C Support:
Veyle: Ack…
Alfred: Lady Veyle!
Veyle: Oh, Alfred…
Alfred: You’re drenched in sweat. Are you feeling OK?
Veyle: It’s so, so spicy.
Alfred: What is?
Veyle: This soup I’m eating.
Alfred: Wait…is that all?!
Alfred: Haha! Hahaha!
Veyle: What’s so funny?
Alfred: You just look so dead set on eating that soup, no matter how spicy it is.
Veyle: It’s my favorite, but I can’t help making a weird face every time I eat it.
Veyle: I know. How about you give it a try?
Veyle: It’s so spicy you’ll make a weird face too. Just you wait and see!
Alfred: Challenge accepted!
Alfred: Eww…
Alfred: Hmm?
Alfred: AHH! HOT! Too hot! Need water NOW!
Veyle: Hehehe, see! Your face was way weirder than mine. I win!
B Support:
Veyle: Alfred, there’s something I’ve been worried about.
Alfred: Hmm, well… How about we go for a run together?
Veyle: I don’t understand. How will that help?
Alfred: Haha, when the sweat starts to drip and your legs get sore, everything else melts away!
Veyle: So, I’m just supposed to…to forget about the stuff that’s worrying me?
Alfred: Sure! As long as that stuff’s not bothering you anymore, that’s a good thing.
Veyle: Um, let me try again. I have worries that I actually want to solve, not just forget about.
Alfred: Then tell me all about ’em.
Veyle: OK. Well, I want to find a way to be of help to people once the war is over.
Veyle: I don’t know exactly what to do yet, but…
Veyle: I wondered if I could ask you for help figuring it out?
Alfred: Of course! I’m happy to do whatever I can.
Veyle: Oh, thank you! I knew you were the right person to ask.
Veyle: But here’s what worries me. Alfred, I did so many bad things…before.
Veyle: I don’t think anyone, except maybe the people here, will accept my help.
Alfred: Yeah, could be. Lotta people out there don’t know the whole story with you.
Alfred: But that’s OK. You can take all the time you need to get folks to understand.
Alfred: I’ll be there vouching for you every step of the way.
Alfred: It’s the least I can do for a good buddy.
Veyle: That’s very kind of you.
Alfred: But I guess this doesn’t go too far toward solving your problems, huh?
Alfred: Maybe there’s something more I can do right now?
Veyle: No, it’s OK. You’ve done so much for me already.
Veyle: Thank you, Alfred.
A Support:
Veyle: …
Alfred: Lady Veyle! You look like someone who could stand to run some laps!
Veyle: Hehe, why do you say that?
Alfred: Because you’ve got that look on your face. The one that says, “Things are unbelievably terrible.”
Veyle: …
Alfred: Listen, some problems you just can’t solve, no matter how hard you wish you could.
Alfred: For those, you gotta get out there and run until all you remember is the run.
Veyle: I don’t know…
Veyle: How can I just forget?
Veyle: The terrible things I did… The pain I caused…
Veyle: My heart is so full of guilt, and I’m afraid I’m going to feel like this forever.
Alfred: Hm.
Alfred: You know what? This sounds too tough to leave behind, even with the help of a good run.
Veyle: Yes…I think you’re right.
Alfred: So, every mile or two, try a few sets of push-ups. That oughta do the trick.
Veyle: Um…
Alfred: And if you add some crunches, you’ll be golden! I guarantee you a good night’s sleep after that.
Veyle: Crunches?
Veyle: Hehe!
Veyle: Oh, Alfred. I don’t think my problems can be solved by push-ups…or crunches.
Alfred: Of course. You know that, and I know that.
Alfred: You probably won’t ever forget all that stuff you told me about.
Veyle: No.
Veyle: I’ll continue to shoulder this guilt and regret for a long time…
Alfred: Maybe you will. But you’ve gotta give yourself a break sometimes, right?
Alfred: If you don’t set your troubles down every now and then, they’ll crush you.
Veyle: You’re right, Alfred. Thank you so much.
Veyle: You know, I think I might want to go for a run.
Veyle: Will you come with me? Please?
Alfred: Just say the word.
Alfred: I’d be happy to push you so hard, you can’t think of anything else. It’s what I do best!