C Support:
Citrinne: Hmm…
Veyle: Oh, um, why are you looking at me like that?
Citrinne: I’m just so curious…
Veyle: Curious? About what?
Citrinne: It’s so…modest.
Veyle: I… I don’t understand.
Citrinne: You’re a princess, yet there isn’t a single bit of jewelry or finery on you.
Citrinne: Your outfit is just so…modest!
Veyle: What does it matter to you? It just… It wasn’t my fate to have lots of fancy things, I guess.
Citrinne: Of course. I understand.
Citrinne: And yet─oh, how shall I put this… I feel a deep need to coax your inner royal out from hiding.
Veyle: I’m sorry if my…plainness…bothers you.
Citrinne: Oh my. I apologize, Lady Veyle. I hope you know that I meant no offense.
Citrinne: Just rest easy and leave everything to me.
Veyle: Leave everything… Wait, what do you mean?
Citrinne: Let’s see… I suppose it would be wise to start with the base garments.
Citrinne: Oh, but a person’s style is directly influenced by their lifestyle, so perhaps… Hmm…
Veyle: What does that mean? Aw, I’m not sure I want to find out.
B Support:
Veyle: I can’t believe how many rare gems have been stitched into this dress. It’s so sparkly.
Citrinne: Are you pleased with your new attire, Lady Veyle?
Veyle: MY attire? Oh, I can’t possibly keep this. It’s way too valuable.
Citrinne: Oh? Really? I was sure it would suit you…
Veyle: And why did you hand me this deed saying I own “a deserted island with beautiful beaches”?
Citrinne: It also says, “private villa included.” A pretty dress deserves a pretty escape, don’t you think?
Veyle: I suppose… But I can’t accept a deserted island or a gem-covered dress.
Citrinne: Perhaps just this crown then? I had it custom made for you, Lady Veyle.
Veyle: Oh, it’s so beautiful!
Veyle: Wait, no! I can’t! I don’t need this!
Citrinne: But… But… Oh, won’t you please accept just one of these things?
Citrinne: For my sake?
Veyle: For your sake? What do you mean?
Veyle: Oh.
Veyle: I understand.
Veyle: This isn’t a gift─it’s an offering.
Veyle: It’s like when the worshippers from Elusia kept giving me all those fancy offerings…
Veyle: Hoping their wishes and prayers would be granted.
Citrinne: Really? Oh my.
Veyle: Well, I won’t accept anything from you, Citrinne.
Veyle: It’s unfortunate, really.
Veyle: All I wanted was for us to be friends.
Citrinne: Oh, dear… Lady Veyle…
A Support:
Citrinne: Lady Veyle? May I have a moment?
Veyle: I suppose.
Citrinne: I need you to know…I only wanted to be friends with you. Truly.
Citrinne: But it seems as if my actions have made a mess of things. I apologize for that.
Veyle: …
Veyle: Before I accept your apology, I have to ask something.
Veyle: What did you mean when you said you wanted me to accept the gifts for your sake?
Citrinne: I just wanted to see my favorite thing…
Citrinne: The smile on a friend’s face.
Veyle: You…wanted to see me smile?
Citrinne: Yes. That’s why I asked you to accept them for my sake.
Veyle: The dress, the island, the crown…they weren’t offerings? They were gifts…for me.
Citrinne: I promise. I meant them as gifts, that’s all.
Citrinne: I thought it might make you smile to receive presents worthy of a princess.
Veyle: I’m so sorry, Citrinne. I completely misunderstood your intentions.
Veyle: I hope it’s not too late…
Citrinne: No, not at all! I still have the deed to that island. Let me just─
Veyle: Oh, no! That’s not what I meant! I don’t need expensive presents.
Veyle: I meant, I hope it’s not too late to be friends. I hope maybe we could start…now?
Citrinne: Of course…
Citrinne: Of course we can, Lady Veyle!
Citrinne: I already consider you to be one of my most precious friends.
Veyle: Hehe, that makes me so happy, Citrinne.
Veyle: Your friendship really is the most wonderful gift you could ever give me.