C Support:
Etie: Are you ready yet, Boucheron?
Boucheron: Hmm? Ready for what?
Etie: Ready to tell me what you’re mixing into your food to get those muscles.
Boucheron: Hahaha, not this again. I’ve told you before that it’s got nothing to do with my diet.
Etie: That’s what you say, yes. But today, I’m going to get the truth.
Boucheron: But that is the truth.
Boucheron: Muscles come naturally to me. That’s the long and the short of it.
Etie: Still sticking to that story, huh?
Etie: Because I should tell you up front that I’ve been watching you, Boucheron.
Boucheron: You have? And?
Etie: And I know you don’t do anything but fish or read all day after training each morning.
Etie: There I am, working up a sweat, while you sit under a tree with a book or a pole.
Etie: There’s no way you can do that and still stay in such incredible shape.
Etie: So I assume that whatever you’re doing on the sly really works!
Boucheron: All right, listen…
Etie: Wait, are you using magic? Unbelievable! The lengths you’ll go just for some muscles!
Boucheron: No! It’s nothing like that! In fact, it’s nothing at all!
Boucheron: I’m done arguing with you about this. People shouldn’t see the prince’s retainers quarrelling.
Boucheron: Good day, Etie.
Etie: Riiiight. That’s just what he’d say if he was hiding something!
B Support:
Boucheron: Ah, just look at that light filtering through the trees. What a perfect afternoon spot.
Etie: Boucheron!
Boucheron: Etie! You startled me. Do you need something?
Etie: Just here to observe.
Boucheron: Observe what, may I ask?
Etie: You, obviously. I will uncover your secret.
Boucheron: Go ahead, Etie. I clearly can’t stop you.
Etie: You’re darn right.
Etie: Hmm. Nothing unusual on the surface. Your clothes don’t hang like they’re weighted.
Etie: Wait a minute. There’s something hard under those clothes! So you did have a secret!
Boucheron: Those are my abs.
Etie: Oh… Uh… Pardon me. I thought it might have been an arcane…ab buster.
Etie: Some kind of…enchanted plate that…works your core just by wearing it. I don’t know.
Boucheron: I’ve never heard of anything like that, but if I find one, I’ll give it to you.
Etie: How thoughtful of you…
Boucheron: Anyway, you caught me just as I was about to have my lunch.
Boucheron: This should hit the spot.
Etie: Hold it!
Boucheron: What is it now?!
Etie: I bet that sandwich is where you’re keeping your secret.
Etie: …
Etie: …
Boucheron: No! My sandwich!
Etie: Hmm…
Etie: Strange. It tasted like an ordinary sandwich.
Etie: I thought for sure you’d added some kind of special sauce to it.
Boucheron: For the last time, I’m using no such thing. It’s just my lunch, and I’d like it back.
A Support:
Etie: Hey, I owe you an apology.
Boucheron: Oh?
Etie: I kept watching you and watching you, but I never learned anything.
Etie: So it must be true that you’re just… naturally muscular.
Etie: Sorry I never believed you.
Boucheron: I don’t mind, as long as you’ve accepted it.
Etie: I guess I’d better explain myself.
Boucheron: Go on.
Etie: It’s not that I’m jealous of your build.
Etie: But for the sake of the prince we both serve, I wanted to learn whatever I could from you.
Etie: That’s why I kept pushing.
Boucheron: So that was it, hm?
Etie: Yes. I’m tough, but I could still contribute more to our country’s defense.
Etie: That’s why I wanted to get as buff as you are. For Prince Alfred and our beloved Firene.
Boucheron: Etie, you haven’t thought this through.
Boucheron: If you were more like me, Firene wouldn’t have any defenses left.
Etie: How do you figure?
Boucheron: It’s true that I’m naturally muscular. I can see why you’d want what I’ve got.
Boucheron: But I’m naturally flawed in other areas, like my woeful sense of direction.
Boucheron: Think back to how many times you saved me from getting lost during combat.
Boucheron: I have my strong points and you have yours.
Boucheron: Real strength comes in when the two of us are together and we complement each other.
Etie: You know…
Etie: I never thought of it like that, but you’re right.
Etie: I was so focused on building muscle that I never saw it that way.
Boucheron: Muscles aren’t a competition. They’re the bridge formed when we clasp hands.
Boucheron: That’s Boucheron’s First Law of Muscle.
Etie: I don’t know what you mean by that exactly… but it sounds pretty.
Boucheron: I was trying to clear the air. It doesn’t seem to have worked.
Boucheron: Listen, Etie…
Boucheron: For our prince, and for the kingdom of Firene, I’m honored to be at your side.
Etie: Thank you, though the honor is mine. Let us follow the First Law of Muscle and clasp hands.