C Support:
Alfred: Amazing…weather we’re having today, huh?
Etie: Too true. It’s the perfect day for a cup of tea.
Alfred: Especially the tea you prepare, Etie. It’s my favorite of all.
Etie: That’s…kind of you to say. Would you like another cup?
Alfred: N-no. I’d better not…
Etie: If… If you say so… Ngh…
Alfred: Aaagh! I can’t…hold it…anymore… I’m out.
Etie: Your cup is down first. I win.
Alfred: Yep. Fair play, Etie. I got no excuse.
Alfred: Although I could swear our special workout teacups seem heavier today.
Etie: Well spotted. I did add some weight, in fact.
Alfred: No wonder I had such trouble just lifting it.
Etie: Don’t whine. The road to muscle gain is long and bumpy, and you’ve just begun.
Etie: Teatime will only get harder from here.
Alfred: I expect nothing less. Let’s raise our teacups to strength!
Etie: To strength!
B Support:
Alfred: Hmm… You’re sure about this?
Etie: Extremely.
Etie: You’re not leaving until you’ve drank every drop of my new and improved muscle stimulant.
Alfred: Well, anything for strength!
Etie: That’s the spirit.
Etie: I put a lot of research into this one. I guarantee you’ll see results.
Alfred: That’s great news! Thanks for putting so much effort into this.
Alfred: It’s just… You couldn’t have done anything about the smell?
Etie: Sorry. You’ll have to hold your nose.
Etie: It was unavoidable with all the different ingredients I used.
Alfred: Like what exactly?
Etie: In researching this drink, I interviewed a lot of hardbodies.
Etie: I found out their favorite foods so that I could mix them all into one potent stew.
Alfred: All of them? At once?
Etie: Well, all of those plus a few other things I thought might help.
Alfred: And…how does it taste?
Etie: Couldn’t tell you. I haven’t tried it.
Alfred: Unbelievable.
Alfred: You waited until I could try it first before having any for yourself? I’m touched, Etie!
Etie: It’s all part of the job.
Alfred: Aw, I’m ashamed to have been so nitpicky over little things like taste and smell.
Alfred: I want you to know how grateful I am, Etie.
Alfred: Bottoms up! To strength!
Etie: To strength!
Alfred: …
Alfred: Ahhhh.
Etie: Well? What did you think?
Alfred: One thing’s for sure…
Alfred: It’s not fit for human consumption.
Etie: I was afraid of that.
A Support:
Alfred: Good morning, Etie! Any suggestions for our early workout?
Etie: How about a run?
Alfred: Sounds good. Wanna make it a race?
Etie: Nah. I’d prefer to run alongside. Easier to keep you safe that way.
Alfred: Makes sense. Oh, look.
Etie: Is something wrong?
Alfred: No, I just noticed how beautiful those flowers are. Let’s put the run on hold for a minute.
Etie: As you wish.
Alfred: You know what pretty flowers always remind me of?
Alfred: This memory I have of you with an armload of them.
Etie: My hometown is known for those flowers. I used to bring some anytime I visited the castle.
Alfred: I remember. My mother and the servants loved them.
Etie: Good. I’m glad.
Alfred: Speaking of Mother, you wanna hear something funny?
Alfred: She originally thought you might be the one to become my queen.
Etie: You’re kidding. That’s the first I’ve heard of it.
Etie: But that does explain some things.
Etie: Now I get why I was assigned to you instead of Princess Céline, my childhood friend.
Etie: I’ve wondered about that for years. Mystery solved, I guess.
Alfred: That must have bugged you.
Etie: Don’t be ridiculous. I’m proud to be your retainer, Prince Alfred.
Etie: Though it’s a bit of a shock to try to imagine myself as your queen.
Etie: Queen Etie…
Alfred: Hmm…
Etie: Hehe!
Alfred: Hahaha!
Etie: Apologies to Queen Ève, but I can’t picture it no matter how hard I try.
Alfred: Me neither. I try to imagine us as anything but what we are now and my brain freezes up.
Etie: I know what you mean.
Etie: Our bond as prince and retainer is too strong to be anything else.
Alfred: Workout partners too. Don’t forget that.
Etie: Heh. Always, Prince Alfred.
Etie: Speaking of which, shouldn’t we get going on that run? I’m getting antsy.
Alfred: Lead the way, Etie. Every day spent training with you is a gift.
Alfred: To strength! And to peace.
Etie: And to your happiness.