C Support:
Bunet: Prince Alfred. Might I ask you for a quick lick?
Alfred: Run that by me again, Bunet…
Bunet: Forgive me, sir. I can explain more clearly.
Bunet: Those flowers you’re wearing. I should quite like to acquaint one of them with my taste buds.
Alfred: You wanna taste a flower?
Bunet: Hm, I seem to have crossed a line. Please disregard my request.
Alfred: Hahaha! You’re a riot, Bunet!
Alfred: It’s no big deal. I’ll see if I can get you a flower like these.
Alfred: You can taste it to your heart’s content.
Bunet: Thank you.
Alfred: Speaking of which, Bunet, you’re looking pretty beefy.
Bunet: Beefy, you say. Do you mean you would like to have a quick lick yourself?
Alfred: Uh, no, I’m good. I was just paying you a compliment.
Alfred: Wish I could get muscles like yours, but they never seem to develop for me like they should.
Bunet: Hm… Perhaps you could bulk up by changing your diet.
Bunet: If you’d like, I can cook up something nice and hearty for you.
Alfred: No fooling?! I’d love that!
Bunet: Understood. Think of it as payment for one of those appetizing flowers.
Bunet: I will begin gathering ingredients. Please, give me some time to prepare.
Alfred: If it fixes my muscle problem, you can take all the time you need!
B Support:
Bunet: Hmm… A note of sweetness…
Alfred: That the flower I got you from Firene? Does it, uh, taste as good as you’d hoped?
Bunet: Yes. Like a lavish royal dance on the tongue. I expect it will go well in a salad.
Bunet: So this is how Firenese royalty tastes.
Alfred: Well, it’s just a flower.
Alfred: Anyway! I hear you’ve been busy.
Bunet: Yes.
Bunet: I have been hard at work preparing a dish to round out your muscles.
Bunet: It is ready at last.
Alfred: Thanks!
Alfred: And eating this will give me the firm muscles I’ve wanted for so long, right?
Bunet: In theory, yes.
Alfred: Sure. Nothing’s guaranteed, after all. Still worth a try.
Bunet: Indeed. In that case, I will bring it out for you.
Alfred: Hmmm…
Bunet: How does it look?
Alfred: It looks like…meat.
Alfred: Meat, cooked in meat sauce, on top of a bed of thinly sliced meat.
Bunet: Well, yes. Meat, being muscle, begets muscle. Such was my uninformed hunch.
Bunet: Thus I figured that the more meat you ate, the more muscle you would grow.
Alfred: That math checks out. I can tell you thought pretty hard about all this!
Alfred: And to show my thanks, I’m gonna destroy this meal!
Alfred: Time me!
Bunet: What an appetite he has. I am glad to see my dish being enjoyed so…immediately.
Bunet: We can only sow these beefy seeds and wait, hoping that a bounty of muscles springs forth.
Bunet: I have no evidence it will work, but well… Miracles happen.
A Support:
Alfred: Hey, Bunet.
Bunet: Your Highness.
Alfred: All those dishes you cooked up, and I’m still as scrawny as ever.
Bunet: I failed, then. You have my deepest apologies.
Alfred: Aw, it’s not your fault! You went all-out and it showed.
Alfred: Plus, every dish was good eating. My compliments to the chef.
Alfred: No, the real trouble is just that I’m weak to the core.
Bunet: Please, do not be so hard on yourself.
Bunet: These dishes may have failed in bulking up your slender form.
Bunet: But it was not for nothing. All that meat did result in a different sort of change.
Alfred: I’m not following you.
Bunet: Our flavor. Yours and mine.
Alfred: We have a flavor?
Bunet: You see, we were once dry and bland, but as our bond deepened, our taste became richer.
Bunet: Perhaps that was a bad way to put it…
Alfred: No, I see what you mean! We brought out new flavors in each other!
Alfred: Before, we were raw ingredients. But now, we’re, uh, what do you call it? Fusion cuisine!
Bunet: Yes, my thinking exactly.
Bunet: And now I often find myself fondly thinking about your vibrant zing.
Alfred: I guess it’s true what they say, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
Bunet: I have always thought so. To that end, I should quite like to cook for you again.
Alfred: Oooh, really? What did you have in mind?
Bunet: I was planning to make a vegetable dish with one of your sweet flowers ground on top.
Bunet: And perhaps some grilled fish to counterbalance all the meat from last time.
Alfred: I’m working up an appetite just listening to you.
Bunet: Continue to eat my cooking and…who knows?
Bunet: You may one day have the body you desire.
Alfred: Here’s hoping, Bunet.
Alfred: Someday, my muscles are gonna be as strong as our friendship!