C Support:
Etie: Phew. That ought to be enough running for today.
Clanne: Looks like you had a good workout there, Etie!
Etie: Oh, it’s you. What are you doing here?
Clanne: I thought you might want these when you were finished.
Etie: What’s that you’ve got in the jar?
Clanne: Homemade pickles. They should really help you recover after a tough workout!
Clanne: Here, try one.
Etie: Sure, why not? Thank you.
Etie: Oh! This isn’t bad. It’s got just the right amount of tartness that I like.
Clanne: I’m glad I got it right.
Clanne: I know you’re serious about your body, so I was careful to keep them delicious but healthy.
Etie: Really? You did that just for me?
Clanne: Yep! And that’s not all.
Clanne: I also slept with them under my pillow. Kind of like how hens take care of their eggs.
Etie: No kidding? That’s…weirdly charming. You’re a good one, Clanne.
Clanne: You can keep the whole jar. If you ever want more, just let me know!
Etie: Oh, I will. Thanks for brightening up my day!
B Support:
Etie: There you are, Clanne.
Clanne: Were you looking for me? Are you out of pickles already?
Etie: I’m ashamed to say this, but yes.
Clanne: That was pretty fast.
Clanne: But I noticed you’ve been training hard, so I suspected they might not last that long.
Etie: I’m impressed. Not much gets by you, huh?
Clanne: Heh heh, it’s nothing much. I just like to do what I can for our hardworking soldiers.
Etie: Those pickles were something else. I used to stay sore for a while after a workout.
Etie: But ever since I started eating those pickles of yours, it hasn’t been as much of a problem.
Etie: Plus, the taste is amazing. I couldn’t keep my hands out of that jar.
Clanne: Really?! You don’t know how happy I am to hear that! I’ll gladly make you another batch.
Etie: You don’t mind, do you? I’d appreciate it!
Clanne: Oh, are there any vegetables in particular you want me to pickle?
Clanne: It can be whatever you like─you can make pickles out of pretty much anything.
Etie: Um…I’m drawing a blank right now. Is it OK if I leave it up to you?
Etie: You do seem to have been paying close attention to my preferences, after all.
Clanne: Haha, I suppose I have. Don’t worry, I’ll pick out the perfect vegetables for you!
Etie: I know you will.
A Support:
Clanne: Hi, Etie. Your new batch of pickles is ready.
Clanne: I used a mix of three vegetables this time. The thing is…
Etie: Is something wrong with them?
Clanne: They didn’t end up tasting very good. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t give you these.
Clanne: I thought the mix would work out, but it didn’t. I’ll probably have to start again from scratch.
Etie: Hey. Clanne, don’t worry about it. The taste isn’t going to be a problem for me.
Clanne: Huh? Why not?
Etie: I loved the taste of the pickles you made, but I loved the care you put into them even more.
Etie: You didn’t make just any old pickles─you knew they were for me before you even started.
Etie: And it’s clear that you put a lot of thought into how I’d like them.
Etie: Your pickles do more than ease the strain on my muscles.
Etie: Those good, good pickles soothe my soul too.
Etie: So, don’t worry about the taste. I’ll be happy to eat them anyway.
Clanne: Etie… That’s really nice.
Etie: …
Clanne: Um… Was that your stomach?
Etie: You heard that, did you?
Clanne: So when you said the taste wasn’t a problem just now, were you speaking from the heart…
Clanne: or were you speaking from the gut?
Etie: I meant every word! Sheesh. Don’t make me take it all back.
Clanne: Oh, isn’t it almost time for your workout?
Etie: Yeah, it is. Can I have a few pickles before I go?
Clanne: Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Etie: Clanne, come on. I told you that doesn’t matter, and I meant it. Now let me taste the love!