C Support:
Ivy: …
Alfred: Whatcha doing up so late, Princess Ivy?
Ivy: Prince Alfred!
Ivy: I suppose it must seem rather suspicious for an Elusian to be roaming alone after dark.
Ivy: I assure you I have no plans to murder anyone or to set anything on fire.
Ivy: Of course, such assurances must mean little coming from me.
Alfred: Nah, you don’t seem so bad. I’m leaning toward trusting you by now.
Ivy: Oh? I am surprised to learn that the crown prince of Firene is so naive.
Alfred: If that’s what I get for trusting people, then naive is my middle name.
Ivy: Hm. So did you need something from me?
Ivy: If you were not here to doubt my motives, I would expect you to have left by now.
Alfred: Nah. I wouldn’t leave you alone.
Ivy: And why is that?
Alfred: Well, it’s pretty plain to see that you’re lost.
Ivy: You think so?
Alfred: The Somniel’s a big place. Lots of twists and turns. It’s easy to get confused.
Ivy: Ugh…
Ivy: I do confess I am somewhat lost.
Alfred: If you’re going where I think you’re going, I know the way. Let me help you.
Ivy: Uh…
Ivy: Thank you.
B Support:
Ivy: …
Alfred: Princess Ivy, we’ve got to stop meeting at this hour.
Ivy: Prince Alfred. Is it not past your bedtime?
Alfred: Oh, I’m not up late. I just got up early this morning.
Ivy: I am not sure this hour is sufficiently late to qualify as early.
Alfred: So what are you still doing up, anyway?
Ivy: I…couldn’t sleep.
Alfred: I’d think it would be even harder to sleep out here, with it being so bright and all.
Ivy: No, I…prefer it here, actually.
Alfred: Hmm.
Alfred: Strong wind tonight, isn’t it?
Alfred: Sounds like a howling ghost, the way it blows through the trees.
Ivy: What are you suggesting?
Alfred: You can be straight with me, Princess Ivy. You were scared to be alone in your room, huh?
Ivy: How dare you!
Alfred: Hey, there’s no shame in it.
Alfred: The wind scared me, too, when I was a kid. I’d crawl under the sheets and stay there all night.
Ivy: I am no child!
Alfred: When you get creeped out, think of something fun instead. You’ll be asleep before you know it!
Alfred: That’s what my mother told me. After that, I slept like a log every single night.
Ivy: Ugh…
Ivy: I will return to bed. Sleep is restorative to one’s health, as they say.
Alfred: Nighty night! Don’t let the strong wind fright!
Ivy: Thank you.
A Support:
Ivy: Prince Alfred, do you understand the implications of what has occurred between us?
Alfred: Princess Ivy? Can’t say that I do.
Ivy: That first night, you helped me find the way when I was lost.
Ivy: The second time, you gave me advice on how to find peaceful sleep.
Ivy: Much as I am loath to admit it, I am deeply in your debt.
Alfred: Haha, and that’s bad somehow?
Ivy: Of course it’s bad.
Ivy: I am the crown princess of Elusia. I cannot show such weakness, especially to a rival nation.
Ivy: Therefore…you must tell me how I can be of assistance to you.
Alfred: Oh, so you think it should be your turn to help me now, huh?
Ivy: I need to clear this obligation. That’s all.
Alfred: Well, I hate to say it, but I’m not in any kind of a jam right now.
Ivy: So you won’t let me help you?
Ivy: This is unacceptable. I demand that you be troubled immediately!
Alfred: Haha, the only thing that’s giving me trouble is this demand of yours.
Alfred: Look, I don’t think of this as a “pay me back someday” situation.
Alfred: This is just what allies do!
Ivy: Ugh.
Alfred: When I see you’re in a spot, I help out. You don’t owe me for that. None of my friends do.
Ivy: …
Ivy: You just…trust people?
Ivy: You really are naive.
Alfred: Guilty as charged. But there’s a lot of upsides to being naive.
Ivy: …
Ivy: I suppose…I can find inspiration in that.
Ivy: Very well. I will trust you.
Alfred: Aww, Princess Ivy. That’s great!
Ivy: To be candid, I am glad to have more people I can trust now.
Ivy: When I become queen, it will be a relief to know that at least one of my peers is trustworthy.
Ivy: Thank you, Prince Alfred.