C Support:
Amber: Ugh, I have to check that place out, but it’s too dangerous to go by myself…
Panette: Pardon me, but I couldn’t help overhearing… Are you planning a trip somewhere?
Amber: Listen to this, Panette. There are rumors about a nearby forest that hides an old mansion…
Panette: Oh? I have never heard of this place.
Amber: Me neither! I just learned about it. According to local legends, a famous knight lived there.
Amber: He was a brave and noble warrior who fought as if he would never die…right up until he died.
Amber: The very next day, people say the knight’s spirit could be seen wandering inside the mansion…
Panette: How extraordinary!
Amber: Poor guy doesn’t know he died! Now he roams his own halls as a shadow of his former self.
Panette: Would that not make him…a ghost?
Amber: Oh, huh… Well, if you want to get all technical about it, then sure.
Panette: Why, I should like to see this place for myself! I adore ghosts.
Amber: You do?! Great! Let’s check it out together.
Amber: That’ll be way, way easier than checking it out all by myself.
Amber: Even Prince Diamant turned me down─and he’s not afraid of anything!
Panette: Then pray bring me along. I can think of nothing that would make me happier.
Amber: Yes! That settles it. Just don’t blame me if you get scared out of your big, pointy boots!
B Support:
Amber: We made it! We’ve arrived at the mansion.
Amber: Ah…I’m trembling. My heart is pounding. I’ve got goosebumps!
Panette: Hmm… Nary a ghost in sight… Let us keep going and explore further.
Amber: Whoa, whoa! Slow down. You don’t want to rush this. The ghost could be hiding anywhere…
Panette: Oh, really? Like where?
Amber: Mwa ha haaa…
Amber: Why, the ghost could even be…right HEEERE!
Panette: Hm?
Panette: Are you certain? I see nothing.
Amber: Uh…
Amber: Oh, never mind. I was just trying to play a little trick on you, Panette.
Amber: You didn’t even flinch! You must have nerves of pure steel.
Amber: Anyway, maybe this place isn’t haunted after all.
Panette: Hmm?
Amber: I’m happy the mansion part of the rumors held up, but…a wandering ghost? I just don’t see it.
Panette: It is here…
Amber: Aw, Panette! That’s the spirit. Normally I’d be holding out hope too, but…
Panette: No, Amber. It is here.
Amber: Oh! I get you. I guess every house does have its own ghost, in a poetic way. That’s really─
Panette: That is not what I meant. It is HERE! As in…THERE! Look!
Amber: Do what now?
Amber: Whoa…
Amber: Whoa.
Amber: WHOA!
A Support:
Amber: Hey, Panette. I won’t tell anyone about that “haunted mansion” incident if you don’t…
Amber: The rumors didn’t say anything about a second, perfectly normal mansion being out there!
Panette: Yes…and they were not exactly pleased to have company.
Panette: How mortifying.
Amber: I wish that was all. I thought that stuffy guy was the legendary knight! I shook his hand…
Amber: I already told Prince Diamant. He laughed until he cried. Called me “the legendary knucklehead.”
Panette: The legendary knucklehead, you say…
Panette: Hahaha! That’s not bad!
Amber: Oh, fine. Laugh it up. I should really learn to keep my big mouth shut…
Amber: I’m really sorry I dragged you into that mess.
Panette: Think nothing of it. I had a rather good time.
Amber: You did? Even though we didn’t see a ghost?
Panette: Yes, well, that was unfortunate.
Panette: I have a number of interests that other people find strange. Ghosts, for example.
Panette: You are much the same in that respect. Some might consider you an odd duck, but…
Panette: I like odd ducks!
Amber: Huh. That doesn’t FEEL like a compliment…
Panette: Why, of course it is!
Amber: Oh! Well, great!
Amber: I was worried you regretted it, because…I was really glad you went with me, Panette.
Amber: I don’t know many people who enjoy chasing rumors and legends and stuff.
Amber: If you ever need an adventure buddy to check out a legend of your own, just say the word.
Panette: I know a legendary spot we can go to.
Amber: You do? Where?!
Panette: A restaurant with very, very spicy food.
Amber: Uh, is the food enchanted? Or was it built on an ancient burial ground? Or…
Panette: They have a dish called the Tongue Melter… It’s so hot, no one has ever finished an entire bowl!
Amber: Ooh, it’s that kind of legend.
Amber: Well, a legend is a legend. Count me in─and I’ll foot the bill! Least I can do.
Panette: Huzzah!