C Support:
Clanne: And how fare you today…Prince Alfred? Thank you…ever so much…for inviting me.
Clanne: Mmm. No, that’s too stiff. I should try to sound warmer.
Louis: Is something amiss, Clanne?
Clanne: Bwah! Where did you come from?!
Louis: My apologies. I thought I heard someone mention my prince’s name.
Clanne: You heard right. Prince Alfred invited me to work out with him today.
Clanne: But I’ve never spent time alone with him before, so I’m nervous about saying the wrong thing.
Louis: A private exercise session for the two of you?
Clanne: That’s right.
Louis: Hm. Not a solo or a group session. What could this signify?
Clanne: I don’t think it signifies anything.
Louis: Ah, but pay me no mind. So, then, you are practicing your greetings to the prince?
Clanne: Yes! I don’t want to embarrass myself by being accidentally rude.
Clanne: Maybe you could be my sounding board, Louis?
Clanne: I’ll talk to you like you’re Prince Alfred, and if anything seems off, you can correct it.
Louis: A capital idea. When it comes to manners, you have turned to the right man!
B Support:
Louis: Yes…it is plain to me now. At last, I have a firmer grasp of the situation.
Louis: Within Clanne’s slight frame, there lies a discernible core of strength.
Louis: The prince, noticing this, took the Lythian under his wing with a private workout. How grand!
Louis: There’s still a piece of the puzzle that eludes me, but I’m one step closer to understanding!
Clanne: Uh, Louis? Are you OK? I thought I heard you muttering to yourself.
Louis: Uh, I’m fine, I’m fine. You heard nothing.
Louis: Tell me, how was your workout session with the prince?
Clanne: It was fun! And with your help, I don’t think I embarrassed myself.
Clanne: Prince Alfred was even nicer than usual. He was very patient and taught me a lot about exercise.
Louis: Even nicer than usual?!
Louis: The prince is always so kindhearted, I struggle to imagine that. Might I ask you to elaborate?
Clanne: Uh, sure, if you want.
Louis: Do you think he was being nicer because he considers you a friend, or was there more to it?
Clanne: Oooh, I see what you mean.
Clanne: Yeah, he did have kind of a different energy. It felt almost like he wished we were brothers.
Louis: Brothers, you say!
Louis: A pair of brothers…one from Firene, and the other from Lythos. A rare occurrence indeed!
Clanne: Are you feeling well? Do you need to sit down?
Louis: Merely a minor epiphany. Pay it no mind.
Clanne: Oh, right! We had plans to work out again. Would you be interested in joining us?
Louis: Not at all. You two go ahead. I would never dream of interfering in something so sacred.
Louis: May the two of you have a productive workout as I contemplate the vision you’ve shown me.
A Support:
Louis: This is a dark day indeed.
Clanne: Louis? What’s wrong?
Louis: I am heartbroken to learn that your workout sessions with the prince have concluded.
Clanne: How did you know about that?
Louis: I overheard it all from my position not far away.
Clanne: You were there?! I didn’t notice at all.
Louis: I happened to come across the two of you, so I took the liberty of standing guard nearby.
Clanne: Oh, that makes sense. Thank you.
Louis: You two have a truly unique rapport.
Louis: The juxtaposition of the hearty Firenese prince and an attentive lad of Lythos struck me.
Louis: Your warmth and brotherly goodwill─they set my very heart alight!
Louis: In all my years of people watching, those workouts were in a class of their own.
Clanne: Well, if it helps, Prince Alfred is going to give workout lessons to someone else now.
Louis: Is this true?!
Clanne: It is. And I’m going to look for someone else to pass on what I learned from the prince.
Louis: Then it isn’t over.
Clanne: Pardon?
Louis: What I thought was a finale was, in truth, a prelude. And the cast has doubled in size!
Louis: How many more voices will be recruited into this muscular chorus? Who can truly say?
Louis: And I shall be there for all of it─a connoisseur of the human condition. I eagerly await my role.
Clanne: Umm… Are you…OK?
Louis: Er, yes! Of course!
Louis: I hope you will keep me informed as to when your next workout session is scheduled.
Louis: I support these endeavors wholeheartedly.
Louis: I hope I may continue to find a place in them as your appreciative audience.
Clanne: Thanks for the support, Louis!