C Support:
Zelkov: Amber, I wish to speak with you.
Amber: You? The retainer of the crown princess? Of Elusia? You want to talk to ME?
Amber: I can tell you right now, if you’re fishing for intel on Brodia stuff, I am not your target.
Zelkov: No, no. It is not a political matter.
Zelkov: It is rather more personal than that.
Amber: Oh no. What do you want with me? Is it a fight? I haven’t even done anything to you!
Zelkov: I require the wool of an alpaca.
Amber: Huh?
Zelkov: Specifically, I require the wool that comes from a particular alpaca hamlet.
Zelkov: I have been led to believe you are familiar with this place.
Zelkov: You should be aware, then, that the wool from there is finer than any other.
Amber: Yeah, that’s true. The alpacas back home are extra furry and SUPER fluffy.
Zelkov: I must have it, Amber. You must procure it for me.
Amber: Well, I could send a letter back home. They’d ship some here for sure…but what’s it for?
Zelkov: It will be put toward the purpose of knitting.
Amber: Whoa. You like to knit, Zelkov? I never, ever would have guessed that.
Zelkov: It should not surprise you that I pursue a craft of such delicate grace and elegance.
Zelkov: To the point, I require the highest-quality alpaca wool to craft my ultimate masterpiece.
Amber: I’m into it! If it’s just for crafting, I’ll get you a bunch of the stuff. No sweat.
Amber: Besides, I’ve gotta see what you make with it. I bet it’s gonna be weird.
Zelkov: Thank you, Amber. I am grateful for your assistance in this matter.
B Support:
Amber: Sorry to keep you waiting, Zelkov! Guess what just arrived? It’s the alpaca wool from home!
Zelkov: Most excellent. With respect to fluff, it surpasses my wildest expectations.
Amber: Of course it does! Alpaca wool is warm, light, and super tough. It’s the perfect material!
Zelkov: This is indeed the finest. The creation of my ultimate masterpiece is now assured.
Zelkov: When all the knitting world lays eyes upon my work, Amber, you will have their gratitude.
Amber: My family knits things with alpaca wool too. See my sweater under here? My dad made this!
Zelkov: I see. Now, as to the matter of payment…
Amber: Oh, I don’t need any money. Consider it a gift!
Zelkov: One must give payment for services rendered. Otherwise, one has incurred a debt.
Amber: Really, it’s fine. When I wrote to my folks about you, they were happy to send the wool.
Amber: I told them you wanted to craft with our farm’s famous fuzzy stuff, and they said it was free!
Amber: You wouldn’t turn down an act of kindness from some humble alpaca farmers, would you?
Zelkov: If it is for the sake of the ones who provided it to me, then reluctantly I will accept.
Zelkov: But they shall have a token of my gratitude. A sweater of pristine craftsmanship.
Zelkov: I can express the true extent of my appreciation only by surpassing the quality of their craft.
Amber: Whoa! I bet the folks at home would be thrilled to get a sweater knit by you, Zelkov.
Zelkov: Then it is decided. I will not rest until the whole of your family marvels at what I produce.
A Support:
Zelkov: My great work is complete, Amber. This is what I will send to your family.
Amber: Whoa! Zelkov! I can’t believe it. The stitching… The craftsmanship…
Amber: This is the most perfect sweater I’ve ever seen! It even beats my own family’s work!
Zelkov: I have now expressed my gratitude. Farewell.
Amber: Hey, Zelkov! Wait!
Zelkov: Hm? Do you have some additional business?
Amber: I really mean it. You just surpassed generations of homegrown knitting skills in a single sweater.
Amber: I know you put a lot of effort into it…but there has to be a secret. How did you do it?
Zelkov: Idle pursuits provide me a reason to continue living. They are a failsafe, of sorts.
Amber: What, like a…back-up plan?
Zelkov: To me, the most frightening prospect is to live without purpose. To be empty of motivation.
Zelkov: My current purpose is to safeguard Princess Ivy. But that is only until peace has been won.
Zelkov: That is why I require a failsafe─a secondary purpose in which to find meaning.
Amber: Whoa. That sounds intense… I mean, I have my own goals, but I mostly just have fun every day.
Zelkov: In that respect, Amber, I envy you.
Amber: Listen, Zelkov… If you really do lose your reason for living when the war ends…
Amber: Why don’t you move to my old hometown? Y’know, the alpaca hamlet.
Zelkov: What purpose would that serve?
Amber: Are you kidding? With knitting skills like yours, folks would be throwing money at you.
Amber: You could make clothes and decorations out of alpaca wool and pet actual alpacas all day!
Zelkov: I do see a certain…appeal in that.
Amber: You should definitely visit first. Y’know, get a feel for things before you put down roots?
Amber: My whole family─including me─would welcome you with open arms and hugs to spare!
Zelkov: Very well. I can commit to a visit, certainly.
Zelkov: Whatever the future may hold, we can have at least that much to look forward to.