C Support:
Merrin: Amber, I have a question. How does a knight from the kingdom of Brodia train?
Amber: Why do you want to know about that?
Merrin: To be honest, I’ve always admired Brodian knights, and I’m just curious…
Merrin: Your country is called the kingdom of warriors, so your training methods must be extraordinary.
Amber: We do crank out a lot of strong warriors, but I think that’s due to the terrain…
Amber: Most of Brodia is just cliffs and ravines. It’s not great for traditional farming, y’know?
Amber: The focus in many villages is on mining and such, so folks tend to grow sturdy and strong.
Merrin: I see! So strength training is just part of daily life, then?
Amber: For most people, yeah! I grew up on an alpaca ranch, so my daily chores were a bit different.
Merrin: Alpacas?! Those rare critters of notoriety?!
Merrin: That’s fantastic! I adore critters with all my heart─rare ones especially!
Merrin: If you worked on a ranch, you must know all about them. Please, tell me what you know!
Amber: Well, first off, alpacas are super fluffy… But also? They’re really cute.
Amber: There is a lot of spitting, though. You have to watch out for that.
Merrin: Spitting?! Magnificent! I’m sure I wouldn’t mind alpaca spit one bit.
Amber: Trust me, you would. It takes forever to get the smell out of your clothes. Or hair.
Amber: I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve become an expert alpaca-spit dodger.
Amber: Hah! Hoowah! That’s just a couple of your basic spit-evasion moves…
Amber: Wha─ Ah! AAH!
Amber: Aw, why do rocks always sabotage my cool moves?
Merrin: …
Merrin: I’d expect nothing less from a Brodian knight! Very impressive.
Amber: Huh?
Merrin: Brodian knights aren’t just strong, they’re spry enough to pull off a pratfall. Well played!
Merrin: You really must teach me the secret to your strength sometime soon.
Amber: Uh, you enjoyed that? Then…yeah, that was all planned! I am the picture of strength and agility.
B Support:
Merrin: Amber! I was hoping you’d teach me the secret to that Brodian strength of yours.
Amber: It’s not much of a secret. Like I said earlier, it was mostly physical labor back on the ranch.
Merrin: Huh… It sounds like building up endurance is important, then?
Amber: Oh, for sure. The higher your endurance, the longer you can train!
Merrin: I see. Very helpful.
Merrin: And to think, one can build up this endurance caring for alpacas. It’s a dream come true!
Merrin: I wish we had alpacas in my country.
Amber: Don’t worry, Merrin. If you wanna get strong, I can teach you everything I know.
Merrin: You can? You will?
Amber: You bet! Where do you want to start? Running? Maybe some core exercises?
Merrin: Why don’t we spar together…just to see how much endurance I have right now.
Amber: Oh, good idea! It’ll be nice to have a new sparring partner.
Merrin: I doubt I’ll be a match for you. I’ll just have to do my best and hope I don’t embarrass myself.
Amber: Aw, maaan…
Merrin: I can’t believe it. I won so…easily.
Amber: I can’t believe I tripped over myself. I wasn’t even attacking! I’m so pathetic…
Merrin: Wait…you’re lulling me into dropping my guard, aren’t you? Distracting me with pratfalls again?
Amber: …
Amber: Sorry, Merrin, but I’m gonna call it. Lesson’s over for today, OK?
Merrin: Oh, OK. Another time, then.
A Support:
Amber: Hey, Merrin. I’m really sorry.
Merrin: Why are you apologizing to me?
Amber: It’s about our sparring match the other day. I really did trip, and I really did lose to you.
Merrin: You did?
Amber: It wasn’t a covert strategy or a pratfall. I just… fell because I was being careless.
Amber: That happens a lot. I’m actually pretty clumsy.
Amber: I stumble into everything, including my role as a knight of Brodia. It’s all dumb luck!
Merrin: I don’t believe that. Not for one minute.
Merrin: I’m from a small village too, so I know how hard you must have worked to get where you are.
Merrin: No one is named retainer to a crown prince without a tremendous amount of effort.
Merrin: You may be uncoordinated, but I have no doubt you’re an excellent knight, Amber.
Amber: That’s…that’s very encouraging to hear… Thank you, Merrin.
Amber: I should really be learning from you, y’know? Can we do some more training together?
Merrin: Of course. I’d be honored to train with a knight from the kingdom of Brodia.
Amber: Yes! I can’t wait to get started!
Amber: With your help, I’ll get rid of my clumsiness and become a respectable knight in no time!
Merrin: It seems to me, the secret to a Brodian’s strength is that earnest attitude of yours.
Merrin: Hehe, I think I’m going to learn a thing or two from you, my friend.