C Support:
Mauvier: Princess Céline, may I ask you something?
Céline: You may.
Mauvier: Are you aware of a hill in Firene where a lone broadleaf tree stands?
Céline: A lone, broadleaf tree? None spring to mind.
Céline: Why do you ask?
Mauvier: I do not know if you are aware, but I was born in Firene.
Mauvier: Throughout my childhood, my family would travel to that hillside.
Mauvier: The name of the region eludes me, but I will always remember the beauty of that scenery.
Mauvier: I wish to visit that place again, if I can.
Céline: My goodness. I had no idea that you hailed from Firene.
Céline: But you’ve given me little to go on when it comes to the site in question.
Mauvier: I apologize. I realize now how little information I have to offer for the search.
Mauvier: I have wonderful memories of my days there. Sometimes, I can almost smell the air.
Céline: You carry a profound emotional attachment to this place, don’t you?
Céline: Very well. I cannot abandon the plight of a native Firenese friend so easily.
Céline: I shall do what I can to help you.
Céline: As princess of Firene, I vow to find this place from your memories.
Mauvier: Thank you, Princess Céline.
B Support:
Céline: Does this one stir anything?
Mauvier: Hmm… No. It is unfamiliar.
Céline: How about this one, then?
Mauvier: No, I do not recognize that scene either.
Céline: Drat. These are all the paintings I have of famous landscapes around Firene.
Céline: Yet none of them appear to be the place you remember so keenly.
Mauvier: I am sorry. You took the time to procure these, but they stir no memories.
Céline: Is there anything else about this place, other than the scenery, that you can recall?
Mauvier: Hm…
Mauvier: I remember now.
Mauvier: Meat pies. My mother would make them.
Mauvier: My parents and I would picnic beneath the broadleaf tree and take in the scenery.
Mauvier: Those pies were wonderful.
Céline: Heh heh, what a delightful thing to recall.
Mauvier: I’m sorry. I know none of that story helps to find the location I seek.
Céline: Never mind that. It must have been a joyous time for you.
Mauvier: …
Mauvier: Oh. I think I understand now.
Mauvier: For all this time…
Céline: Mauvier? Is something amiss?
Mauvier: Princess Céline, you have been a tremendous help to me.
Mauvier: I have all the information I need. Thank you again.
Céline: Ah, Mauvier, wait!
Céline: What brought that on, I wonder?
A Support:
Céline: Mauvier, why did you abandon our search for the place from your childhood?
Mauvier: Princess Céline.
Mauvier: I am sorry.
Mauvier: I should explain myself since it was your help that solved my dilemma.
Céline: I won’t pry if it’s a sensitive subject. I was merely curious.
Mauvier: Not at all. You see, I was certain that, with your help, I could find the hilltop from my memories.
Mauvier: Then I came to a realization.
Mauvier: My memories are not special because of the beauty of the place.
Mauvier: I remember that hill and its lone broadleaf tree because of the happy times with my family.
Céline: Ah, I see.
Mauvier: My mother’s smile. My father tousling my hair. We would talk, laugh, and enjoy life together.
Mauvier: And the meat pies, oh, they were my favorite. I knew only happiness during those picnic days.
Céline: Oh, Mauvier…
Mauvier: I realize now that I would not be so moved were I to find that hillside today.
Mauvier: My parents are long departed from this world. With them gone, that hill is only a hill.
Céline: …
Céline: I propose that we keep searching for that place.
Mauvier: Pardon?
Céline: Your family may be gone, but I think we might all enjoy spending time there together with you.
Mauvier: Princess Céline…
Mauvier: That is a generous offer, and I accept. Both your help and your company are most welcome.
Céline: It would be my pleasure.
Céline: Let us locate the site that you may form new and joyous memories there with your friends.
Mauvier: Thank you, Princess Céline.