C Support:
Citrinne: Yunaka. Tell me what you have planned for the upcoming Brodian assembly.
Yunaka: Sorry, could you try again? Only one of my ears was ready that time.
Citrinne: I know you’ve been asking around for details on the upcoming gathering of Brodian officials.
Yunaka: Uh…what?
Citrinne: Brodia is my treasure, as are its people. If you have any criminal intentions, I will stop you.
Yunaka: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. Back it up. I-I think this might be a misunderstanding.
Citrinne: Oh? What exactly am I “misunderstanding”? You are lying about your identity, are you not?
Yunaka: That’s, uh… Well, I…
Citrinne: Don’t bother denying it. You’ve fooled many, but I know your true profession.
Citrinne: You’re an assassin.
Yunaka: …
Citrinne: I assume you didn’t consider someone like me to be a threat.
Citrinne: As a noble it’s my duty to keep my people safe, and I can tell that you’re up to something.
Citrinne: I’ve already gathered all the evidence I need. If you don’t confess, I’ll tell everyone about you.
Yunaka: …
Yunaka: Yeah. It’s true. I was a Brodian assassin.
Yunaka: Honestly, though, I’ve put that life behind me. That’s not who I am anymore.
Citrinne: Try harder.
Yunaka: I’m telling you the truth. Look, hear me out at least. Please─I’ll tell you everything.
Citrinne: …
Citrinne: Fine. I’ll hear what you have to say…but later.
Citrinne: Know this, Yunaka…to protect Brodia, I can and will act with a heart of cold steel. No mercy.
Yunaka: Yeah. I’ll remember.
B Support:
Citrinne: All right, Yunaka. I’ll listen to what you have to say, but if a single lie slips through your lips…
Yunaka: I’ll start from the beginning. And I won’t lie.
Yunaka: The girl in this story isn’t named Yunaka. She’s called Larimar.
Yunaka: She’s born to a poor family living in a town on the Brodian bluffs. Her parents abandon her.
Yunaka: She isn’t even old enough to understand why. But then a man takes her in…an assassin.
Citrinne: Oh!
Yunaka: He tells her he wants a little helper.
Yunaka: So he trains the girl to kill.
Citrinne: To what end?
Yunaka: Easy money.
Citrinne: So this man foisted his profession onto you?
Yunaka: Correct.
Citrinne: And that’s how you became an assassin…
Citrinne: There is tragedy to your tale, but you’ve earned no sympathy.
Yunaka: I’m not asking for sympathy. And I’m not done.
Citrinne: Fine. Continue your story.
Yunaka: Wait─someone’s coming.
Citrinne: Is that a problem?
Yunaka: We’ll have to finish this another time.
Citrinne: Very well.
A Support:
Citrinne: All right, Yunaka. We’re alone. Finish your story.
Yunaka: All right.
Yunaka: The girl does as she’s told─as she’s trained to do. Killing is just a job to her. Not personal.
Yunaka: Until one day, when the assassin who raised her falls ill.
Yunaka: His disease is incurable. He has little time left.
Yunaka: So he tells the girl the real reason he took her in was to set her up to succeed him.
Yunaka: And then, offering all the money they’d earned together as payment, he gives her one last job.
Citrinne: No…
Yunaka: She feels mostly scorn for him. But she also knows that, without him, she wouldn’t be alive.
Yunaka: So she honors his last wish. She puts him down.
Citrinne: …
Yunaka: After that, Larimar gives up murder for hire. Tries to move on with her life.
Yunaka: She changes her name to Yunaka, and that’s it. Here she is. Being someone new.
Citrinne: I see…
Yunaka: Now, about the meeting with the Brodian brass.
Citrinne: Right. I’m still suspicious of your intentions.
Yunaka: I was laying the groundwork for a project.
Citrinne: What kind of project?
Yunaka: Truth is, I’ve been wanting to set up a fund to help underprivileged kids.
Yunaka: That meeting was going to be the start. I was planning to propose the idea there.
Citrinne: Oh!
Citrinne: So that’s why you’ve been asking so many people about the Brodian assembly.
Yunaka: Exactly. My goal is to do all I can to make sure no kid has to go through what I went through.
Citrinne: …
Citrinne: I’ve been a vicious fool.
Yunaka: What? No way. You were right to be suspicious. That didn’t bug me.
Citrinne: Yunaka, please allow me to help you establish that fund. Consider it the start of my apology.
Yunaka: Wait, really?
Citrinne: As this war rages on, the number of children who have lost parents grows and grows.
Citrinne: Brodia’s heart is breaking. Many of our nobles have been searching for ways to help.
Citrinne: Please, let me share my connections. I acted in bad faith…and I must atone for that mistake.
Yunaka: No, no! You’ve got nothing to atone for. Seriously, I’m nothing but grateful.
Citrinne: I’m relieved to hear that…
Citrinne: You’re trying to do a wonderful thing here. I will ensure that you find success.
Citrinne: You and I have a long working relationship ahead of us. I look forward to it!
Yunaka: Yeah, we do! And I promise you, I’ll never forget this kindness.