C Support:
Zelkov: Done… It’s done. Curses, what do I do now? How do I go on living?
Citrinne: Is something wrong, Zelkov? I can lend an ear, if you wish to discuss whatever it is.
Zelkov: That is very kind of you. But I doubt you would truly understand.
Citrinne: Try me.
Zelkov: …
Zelkov: One of my pursuits…has come to an end.
Citrinne: Oh. You’re broken up over a…hobby? I assumed it was something more serious.
Zelkov: The word “hobby” is insufficient to describe what is absolutely paramount to me.
Citrinne: I… I see. Apologies. Please, go on.
Zelkov: I had been nurturing a young bird.
Zelkov: Her parents had abandoned her. She had not yet learned to fly.
Zelkov: I took it upon myself to care for her. In doing so, I became something of a foster parent.
Citrinne: Aww, how adorable.
Zelkov: It is done, now. She has gone.
Citrinne: She escaped?
Zelkov: She has left the nest. Taken her rightful place among the clouds.
Citrinne: Pardon me, but…isn’t that a good thing?
Zelkov: Yes. It was my intention from the start.
Zelkov: Indeed, as an instructor, I am proud to see her fly away all on her own.
Zelkov: But as a father, I am consumed by loss.
Zelkov: Do you understand my problem now, Citrinne? Do you have a solution for me?
Citrinne: Hmm… I could purchase a similar-looking bird for you to care for. Or hire a search party.
Zelkov: No, that won’t do…
Citrinne: In that case, there likely isn’t much I can do.
Zelkov: I understand. In that case, I will take up no more of your time. This will be my burden to bear.
Citrinne: I’m sorry, Zelkov. I wish there was something I could do to help.
B Support:
Citrinne: Zelkov, how have you been?
Zelkov: Despite attempts to drown it in other pursuits… my loss continues to consume me.
Citrinne: Ah… That’s too bad.
Citrinne: I’m sorry to impose while you’re feeling blue, but could you help me with something?
Zelkov: What do you require?
Citrinne: This. Give it a read.
Zelkov: “My son is a layabout. How do I convince him to put in some work?”
Zelkov: “They say I need to cheer up, but they don’t get it. My love’s left me. How can I move on?”
Zelkov: What exactly am I reading?
Citrinne: A register of young Brodians who need help. Letters from them or from their parents.
Zelkov: Why show this to me?
Citrinne: Sometimes to assist the royal family, I give counsel to those who are struggling.
Citrinne: There seem to be…rather a lot this time. I could use your assistance.
Zelkov: Citrinne… Your compassion is extraordinary.
Citrinne: Huh?
Zelkov: Providing counsel to these people could be the pursuit that helps me move past my loss.
Zelkov: That was your intention, was it not?
Citrinne: Haha, you’re giving me too much credit. I wasn’t thinking that far ahead.
Citrinne: Anyway, how about you pick a person you think you can help and write them a letter?
Citrinne: They could benefit from an adult’s guidance.
Zelkov: …
Zelkov: Yes. Yes, of course. I will begin immediately.
A Support:
Citrinne: Zelkov! I can hardly believe it!
Citrinne: Did you really send advice to every single person on that list?
Zelkov: Yes, I did. It was no trouble.
Citrinne: Good work. They were all quite grateful.
Zelkov: That is wonderful to hear…even if the errand failed to rid me of my grief.
Citrinne: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that.
Zelkov: However, I have been feeling somewhat more optimistic of late.
Citrinne: Truly?
Zelkov: Something occurred to me while I was giving counsel to these troubled individuals.
Zelkov: I realized they were, in their own way, each like a bird still learning to fly.
Zelkov: My advice was focused on helping them manage on their own. To learn to leave the nest.
Zelkov: Just like my little one.
Zelkov: …
Zelkov: It was helpful to consider that while writing.
Citrinne: I see.
Zelkov: I am grateful to you, Citrinne.
Citrinne: Whatever do you mean? It was you who did me a favor!
Zelkov: You asked for my help, knowing that it would assist me in turn.
Citrinne: Haha, I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Zelkov: Heh, you are a wonderful person. Truly.
Zelkov: Now then. I shall take my leave of you. It is time I began searching for my next pursuit.
Citrinne: I know it will be lovely, whatever it is.
Zelkov: Thank you.
Zelkov: One last thing, before I go.
Citrinne: Oh? What’s that?
Zelkov: Let us continue to pursue this friendship. It has become important to me.
Citrinne: Haha, worry not, Zelkov. I have no plans to fly away on you.