C Support:
Chloé: Please, Bunet?
Bunet: Apologies, Chloé, but no. I cannot. I will not.
Chloé: Pretty please? There’s no one else here who could do it.
Bunet: You have my answer.
Chloé: Aww…
Bunet: Chloé, I live by certain principles.
Bunet: Chief among them? That the ingredients of this world deserve to be treated with dignity.
Bunet: I refuse to twist and corrupt them in order to make that…side-street dreck!
Chloé: Hey! I’m not taking that lying down. Folk food is an art form.
Chloé: Unique dishes, cooked without fuss, using ingredients that are unusual, cheap, or both.
Chloé: Imagine how amazing it would be if a world- class chef like you prepared some!
Bunet: No. You will have to ask someone else.
Chloé: But you have to!
Chloé: I’ll do you a favor in return if I can try some gourmet-quality folk food, just once.
Bunet: Chloé… You know an artist when you see one. I appreciate that.
Bunet: But I cannot do as you ask.
Bunet: The ingredients tell me how they want to be prepared. I will not violate their wishes.
Bunet: Now, if you’ll excuse me.
Chloé: Oooh… This isn’t over. I’ll find a way to convince him. Guaranteed!
B Support:
Bunet: Chloé. Here to beg me some more, I take it.
Chloé: Sure am!
Bunet: From where did this bizarre love of folk food spring? You grew up in a noble family.
Chloé: Yeah, and all they served me back home was high cuisine.
Chloé: For most people, that would be great. But me, I went to this Firenese festival one day.
Chloé: I caught this salty-sweet scent from a back alley, so I followed it to find out what it was.
Bunet: That was how you discovered folk food.
Chloé: Yep. Without even thinking, I bought some food from the stall and tried it.
Chloé: It was mind-blowing! The flavor, the smell, the texture… I’d never had anything like it in my life.
Bunet: To the child of a rich family, I see how it could offer some…perverse sense of thrill.
Chloé: Sadly, there was no chance my family would let me dine out.
Chloé: And I could forget about folk food! They’d be horrified to know I ever even tasted it.
Bunet: Oh, I see. You couldn’t eat it while you lived at home.
Chloé: Not necessarily. Once I’d had my first taste, I started going out behind my parents’ backs.
Chloé: I’d eat the folk food on my pegasus and get rid of any evidence by tossing the wrappers.
Bunet: Littering, you mean.
Chloé: Yeah, I feel bad about that now. I always take care to toss my trash properly these days.
Chloé: But that’s my story in a nutshell.
Bunet: Your passion for food…I recognize it. I hesitate to admit, it is much like my own.
Bunet: You have persuaded me. For you─and only you─I will try my hand at making folk food.
Chloé: You mean it?!
Bunet: But what I cook will be of the highest quality.
Bunet: I cannot cut corners on purpose, so do not complain if it differs from your expectations.
Chloé: No complaints, I promise! Thanks, Bunet! You’ve made me a very happy lady.
Chloé: Ooh, I can’t wait to try your first batch of folk food!
A Support:
Bunet: As I have told you before, ingredients tell me how to cook them.
Chloé: Yeah, so you’ve said.
Bunet: I never disregard their voices.
Bunet: Thus I have been searching high and low.
Bunet: I have sought out ingredients that ask─indeed, beg─to be made into folk food.
Chloé: Does that mean you found some?
Bunet: Yes. Look.
Bunet: A shellfish from the ponds of Solm and some mushrooms unique to the queendom’s forests.
Chloé: Wow! What a weird color.
Bunet: And this? A numbing spice. It will stamp out all sensation as soon as it hits your tongue.
Chloé: A spice…that numbs?
Bunet: Heh, you’re not scared, are you?
Chloé: Who, me? I want to try this so bad that I can hardly stand it.
Bunet: I knew your culinary courage would not falter.
Bunet: Now, behold. The ultimate folk food.
Chloé: Incredible! That’s exactly the kind of careless presentation folk food oughta have!
Bunet: The splendor does not stop at its presentation. Please, have a taste.
Chloé: Oh boy, oh boy…
Chloé: Oh my goodness! That spice sure did a number on my tongue.
Chloé: But the sauce brings it right back to life, and the texture is just…indescribable!
Chloé: This is what made me fall in love with folk food. If a stall sold it, I’d eat there every day!
Bunet: It’s strange… At first, I was simply moved by your passion for food.
Bunet: But now I see that this was a necessary step on the road to gastronomic expertise.
Bunet: Whether it is served on a porcelain plate or in an unassuming wrapper, good food is good food.
Bunet: Street fare and gourmet food alike can bring joy to their eaters.
Chloé: Exactly! Thanks, Bunet.
Bunet: Now, what would you like to eat next?
Chloé: You mean you’ll fix me something else?!
Bunet: I am always happy to take requests from a true food lover.
Chloé: No kidding? More gourmet-quality folk food… I’m so happy I might cry.
Bunet: Please don’t do that. My food and I are not going anywhere.
Chloé: Yeah. Good point. I’ll take my time and think carefully.
Chloé: The next folk food I get from you is going to be the stuff of legend!