C Support:
Lapis: You’re…Boucheron, right? I’m Lapis. I’ll be on serving duty starting today.
Boucheron: That’s right, I’m Boucheron. I’ll be serving with you, looks like. Nice to meet you.
Boucheron: Let’s get this done quick. I think everyone’s pretty hungry.
Boucheron: Here we go. That should be enough milk.
Lapis: Enough?
Lapis: That’s way too much.
Boucheron: You think so? It seems about right to me.
Lapis: Then you need to get your eyes checked.
Lapis: That’s enough milk to last 10 days.
Boucheron: What are you talking about? It won’t last the length of this meal.
Lapis: What are you talking about? Look. Pour one part milk into the cup…
Lapis: Then add ten parts water.
Boucheron: Hold on a second! Why would you add water? And why so much?
Lapis: You don’t dilute your milk? I always heard it was unhealthy to drink straight.
Boucheron: That’s the first I’ve heard of it.
Lapis: Uh…
Lapis: You’re not messing with me, right? You’re being serious?
Boucheron: Completely serious.
Lapis: Oh…
Lapis: In that case…forget I said anything. I must have been confused.
Boucheron: I’m a little confused myself…
B Support:
Lapis: Looks like it’s the two of us on serving duty again today.
Boucheron: Looks like it.
Boucheron: Ooo! We get steak today!
Lapis: Mmm! It looks so delicious!
Lapis: Gather around, everyone! Bring your rice and line up.
Boucheron: Wait, why are you calling everyone? We serve people one at a time.
Lapis: Huh? But we have to fill up on the smell first.
Boucheron: Fill up on what? What are you talking about?
Lapis: The steak’s smell, of course.
Lapis: You’ve got to eat your rice while you can smell the steak grilling. That’s how you get full.
Boucheron: Huh?
Lapis: Come on, Boucheron. You’re a grown-up. You should know all this by now.
Boucheron: Is this some Brodian custom?
Lapis: No? This is how people eat all over the world.
Boucheron: Says who?
Lapis: My family back home. And everyone else in the village, for that matter.
Boucheron: …
Boucheron: Lapis, I don’t think anyone else does that. Not anywhere in the world.
Lapis: Haha, nuh-uh! You’re not fooling me again.
Boucheron: No, I’m not joking. I mean it.
Lapis: Um, really?
Lapis: You’re not just teasing me? Because that…that would be really rude.
Boucheron: Once again, I’m completely serious.
Lapis: Uh…
Lapis: You’re right! Ha, silly me. I guess I got a little mixed up again.
Boucheron: Hmm. Whereas for me, certain things are becoming clearer…
A Support:
Boucheron: Time for my afternoon tea.
Lapis: Hey, Boucheron. I made a ton of snacks. Here. I bet it’ll go great with your tea.
Boucheron: Well, that was nice of you. Hang on, though. What is that?
Lapis: A snack.
Boucheron: This is your snack? A weed?
Lapis: Yeah!
Lapis: I pulled weeds earlier and then cooked them up to give as treats. Doesn’t everyone do that?
Boucheron: …
Lapis: Oh, come on. This isn’t a universal thing either?
Boucheron: Afraid not.
Lapis: Ugh…
Boucheron: Lapis, be honest with me. Are you from a poor village?
Lapis: …
Lapis: Wh-what makes you say that?!
Boucheron: It was getting increasingly obvious.
Lapis: Oh no, no, no, no! That’s no good! I don’t want anyone to know. Especially not…him.
Boucheron: “Him”?
Lapis: Gah! Forget I said anything! Please, just don’t tell anyone about this!
Boucheron: It’s OK, Lapis. I’m not making fun of you or anyone else who came from poverty.
Boucheron: If anything, I’m inspired by the creativity it instilled in you.
Lapis: Now you’re just lying to make me feel better.
Boucheron: No, really. I’ve tried the watered-down milk and the “fill up on smells” trick for myself.
Lapis: Huh?
Lapis: And…what did you think?
Boucheron: They weren’t bad. I feel like I got a window into a whole different world.
Lapis: Really?!
Boucheron: Really! So I’d love to try your snacks.
Boucheron: Wow, this flavor is unbelievable!
Boucheron: My life is now divided into the time before I’d tried this and the glorious time after.
Lapis: You know what, Boucheron?
Lapis: You’re a good guy. I mean that.
Boucheron: Aww, you’re too kind. I’m just a guy who’s all brawn and no brains.
Lapis: If you’re really interested, I could teach you some more customs from my village.
Boucheron: I’d love that.
Boucheron: Hang on, though. Before that, we have to share your snack with the others.
Boucheron: Hey, everyone! We’ve got a special treat today! Line up for snack time.
Lapis: Haha!
Lapis: Thanks, Boucheron. That means a lot to me.