C Support:
Jean: Oh, dash it all! Face it, Jean. You’re lost.
Jean: It’ll cause a fuss if I don’t get back soon.
Jean: …
Clanne: Jean? Is everything all right?
Jean: Oh… Uh, hello, Clanne.
Clanne: Were you crying? Did something happen?
Jean: I…I wasn’t crying. I was just a bit anxious from losing my way, that’s all.
Jean: Our forces are getting hurt quite a lot lately. I came here to forage for healing herbs.
Clanne: Oh! Really? That’s very helpful of you.
Jean: I found the herbs I needed, but then I got caught up in my work, and the next thing I know…
Clanne: You got lost.
Jean: What about you, Clanne? Why are you here?
Clanne: I’m here for herbs too. The kind I need to make pickles.
Jean: Oh. So, uh…do you know the way back?
Clanne: Oh, yes! I come here a lot, so I can help get you back safely.
Jean: That would be very kind of you.
Clanne: You have to pay close attention to your surroundings when going into the forest alone.
Jean: You’re right, of course. I’ll be more careful next time.
Clanne: Good thing I happened to run into you, huh? Let’s go home.
Jean: Thank you, Clanne.
B Support:
Jean: Say, Clanne, do you remember how you helped me when I got lost gathering herbs?
Clanne: Mm-hmm.
Jean: As luck would have it, I found a use for them when I met a wounded child near our last battle.
Jean: Treatment was simple with the herbs I’d collected.
Clanne: Well, that’s great news!
Jean: I hate to think what would have become of the poor child if I’d stayed lost in that forest.
Jean: You helped them as much as I did, Clanne. So, thank you for that.
Clanne: Oh, I didn’t do much. I just gave you directions.
Jean: But your help then rippled outward.
Jean: The child was from a poor family. I don’t think a visit to the doctor was in the cards.
Jean: If I hadn’t come along with those herbs, the wound might have gone septic.
Clanne: Yeesh.
Jean: I may have sniffled a bit, but I didn’t really think getting lost was that big a deal.
Jean: But when a doctor is waylaid, lives could hang in the balance. Every second counts.
Jean: I really must be more careful.
Clanne: Jean, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but don’t beat yourself up too much.
Clanne: Everybody has bad days.
Clanne: But if you ask yourself, “How did I get myself into this?” you can prevent it next time.
Clanne: Though I always seem to make the same mistakes as a Steward of the Dragon…
Jean: Mistakes? You? I can’t picture it. You always seem so sure of yourself.
Clanne: Oh, not at all. I’m still just an apprentice.
Clanne: There are so many people older than me here that I’m glad to have someone closer to my age.
Jean: Hm…
Clanne: Oh no, did I say something wrong?
Jean: No, no! I’m happy to hear that. I always thought I was a burden to people.
Jean: So I’m glad to hear someone is happy to have me around.
Clanne: I don’t think it’s as bad as you fear.
Jean: You wait and see, Clanne. I’m going to be just as good as you someday!
A Support:
Clanne: Ow!
Jean: Clanne! Are you OK?!
Clanne: I’m fine. I just fell and got a scrape.
Jean: Even a minor scratch could get infected if left untreated.
Jean: Show me and I can treat it for you right here.
Clanne: All right.
Jean: It’s bleeding a bit. I can fix that.
Clanne: Yeesh, that stings!
Jean: Don’t worry, I’m finished already. That wasn’t so bad, was it?
Clanne: Heh, thank you.
Jean: No need for thanks. It’s the least I could do to repay you.
Clanne: Huh? For what?
Jean: One thing you said to me last time stuck.
Jean: About learning from your mistakes so you don’t go repeating them.
Clanne: That does ring a bell.
Jean: It was such genuine advice. Like something I’d hear from my family back home.
Clanne: Thanks, Jean…
Jean: You know I come from an island in Firene. This place is nice, but it doesn’t feel like home.
Jean: But what you said helped to change that.
Clanne: Huh.
Clanne: If you miss your family, Jean, you can think of me as an older brother.
Clanne: I might still slip up on occasion, and I have a lot of growing left to do, but…
Jean: There’s nothing wrong with that. If I had a big brother like you, there’s nothing I would fear.
Clanne: Ha! I’d be happy to help.
Jean: It’s nearly dinner time. How’s that scratch? Do you need help walking?
Clanne: It’s feeling a lot better now. Your treatment did the trick.
Jean: Maybe you should lean on me anyway. Isn’t that what family is for?