C Support:
Bunet: Well, well. You’re branching nicely. I’m sure you will be delicious one day.
Bunet: In the meantime, I’ll water you plenty so you grow big and healthy.
Mauvier: Oh, is this your garden?
Bunet: Mauvier, what are you doing here?
Mauvier: Keeping guard. What manner of vegetables are you growing?
Bunet: I plant a variety this time of year, though most won’t grow until later.
Bunet: Nothing is better than homegrown produce. Cook it just a bit and you have a masterpiece.
Mauvier: You are also raising flowers. Are they for cooking as well?
Bunet: Oh, no. These flowers are just for looking at. And smelling.
Bunet: The scent of fresh flowers has a way of easing the soul. Here, sniff.
Mauvier: Huh…
Mauvier: What a lovely fragrance.
Mauvier: You are correct. It is quite calming.
Bunet: You’ve been working too hard. Why not drop by here to relax now and then?
Mauvier: That sounds…nice.
Mauvier: Yes. I believe I will come by from time to time.
B Support:
Mauvier: What is this flower called? It has a wonderful scent.
Bunet: Ah, that’s jasmine. One of the most aromatic flowers I grow.
Mauvier: Your garden is quite lovely. I admit, I have found excuses to visit lately.
Bunet: It really means that much to you?
Bunet: I’ll harvest some vegetables and cook up a nice ratatouille. The taste will move you, I promise.
Mauvier: There’s no need for you to go to such lengths.
Mauvier: Simply taking time to pause here occasionally is more than enough for me.
Bunet: Everyone needs a little downtime. And they can always use a good meal too.
Mauvier: …
Mauvier: I was one of the Four Hounds.
Mauvier: So now I work to protect the weak, as an act of atonement for my past actions.
Mauvier: People suffer daily. I fail them by allowing myself any pleasure, no matter how simple.
Bunet: Don’t think like that.
Mauvier: I am sorry. It may be some time until I visit this garden again. If ever.
A Support:
Mauvier: Heh…
Bunet: Mauvier, I have some presents for you.
Mauvier: Are these vegetables from your garden?
Bunet: Yes. Appetizing, aren’t they? They’re for you.
Mauvier: Bunet. I told you I do not want to treat myself. Not while others suffer.
Bunet: That’s too bad. I suppose these vegetables will just rot, then.
Mauvier: …
Bunet: Such a shame. I worked so hard to grow them.
Mauvier: …
Mauvier: Why do you pay so much attention to me?
Bunet: Hm. I suppose you remind me of the plants from my garden. I want to help you grow.
Bunet: That scrumptious, fragrant goodness inside has to be nurtured so it doesn’t wither away.
Mauvier: Heh… You are trying to make me feel better about my lot in life.
Mauvier: Do you truly believe I can grow, and not just rot away?
Bunet: Hm… I don’t think I can answer that for you. You have to decide for yourself.
Bunet: In the meantime, seriously, eat these vegetables.
Mauvier: Yes. Of course.
Bunet: You can grill them if you like, but they’ll really shine if you let me cook them up for you.
Mauvier: Thank you, Bunet.
Mauvier: I shall continue looking for a way to grow so as to not rot away. For you.