C Support:
Alfred: Amber, got a sec?
Amber: Sure, Prince Alfred. What’s up?
Alfred: People tell me you know a lot.
Alfred: Especially when it comes to rumors and myth.
Amber: Oh, totally! All legends are true if you choose to believe them…and I believe a LOT of ’em.
Alfred: Well, there’s something I always wondered that maybe you could help me with.
Alfred: Have you ever heard a legend about a kind of medicine that makes you ultra-muscular?
Amber: Muscular?
Alfred: No, ULTRA-muscular.
Amber: Huh… No, I don’t think I’ve heard that legend.
Alfred: Damn. I thought if anybody might know more, it’d be you.
Amber: Well, now that I’ve heard about it from you, I can’t just ignore it. I have to know!
Amber: I’ll uncover the legend of that muscle-boosting medicine no matter what!
Alfred: Really? You’re a peach, Amber!
Amber: Aw, no sweat. I live for this lore-y, legend-y stuff.
Amber: I’ll start poking around right now!
Amber: Hey, muscles! Yeah, you with the big arms! How’d you get so huge?
Alfred: Now we’re getting somewhere. If there’s anyone you can trust to get it done, it’s Amber!
B Support:
Amber: Even the sharpest lance will bend and warp. A thousand arrows will bounce right off.
Amber: Just one of these pills will turn your muscles to pure steel and your body into a fortress.
Amber: That’s the power of the legendary muscle- boosting medicine…Suprotein!
Alfred: Suprotein?
Amber: Yep.
Alfred: Not doubting you here, but…that name makes this whole thing seem unbelievable.
Amber: Oh-ho! But that’s exactly how legends work.
Amber: Bizarre names. Vague clues. Following your gut instincts into the unknown…
Amber: This is how legends transform into epic quests!
Amber: What’s it gonna be, Prince Alfred?
Amber: Are you ready to follow your dreams and embark on the adventure of a lifetime?
Amber: This quest is worth undertaking as long as you believe it is! Do you believe, Prince Alfred?
Alfred: You’re darn right I believe! You’ve worked too hard tracking this down for me to doubt you.
Alfred: All right then, where do we find this Suprotein?
Amber: OK, I have everything we need to get started.
Amber: Let’s see… From here, it’ll take about a year to reach the medicine’s location.
Alfred: Why so long?
Amber: It comes in a pill that can only be found on this one mountaintop that pokes above the clouds.
Alfred: This doesn’t sound like an easy trip. I don’t think now is the time for me to be ducking out.
Alfred: I hate to say it, but I might have to put this muscle quest on hold for now.
Amber: Oh. I guess you’re right. Man, I really hyped this one up without thinking, huh? Sorry.
Alfred: What are you talking about? You just gave me the best gift of all!
Amber: I did?
Alfred: Something to work toward─a dream.
Amber: Whoa! Yes, Prince Alfred! I love that!
Alfred: Haha, glad you’re back on board.
A Support:
Amber: Morning, Prince Alfred!
Alfred: Morning, Amber!
Amber: You’re up pretty early again.
Alfred: It’s never too early for a workout.
Amber: You’re amazing, Prince Alfred. You never miss a day of training, do you?
Amber: I don’t know how you do it.
Alfred: It’s simple─workouts are fun.
Alfred: It’s like you and your myth-chasing. Even when that gets tough, you never give up, right?
Amber: Huh. Yeah, that’s true.
Alfred: Besides, I can’t afford not to stay in shape.
Amber: Oh, sure! Because we’re in the middle of a war.
Alfred: True! But I’m looking ahead to after the war too.
Amber: What do you mean?
Alfred: What? Did you forget the dream already?
Amber: Huh?
Alfred: At the peak of some far-off mountain is every weight lifter’s dream.
Alfred: If I’m gonna build the strength to get there, I’ve gotta start training now.
Amber: Wait, you mean the Suprotein legend? I thought you gave up on that!
Alfred: Nah, I put it on hold. Big difference. I might still go after it once the war’s done.
Alfred: It’s a reason to keep going. Can’t fall before I get my hands on the prize, right?
Amber: But…Prince Alfred…
Amber: You’d do all this prep when there isn’t a single shred of evidence that Suprotein is real?
Alfred: It doesn’t matter. A dream’s not about facts. It’s about believing.
Amber: Yes! Totally! That’s exactly how I feel!
Amber: Chasing legends is the best!
Alfred: Haha, I’m just having fun in life. That’s all.
Amber: Me too! I want to have that exact kind of fun! Can I train with you?
Amber: I also believe in Suprotein…so let me chase that legend too!
Alfred: Sure! I’d love to have you aboard.
Alfred: We may be from different kingdoms, but we can still share the same dream.
Amber: Prince Alfred, if you get any cooler, my head’s gonna explode!