C Support:
Chloé: Oh, hello, Merrin!
Merrin: Well hello, Chloé. You’re looking beautiful, as always.
Merrin: You know, I saw these blossoms and immediately thought of you.
Merrin: One beauty deserves another. I hope you like them.
Chloé: Wow… That’s really sweet of you, Merrin.
Chloé: You’re so charming and cool…like a knight out of a fairy tale.
Merrin: Me? Charming and cool?
Merrin: Haha, you’re much too kind.
Merrin: Hey, I happen to have some sweets. They’re delicious. Care to share them with me?
Chloé: Aww, what a nice surprise! I would love to.
Merrin: Today is shaping up to be a fine day, indeed.
Chloé: Let’s sit over there, with the nice view. We can share your sweets and my pickled fish guts.
Merrin: Sorry, did you say pickled…guts?
Chloé: I bet you they’ll go perfectly with the sweets.
Merrin: Eh, I’m not so sure about that. Honestly, the combination sounds fairly wretched.
Chloé: You never know until you try, though.
Merrin: Perhaps just one bite, if you insist. But if I get an upset stomach, you have to take care of me.
Chloé: I’d be happy to. Shall we brave the unknown together, Merrin?
B Support:
Merrin: HA!
Merrin: Hahaha, well, well. I landed that finishing blow beautifully, if I do say so myself.
Merrin: Still, more practice is in order. Perfection is the only option on the battlefield.
Merrin: Ha-AH!
Merrin: Whoa! What the─
Merrin: AHH!
Chloé: Oh no, Merrin! Are you OK?!
Merrin: Chloé? How long have you been watching me?
Chloé: Quite a while now.
Chloé: I would’ve said something sooner, but I didn’t want to interrupt your training.
Merrin: Ugh… I wish you hadn’t seen me looking so… so uncool!
Merrin: Knights never make such sloppy mistakes in fairy tales. I’m sure you’re disenchanted now.
Chloé: Aw, it’s OK, Merrin. Uh-oh, you scraped your forehead. Let’s get that taken care of.
Merrin: I feel so pathetic.
Chloé: It was just one silly mistake. Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Chloé: When I think about you, I think about how hard you work, not about how you messed up once.
Chloé: You’re still a gallant knight from a fairy tale in my eyes.
Merrin: Chloé… Thank you.
Chloé: Besides, I said I’d take care of you, didn’t I?
Merrin: Haha, you did. Though, this isn’t quite the same as an upset stomach.
Merrin: But perhaps messing up isn’t so bad. Especially if someone like you ends up taking care of me.
A Support:
Merrin: Ha!
Chloé: You can do it, Merrin!
Merrin: Yes, I can!
Merrin: HA!
Merrin: Hahaha, I did it! I pulled off the finishing move perfectly.
Chloé: Beautifully done, Merrin!
Merrin: And I have you to thank for it, Chloé.
Merrin: You’ve been helping me with my training since this morning, and the long hours are paying off.
Merrin: I am grateful.
Chloé: But are you sure you want to train with me? Aren’t there others who are more qualified?
Merrin: No. I wouldn’t have anyone else.
Chloé: How come?
Merrin: Honestly, you’re one of the few friends I feel I can be…uncool…around.
Merrin: I don’t have to worry you’ll be disenchanted if your fairy-tale knight isn’t quite flawless.
Merrin: I am so grateful for that.
Chloé: Hah, so that’s it.
Chloé: You know, I’m not the only one who feels that way.
Chloé: Who could be disenchanted with you? It doesn’t matter if you stumble sometimes.
Chloé: Everyone knows how cool you are, and a few mistakes won’t change that.
Chloé: We know you have the true spirit of a knight inside.
Merrin: Chloé, I have to say…
Merrin: I feel so lucky to have met you, and I’d be honored if you’d go on fighting by my side.
Chloé: It would be a dream come true, Merrin.