C Support:
Veyle: Hello, Clanne. What do you have there?
Clanne: Oh, Lady Veyle. I’m pickling.
Veyle: Pickling? What is that? I’ve never heard of it.
Clanne: Pickling is preserving meats or vegetables in vinegar. Add spices, and they’re very tasty.
Clanne: I’m developing a new recipe at the moment. Would you care to try one?
Veyle: Oh yes, I’d like that very much!
Veyle: Hmm…
Clanne: I think my pickles are pretty great, don’t you?
Veyle: Hmm. The taste is quite…plain.
Clanne: What?
Clanne: I mean… Um… You really think so? I think this batch is nicely sour, myself.
Veyle: It just isn’t very…potent. You should add a bunch of peppers.
Clanne: You can’t make pickles with peppers.
Veyle: Are you sure about that?
Veyle: I mean, is this really all a pickle can be?
Clanne: Huh?
Veyle: How will you ever create a new pickle recipe if you’ve already decided how pickles taste?
Clanne: I… OK. Yeah. I guess you’re right.
Clanne: I’ve just been following the same old pickle routine without even questioning it.
Clanne: I must try something new if I’m ever to grow as a pickle chef.
Clanne: Lady Veyle, you’ve opened my eyes!
Veyle: That’s the spirit! Now, why don’t you put some peppers in those pickles?
Clanne: I think I’ll do just that!
B Support:
Veyle: Oh, hello, Clanne. Did you get a chance to make those peppery pickles yet?
Clanne: Well…yes? I’m sort of nervous about how bright red the brine is turning, though.
Veyle: It’ll be all right. I’m sure they’re going to be so tasty. I can’t wait to try them.
Clanne: Oh…
Veyle: What’s wrong? You got so quiet all of a sudden.
Clanne: It just sort of struck me that you remind me of my sister.
Veyle: Your sister? Why do you say that?
Clanne: You said things would work out, even though you’ve got no proof. She does that all the time.
Veyle: That’s a rude thing to say.
Clanne: Ah! I’m sorry!
Veyle: It’s OK.
Veyle: You and your sister are twins, right?
Clanne: Mm-hmm! I’m the older one.
Veyle: I wonder what having a sibling around is like…
Clanne: Wh-what do you mean?
Veyle: I mean, I was apart from my sibling for so long, I feel like I don’t know what it’s like. Not really.
Veyle: It’s hard to make up for all the lost time. I guess I don’t know how to act like…family.
Veyle: To be honest, I’m jealous of you. You get to spend so much time with your sister.
Clanne: …
Clanne: I think having a sibling is like… I guess sisters, and probably brothers, are like air.
Veyle: What do you mean?
Clanne: You take air for granted but you’d miss it a lot if it went away. I don’t know if that makes sense.
Veyle: Yes, I think I understand.
Veyle: I would like to be that─a sister who’s like air to someone.
Clanne: You can totally be that.
Clanne: Family is family. It doesn’t matter how far apart you live, you’re somebody’s air.
Veyle: Thank you, Clanne. I really needed to hear that.
A Support:
Clanne: Lady Veyle, the hot pepper pickles are finally ready!
Veyle: Oooh, exciting! Can I give them a try?
Clanne: Well, they look terrifyingly spicy, but, um, sure. Grab one and try it out!
Veyle: …
Clanne: Lady Veyle! Are you OK?! Should I call for help?
Veyle: It’s so…
Clanne: Oh gosh, oh geez, oh no! I’ll go get help!
Veyle: I… I’m all right.
Veyle: It’s just so incredibly good!
Veyle: I could go on eating these pickles forever!
Clanne: You look like you’re in so much pain. Are you OK? You can tell me.
Veyle: Ahh… I feel better than ever!
Veyle: Clanne, you’ve got to try your new recipe.
Clanne: Huh?!
Veyle: No, don’t worry. They’re really, really good.
Clanne: Oh… OK. I mean, if you say they’re good…
Clanne: Mm…mmm…
Clanne: Ugh… Hah… Hah-haah…hot! Hot, hot, hot! HOT!
Clanne: So spicy, but…I can sort of feel my mouth again, and sort of taste too.
Clanne: You’re right. These are really, really good!
Veyle: See? Aren’t you glad you tried something new?
Clanne: For once, I really am!
Clanne: …
Clanne: You challenged me to make better pickles. Now there’s something else I’d like you to try.
Veyle: Ooo! Do you have some even spicier pickles for me?
Clanne: No, not pickles. I thought maybe you might like to try being my sister.
Veyle: Oh!
Clanne: Nothing serious, you know, just kind of acting like brother and, I guess, older sister.
Clanne: You helped me make better pickles, so I thought I’d help you become comfortable as a sibling.
Veyle: That would be nice…
Veyle: But is it OK? Wouldn’t that be asking a lot of you?
Clanne: Let me be clear. You taught me a whole new way of making pickles, Lady Veyle.
Clanne: It’s the least I could do.
Veyle: Oh, I see. Well then…yes. I’ll be your sister.
Clanne: All right, then. Welcome to the family.
Veyle: So I’m the older sister and you’re the younger brother.
Clanne: My sister’s the younger twin, so I’ve always wanted an older sibling to see what it’s like.
Veyle: And I don’t have a younger sibling, so this is perfect. From now on, you are my little brother.
Clanne: Thanks, big sister!
Veyle: Hehe, it feels a little weird to be called “big sister.” Weird…but good.