my life without you in it.
Alear: There’s no one more important to me than you. I want you by my side, always.
Alear: So I guess that’s my secret.
Yunaka: Divine One…
Alear: If you’ll accept it, I’d like you to have the Pact Ring.
Yunaka: But that ring is precious to you…
Alear: You’re precious to me, which is why I want you to have it.
Alear: Whether we’re talking about your past self, your current self, whatever─I cherish all of you.
Yunaka: You’re amazing!
Yunaka: I want to know everything about you. I want to accept all of you like you’ve accepted me.
Yunaka: No more lies, no more secrets. I want to be with you the rest of my life. That’s how I truly feel.
Alear: I feel the same way. Let’s be true to each other, from now on, as partners.
Yunaka: Happily, .
Yunaka: A new chapter starts today. I cannot wait to see what our future holds.