C Support:
Fogado: Princess Céline! Did you do something with your hair? It’s looking even flowier than usual.
Céline: Good day, Prince Fogado.
Fogado: I’ll say. Any day I see you is a good one.
Fogado: Nothing, huh?
Céline: If I reacted to every bit of flattery that spilt from your mouth, we’d be here all day.
Fogado: Flattery? Me? I wouldn’t dream of it.
Fogado: Hey, I know! We should have tea together. You like tea, don’t you?
Céline: Indeed, I do!
Fogado: Being royals of Solm and Firene, I think it’s important we get to know each other.
Fogado: Talk about different values and whatnot. Could be beneficial for both of us.
Céline: Haha, spoken like the prince of a nation obsessed with trade.
Fogado: Nothing wrong with a little give and take.
Céline: Forgive me, but I must decline for now.
Céline: The Firenese lifestyle is more pastoral. We lack your taste for intrigue and risk.
Fogado: You make tea with me sound like some kind of big adventure.
Céline: Quite a dangerous one, yes. Good day, Prince Fogado.
Fogado: And just like that, she’s gone. Guess this’ll take some doing.
Fogado: Then again, what did I expect? She is from Firene.
B Support:
Fogado: Well hello, Princess Céline. You’re looking gorgeous as ever.
Céline: Thank you, Prince Fogado.
Fogado: So? What do you say? Want to have that cup of tea? It’s time we got to know each other.
Céline: Hmm. Is that wise?
Fogado: Oh, come on. You’re still mulling it over?
Fogado: I guess you can’t help being closed off. You are Firenese, after all.
Céline: As I said, we have a distaste for risk.
Fogado: Yeah, but it’s not just that.
Céline: Oh? What else?
Fogado: Firene’s farming industry is so robust, you don’t need to keep reserves, let alone import goods.
Fogado: And that’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong.
Fogado: But self-sufficiency has made you folks a bit unsociable, if you ask me.
Fogado: Your gates are shut so tight, they might as well be walls.
Céline: Interesting. When put that way, we do seem a bit isolated, don’t we?
Céline: Very well. I accept your invitation.
Céline: I’ll prove to you that the Firenese people are in no way walled off.
Céline: Rather, the generosity fostered by our pastoral ways makes us exceptionally accommodating.
Fogado: Haha! Good for you, Princess Céline!
Fogado: Taking it upon yourself to prove Firene isn’t a hermit kingdom. I respect that.
Céline: It’s also a chance for me to gain a glimpse of the secret to your prosperity.
Céline: Such as the way you curry favor with foreign nobility to pry information out of them.
Fogado: I won’t deny it. As a prince, I occasionally have no choice but to mix business and pleasure.
Fogado: But no ulterior motives today, I promise. Just tea and friendly conversation.
Céline: That would be lovely. I look forward to it, Prince of Solm.
A Support:
Céline: Do you ever get the sense that you and I are quite similar?
Fogado: I was just thinking that.
Fogado: We look and act completely different, and yet for some reason, we understand each other.
Céline: Yes, I know precisely what you mean.
Fogado: I guess it makes sense if you think about it. We are in similar situations.
Fogado: Each of us is second in line to the throne. The sovereigns’ siblings.
Céline: Indeed.
Céline: Ever since childhood, I have endeavored to grow into a role where I might support the king.
Fogado: Same here. I’ve spent my whole life thinking of ways to help my sister.
Fogado: That meant becoming stronger than she was. Training harder than she did.
Fogado: Leaving the palace to resolve conflicts around the queendom.
Céline: I suspected as much.
Céline: Likewise, I honed my swordsmanship and magical prowess to support my sickly brother.
Céline: But wouldn’t you know it! Just when I thought I’d strengthened myself enough…
Céline: my brother seemed to make a full recovery.
Fogado: Haha, and you didn’t know whether to cheer or break down sobbing.
Fogado: We really are alike.
Céline: We both dearly love our siblings, as we love our nations.
Fogado: And to protect what we love…we’d be willing to do the unthinkable.
Céline: Precisely. Neither of us would hesitate to employ less-than-peaceful means.
Fogado: Heh heh…
Céline: …
Fogado: Good. Each of us knows what a monster the other can be.
Céline: It’s for that reason that I see any path putting us in conflict with Solm as risky indeed.
Fogado: In that case, let’s stay friends.
Céline: May we find a path forward. Together.