C Support:
Citrinne: Seadall, is it true that you can tell fortunes?
Seadall: It is.
Seadall: I can divine anything, from the day’s fortune to a person’s greater fate.
Citrinne: What a marvelous talent! In that case… Would you read Brodia’s future for me?
Seadall: Brodia’s future?
Citrinne: Brodia is my home. I love my home.
Citrinne: And since the start of the war, I have been worried about its future.
Seadall: Ah, you’d like to know the fate of the kingdom, then.
Seadall: It…may not be good news. Are you sure you want me to do this?
Citrinne: Yes. I am prepared for the truth, whatever it may be.
Seadall: Understood. Then let’s begin.
Seadall: Spirit of the Cards, cast your divine light so that I may see the fate that awaits great Brodia…
Seadall: …
Seadall: It is revealed. Brodia’s future…
Citrinne: Yes?
Seadall: I see…nothing.
Citrinne: Nothing? What do you mean, nothing?!
Seadall: It’s just as I said. I see nothing. That’s what the cards have shown me.
Citrinne: That can’t be…
Citrinne: Does that… Will the war bring my country to ruin?
Seadall: I admit…I’m not really sure myself.
Citrinne: I… I see. Well, thank you for the reading.
B Support:
Citrinne: …
Seadall: Citrinne, are you still worried about my reading the other day?
Citrinne: I am.
Citrinne: I have thought of little else since.
Seadall: I see.
Citrinne: Brodia’s towns… Have you ever been? They’re wonderful.
Citrinne: Especially after a nice, long bout of rain.
Citrinne: The sun peeks out from the clouds and all the buildings glitter─like a scene from a fairy tale.
Citrinne: As a young girl, I used to sit by the window during storms and wait for that moment.
Citrinne: I would even skip my ballroom dance practice and just sit there, waiting…
Seadall: It’s a beautiful story…like one from a book.
Seadall: But reality isn’t storybook beautiful very often. You can’t just sit and wait for the rain to stop.
Citrinne: What?
Seadall: Sitting and worrying about what Brodia’s fate might be won’t help your homeland.
Citrinne: I know that.
Citrinne: I’m not waiting by the window anymore. I’m out there in the mud, fighting for Brodia.
Citrinne: But I’m just one person. I can’t protect the kingdom on my own.
Citrinne: And that… Well, it breaks my heart.
Seadall: …
Citrinne: I have to go. Excuse me.
Seadall: Citrinne…
A Support:
Citrinne: Seadall, I apologize for losing my composure the other day.
Seadall: No, don’t apologize. I can see how much Brodia means to you.
Seadall: But I wanted to share this with you.
Citrinne: Share what?
Seadall: I had a feeling you’d come, so I read Brodia’s fortune again.
Citrinne: And…what did you find?
Seadall: It’s not that Brodia has no future. It’s that a fog had settled around Brodia’s future.
Seadall: I can finally see it.
Seadall: I suspect the powerful feelings you hold for your home have driven the fog away.
Citrinne: What did you see? What was on the other side of the fog?
Seadall: Brodia, after the rain has passed.
Citrinne: …
Seadall: A period of darkness and strife will pass over Brodia and other countries…
Seadall: But when it’s over, the sun will shine from between the clouds on your home.
Citrinne: …
Citrinne: Haha, thank you. I hope you’re not just humoring me.
Seadall: Huh? What do you mean?
Citrinne: That fortune… You’re not just saying that to make me feel better?
Seadall: No. I’m not running a scam or trying to make you feel good. I don’t need to do that.
Citrinne: I pray that is the case.
Citrinne: I have to say, with your help, I have been able to face reality in a way I couldn’t before.
Citrinne: I can’t passively wait for the future to come. I have to take it into my own hands.
Citrinne: For Brodia’s sake. For the world’s.
Seadall: I believe you will, Citrinne. And you have my support.
Citrinne: Thank you.
Citrinne: Ah! I nearly forgot. You must allow me to compensate you for your services.
Seadall: Once peace has been achieved, you could give me a tour of Brodia.
Seadall: I love exploring places I’ve never been before.
Citrinne: That’s a wonderful idea! Let’s travel to one of the towns sometime soon. After a storm.