C Support:
Céline: …
Alcryst: Princess Céline? You’re up rather late. Is something the matter?
Céline: Oh, Prince Alcryst.
Céline: It’s nothing. My sleep was restless tonight, that’s all.
Alcryst: Ah. Did you have a bad dream?
Céline: …
Céline: I dreamt my brother died.
Alcryst: Oh…
Céline: This is a recurring dream, mind you. One that I have had many times since childhood.
Céline: My brother used to be chronically ill, you see.
Céline: But even now, I can’t shake the feeling that he might be taken from me at any moment.
Alcryst: Oh, Princess Céline…
Céline: Alfred has recovered since then, make no mistake. He is the picture of robust health now.
Alcryst: That he is. He always seems so brave on the battlefield. It’s amazing.
Alcryst: For what it’s worth, I have those same bad dreams myself…
Alcryst: Dreams where my brother Diamant is taken from me, that is.
Céline: Oh! Do you now?
Alcryst: I do. They’re a bit grim, so I’ve never discussed them with anyone.
Céline: I see. I should like to hear more about them, if you are willing.
Céline: But the hour is far too late for that, I think. Another time, Prince Alcryst?
Alcryst: Of course. I’m free to talk whenever you need a sympathetic ear.
B Support:
Céline: …
Alcryst: Another bad dream, Princess Céline?
Céline: Hah… Is it so obvious?
Céline: As I recall, you’ve also had dreams of losing your brother, haven’t you?
Céline: I’m curious… When did they start for you?
Alcryst: Only recently, shortly after we entered this war against the Fell Dragon.
Alcryst: My father told me, “If your brother and I both die, it will fall to you to protect our kingdom.”
Alcryst: I thought that sounded impossible at the time.
Alcryst: My mighty father and invincible older brother… die in battle? How ridiculous.
Alcryst: But wars are often…unpredictable.
Céline: I know what you mean.
Alcryst: Now I’m haunted by a growing fear that my bad dreams might become reality.
Alcryst: What if an enemy catches him off guard? What if we’re separated and I never find him again?
Alcryst: I’ve lost count of all the horrible ways my dreams have taken Diamant from me…
Céline: My experience has been similar. In my dreams, every disaster I can think of comes to pass.
Alcryst: Now, after every nightmare, I crawl out of bed and check on him as he sleeps.
Alcryst: Seeing him sprawled out, snoring louder than the sawing of a log… That puts my fears to rest.
Céline: I’m glad you have that, at least.
Céline: My brother is too much of an early riser for me to do the same. I’d be roped into his workouts.
Alcryst: Heh… Funny, I’d imagine that seeing him up and running in circles would be a relief.
Céline: Heh heh, it does help, I admit.
Céline: Well! Speaking with you has calmed my nerves. I am sorry for worrying you.
Alcryst: Not at all. If you have another bad dream and want to talk about it, I’m always here.
Alcryst: I can’t make them go away, but…at the very least, you know you’re not alone.
Céline: Thank you, Prince Alcryst. I find that very reassuring.
A Support:
Céline: This tea has a lovely fragrance. And a stirring taste, as well.
Alcryst: I agree! The tea leaves are from the Brodian highlands. They’re said to be a potent sleep aid.
Céline: Truly?
Céline: Oh… You prepared this just for me, didn’t you? I’m touched.
Alcryst: How have your dreams been lately?
Céline: No better, I’m afraid. As the war intensifies, so too do my nightmares.
Alcryst: I’m so sorry to hear that.
Alcryst: …
Alcryst: You know…I don’t think either of us will ever rule our countries.
Céline: I beg your pardon?
Alcryst: Ah, that came out wrong. I meant that, should the worst happen, we’d do our duties, but…
Alcryst: The worst isn’t going to happen. We’ll fight to protect them─our brothers, our future kings.
Alcryst: Fear may persist in our dreams, but we won’t let it affect our realities.
Alcryst: In fact, I’ll go a step further…and do my best to protect Prince Alfred as well!
Céline: Oh!
Alcryst: He’s the crown prince of an allied kingdom, so I consider him to be my brother too.
Alcryst: Oh, wait… He might be annoyed if a weakling like me were to offer protection as a brother.
Céline: Don’t be silly! Alfred would be overjoyed. I know I am. It’s enough to bring me to tears.
Céline: It’s very reassuring to know someone so skilled as you will be watching over him.
Alcryst: Oh. I…appreciate that you think so highly of me.
Céline: I, in turn, will safeguard your brother, the crown prince Diamant.
Céline: Working together to protect the future kings will benefit both our nations.
Céline: I would go so far to risk my own life for them, if needed.
Alcryst: Princess Céline! That’s not─
Céline: It isn’t the normal order of things. I am aware. And yet…
Céline: I suspect you would do the same, yes?
Alcryst: Hm…
Alcryst: You’re right of course, but…we should probably keep this agreement a secret.
Céline: Yes, indeed.
Alcryst: I believe we just formed an alliance that would worry most of our friends and allies.
Céline: Yet I think that because of it, my nightmares will plague me less frequently.
Alcryst: I think that might be true for me as well.
Alcryst: We may never bear our own crowns, but we can certainly bear each other’s burdens.
Céline: Yes. Even after the war ends, may we always act in harmony for the sake of our nations.