C Support:
Anna: Congratulations, big guy! Anniversaries like this don’t come around every day.
Anna: You should buy something to celebrate. It’s a steal with my special anniversary discount!
Mauvier: Hm? The anniversary of…what, exactly?
Anna: Aw, don’t play coy with me! I think you know just what I’m talking about.
Mauvier: I do not. I have not the slightest idea.
Anna: But how could you not know? It’s your anniversary!
Mauvier: That explains nothing.
Anna: Think hard! I bet it’s on the tip of your tongue. C’mon, you’re getting close.
Mauvier: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Anna: No? Too bad. Guess you won’t be getting my special anniversary price on this fruit after all.
Mauvier: Suppose it is the anniversary of an important event in my life. How would you know?
Anna: Psh! No need to get hung up on details like that.
Mauvier: The odds are in your favor that any given day is special for someone you’re trying to sell to.
Anna: Aw, tipped my hand there, did I? Oh well.
Anna: Let’s just call this the anniversary of the time we talked, and I’ll sell you the fruit.
Anna: How does half-price sound? Are you really gonna haggle with a poor little girl?!
Mauvier: You are a bold salesperson of dubious morals. Still, I admit I am impressed. I shall buy the fruit.
Anna: Yes! Chalk up another sale for me. Thanks for your business!
B Support:
Mauvier: Anna, the fruit I purchased from you was tasty.
Anna: Hmph. It’s Lady Anna, not Anna. Address me properly or take a hike!
Mauvier: Lady Anna. I would like to buy another piece of fruit, if I may?
Anna: You sure may! But give me a minute while I say my prayers first.
Mauvier: Prayers? I did not know you to be religious.
Anna: Oh, no. I’m not the least bit religious, but I do pray sometimes.
Mauvier: I do not understand.
Anna: Hmm…how do I explain this? Well, I’m about to pray right now, so just watch me.
Mauvier: Fine then. Please go ahead.
Anna: Ahem…
Anna: Please… All I want is for my products to sell well again today.
Anna: For my customers to be satisfied…even happy, at least for a little while.
Anna: I ask that they remember me the next time they need something.
Anna: That should do it! So yeah, that’s the kind of thing I always pray for.
Mauvier: Huh…
Anna: What’s up?
Mauvier: I admit that I had written you off as a small-time scam artist…
Mauvier: I never imagined you prayed with such passion.
Mauvier: And…I am embarrassed to admit that I looked down on you, Lady Anna. I must apologize.
Anna: Aw, no need for all that. C’mon, let’s see about that fruit, huh?
A Support:
Anna: There you are, Mauvier! You gonna buy something from me today or what?
Mauvier: …
Anna: What’s the matter?
Mauvier: I was praying.
Anna: Praying? To who?
Mauvier: I do not know. No one? I was just sending out a prayer.
Mauvier: I was intrigued by your own prayer the other day and wished to try the practice for myself.
Anna: No kidding?
Mauvier: I never imagined I would feel this way when praying.
Anna: You don’t pray much, huh?
Mauvier: I was a follower of the Fell Dragon.
Mauvier: I would pray every day…and feel nothing.
Anna: Oh. So you did pray, but it was just going through the motions.
Mauvier: Yes, exactly. My parents were devout believers in the Divine Dragon.
Mauvier: But our family was destroyed by an epidemic. Praying did no good.
Mauvier: So even though I prayed, I never understood what it was I truly believed.
Mauvier: You showed me praying is not only for worship. It can be a means to think warmly of others.
Anna: Yeah, that’s how I see it too. I’m glad someone else gets it!
Mauvier: Thank you for teaching me this feeling.
Anna: Oh, quit being so stiff. Hey, what did you pray for anyway?
Mauvier: There is someone I would give my life to protect. I was praying for them.
Anna: Wow… That’s real sweet of you. I wonder if anyone will ever pray like that for me.
Mauvier: I prayed for you as well, Lady Anna.
Anna: What? Really?!
Mauvier: I prayed you would be always healthy and able to sell your wares with a smile.
Anna: Hahaha, nice!
Anna: I’ve got just the thing to thank you with! You really liked that fruit, right?
Mauvier: Yes… But do I not owe you some payment?
Anna: Nah. It’s free today, on account of it being the anniversary of me being so touched.
Anna: Take the gesture and get outta here, you cheapskate!
Mauvier: Well, thank you.
Mauvier: Since it is a special day, we should share this fruit.
Anna: Yes! These are pretty expensive, so I don’t get many excuses to eat them myself.
Mauvier: I suspected that might be the case. Let us eat, and perhaps discuss other prayers as well.