C Support:
Alear: What’s that you’re doing, Zelkov?
Zelkov: Hello, Divine One. I am melting wax, with which I will produce candles.
Alear: Oh, wow! Is candle-making a hobby of yours?
Zelkov: You could call it that. I prefer to think of it as a pursuit through which to kill time.
Alear: Kill time?
Zelkov: Some say you kill time until time kills you. That is my philosophy.
Alear: I had no idea you were such a profound thinker, Zelkov.
Zelkov: Heh. Not at all.
Zelkov: I may speak in a way that suggests a deeper meaning, but rarely is that actually the case.
Zelkov: It is simply another way of “killing time.” Idle amusement, nothing more.
Alear: Wow…
Zelkov: What is it? Your eyes are possessed of a most curious twinkle.
Alear: I guess I just find your outlook fascinating. It’s a whole new perspective to me.
Alear: Somehow it feels like you know a lot of things that I don’t.
Zelkov: Heh. You are interesting. Perhaps, next time we chat, I will show you an interesting place.
Alear: Now I’m curious.
Zelkov: I will keep the nature of it a surprise for the time being.
Alear: All right. I look forward to it!
B Support:
Zelkov: Welcome. This is the interesting place that I mentioned to you before. My secret sanctum.
Alear: Whoa! I’ve never seen so many shelves full of…stuff!
Zelkov: Yes. I collect odds and ends for my pursuits here in this place.
Zelkov: Instructions for a culinary technique of my own devising. A map for a hike only I know.
Zelkov: There is a manual of training techniques I wrote, next to a rock that I polished to a sparkle.
Zelkov: And here are some balls of lint I’ve gathered for reasons even I don’t quite understand.
Zelkov: That should suffice for a summary. A detailed accounting would take hours.
Zelkov: Just know every object here has helped me kill time. Feel free to handle whatever you like.
Alear: Thank you! What a treasure trove…
Zelkov: Once my work is done each day, I fill my evenings with these varied pursuits.
Zelkov: As I enjoy them, I am always mindful to leave something unfinished for the next day.
Zelkov: That ensures I always have a project. A reason to continue living.
Alear: Wow… So philosophical…
Zelkov: You… You truly think so?
Zelkov: Well… Thank you for enduring this frivolity. I hope I did not bore you.
Alear: What a thing to say! I’m not even done exploring in here yet!
Zelkov: Heh-heh. You honor me. Take as much time as you like.
A Support:
Zelkov: Today’s work is complete. Now I am free to kill time until sleep arrives.
Alear: Ah, Zelkov! I’ve been waiting for you!
Zelkov: Divine One?
Alear: I finished my tasks early today, so I came here. I hope you don’t mind!
Zelkov: I don’t mind, but…the way you are speaking… Do you mean to suggest…a deeper meaning?
Alear: Perhaps I do. Perhaps some of your influence has rubbed off on me, Zelkov.
Zelkov: You should not want to walk the path I walk. People will look at you strangely.
Alear: Let them. I don’t care what they think.
Alear: I’m just amusing myself and killing time by speaking in a profound way.
Zelkov: Oh, no no no! Please, Divine One, do not allow yourself to be influenced by someone like me.
Alear: Why not?
Zelkov: We lead very different lives, Divine One. You have an important purpose to fulfill.
Zelkov: I am a terrible influence. Please, you must follow a path more fitting to your station.
Alear: I don’t think I will. Not in this room, anyway.
Zelkov: What do you mean?
Alear: It’s true that there are differences between you and me, Zelkov.
Alear: But here, in this room, what do those differences matter?
Alear: All we’re doing is killing time.
Zelkov: I deeply regret filling your head with rubbish.
Alear: Please, don’t apologize. Go on, tell me more about your collection.
Zelkov: Very well, what should I talk about next? Ah, this here is perfect.
Zelkov: A list of the most mysterious words to emphasize to suggest a deeper meaning.
Alear: Ooo! That sounds interesting!
S Support:
Zelkov: I have been waiting for you, Divine One. Please, take a seat.
Alear: What do you have for me today, Zelkov?
Zelkov: I thought I might tell you a story.
Alear: About what?
Zelkov: How I came to be as I am. Why I require these pursuits in order to have a reason to live.
Zelkov: I am afraid it is a rather dark tale. But it is the only way for you to understand.
Zelkov: When I was young, my family was attacked and murdered by bandits.
Alear: That’s horrible.
Zelkov: I swore revenge. It was my first pursuit─and it led me to take up the life of an assassin.
Zelkov: A decade ago, my efforts bore their last fruit. All my family’s killers were vanquished.
Zelkov: Once I had achieved my end, I suddenly became aware that I had nothing left. No purpose.
Zelkov: It was King Hyacinth who rescued me, quite by chance. I was selected to join the royal guard.
Zelkov: Then I was promoted to retainer, and that purpose has sustained me in large part since.
Zelkov: Thus I stand before you today.
Alear: I appreciate you telling me this, but I’m still not sure I understand why you felt the need.
Zelkov: I would like you to join me in my continued pursuit of purpose, Divine One.
Alear: You what?
Zelkov: Forgive my foolishness. I should have known you would never want such a thing.
Alear: The complete opposite, as a matter of fact. There’s nothing I want more.
Alear: I’ve actually been planning to give this to you for a while. Now seems like the right time.
Zelkov: The Pact Ring…
Alear: Whether it’s to find a greater purpose or just to kill time, I want to be there to support you.
Zelkov: You are actually serious, aren’t you?
Alear: Of course I am. Would I joke about something so important?
Zelkov: You would not. Therefore I accept, and gladly.
Zelkov: In return, , please accept a gift from me.
Alear: A necklace? It’s lovely.
Zelkov: Each component was selected to represent a facet of my respect and affection for you.
Alear: This is amazing, Zelkov. Thank you.
Alear: You know, I just noticed…
Zelkov: What is it?
Alear: The way you’re speaking has changed somehow. I can’t put my finger on it.
Zelkov: Heh-heh. You’re right. I’ve felt no need to sound as if my words have a deeper meaning.
Zelkov: I suppose that’s because this conversation is already meaningful to me.
Alear: Haha, I’m flattered.
Alear: Now, if you don’t mind, I’d love to hear about how you chose the materials for this necklace.
Zelkov: Of course. I will tell you the whole process, from start to finish.
Zelkov: And I will share how each choice along the way was governed by my sentiments.