C Support:
Jade: Amber, may I ask you a few personal questions? I need some new material for my next novel.
Amber: Oh! You’re gonna write a book about me? Oh man! I love that! Fire away.
Jade: I’ll start with an easy one. What’s your all-time favorite thing?
Amber: Is that a serious question? Come on! Alpacas all the way! They’re the best.
Amber: I used to herd alpacas all the time back home. I’m like an alpaca-wrangling master, y’know?
Jade: “Alpaca-wrangling master.” Amazing.
Amber: I’m serious! If there was an alpaca here right now, I’d give you a demonstration.
Amber: But we’re miles away from the nearest alpaca farm, so…
Jade: Wait. What is that sound?
Amber: That’s the sound of an alpaca at full gallop! Ah!
Jade: You’re right! I can see it now, and it’s coming this way!
Amber: OK, Jade! You wanted material, you’re gonna get it. Watch the wrangling master in action.
Amber: Hey! Alpaca! Slow it down, buddy!
Amber: Whoa, there! I said settle down!
Amber: AUGH! Waaaaaah!
Jade: Amber!
Amber: Ugh… Getting knocked into a pond wasn’t what I wanted to show you.
Jade: I can’t believe an alpaca came out of nowhere like that. I’m just glad we were able to catch it.
Amber: You mean YOU caught it. All I managed to catch was a mouthful of scummy water.
Amber: I can’t even compete with you at something I’m genuinely good at…
Amber: Ngh…
Jade: Amber, don’t despair. There is a silver lining.
Jade: The alpaca, the pond, your flailing… Thanks to you, my next book is sure to be hilarious.
B Support:
Jade: Hey, Amber. I’m still a few chapters short. May I ask you some more questions?
Amber: Hang on, Jade. First, I have a request for you.
Amber: Please, please don’t write about how I completely failed to catch that alpaca!
Jade: Wha─
Amber: My hometown is known for its alpaca expertise. I can’t throw that kind of shame on them!
Amber: I was so bogged down by emotions and pond water that I failed to ask before. So…pleeease?
Jade: This comes as a bit of a shock. I won’t make you a promise that I can’t keep, Amber.
Jade: You’ve inspired my funniest, most successful works. People are excited for the next one…
Amber: OK, then…
Amber: Let’s spar. If I win, you can’t write anything about the alpaca-puddle incident!
Jade: Fine by me. You’re on.
Amber: This will be our first sparring match since the tourney to select Prince Diamant’s retainers…
Amber: That was also the first time I lost to you. I’ve been stuck in second place ever since.
Amber: That loss was like a curse. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to beat you at anything.
Jade: Well, you did enter the final round of that tournament at a disadvantage.
Jade: You didn’t have any time to warm up. You were too busy trying to help that lost child.
Amber: That’s no excuse! You ended up helping too. You even found the kid’s parents first.
Jade: Hmm, I take your point.
Amber: You’re the one who’s always finding success, and I’m the one who’s always tripping up.
Amber: That runaway alpaca was the last straw. My second-place streak ends today!
Amber: Get ready, Jade. There’s no way I’m losing to you again.
Jade: Had enough?
Amber: Aw… I just can’t do it. I really can’t beat you, Jade. It’s…it’s hopeless…
Jade: You remember our terms? I won, so I’m free to put whatever I want in my next novel.
Amber: Yeah, I remember. You beat me fair and square, so…write about whatever you want.
Jade: That’s just what I’m going to do. But I’ll make sure you’re the first to read it when I’m done.
A Support:
Jade: My novel is complete, Amber. As I mentioned earlier, I’d like for you to be the first to read it.
Amber: Oh, great…
Amber: You really know how to rub it in, y’know? Fine. Let’s see how embarrassed I’m gonna be…
Amber: Hmm… Hmm!
Amber: Jade…what is this?
Jade: Hm.
Amber: Is this… Is this book still based on me?
Jade: Of course. Everything in that book is based on something you’ve shared with me.
Amber: But where’s the alpaca-pond incident?
Amber: I can’t find a single embarrassing page in here. This book makes me seem so…so cool!
Jade: You’re not stuck in second place, Amber.
Jade: You were the first one to try stopping that stray alpaca.
Jade: You were the first one to go looking for that lost child’s parents at the fighting tournament.
Jade: I may be the one who closes the book each time, but only after you’ve opened it for me.
Amber: Whoa.
Jade: You’re kind. You’re strong. And both Prince Diamant and I trust in you as a worthy retainer.
Amber: …
Amber: Aw, Jade! Thank you! Your kind words… This great book… I feel so much better.
Jade: I’m glad. After all, you need to have confidence if you’re going to watch our backs in battle.
Amber: Yeah… Yeah! That settles it. I’m gonna keep training until I match the “me” in your book.
Jade: Oh, I’m very excited to watch you try.
Amber: OK, no more coasting. It’s time to train like I’ve never trained before!
Amber: I’m gonna─ Gah! A rock?! Waaaugh!
Jade: …
Jade: Hm! Amazing. Looks like your training is off to a “rocky start.”
Jade: I have no doubt you’ll grow stronger, Amber… but I hope some things about you never change.