C Support:
Alcryst: Thanks for asking me to be your training partner today, Diamant. It means a lot.
Diamant: Of course. We are brothers, after all. A bit of roughhousing is expected of us.
Alcryst: I can’t offer an even match─my skills pale in comparison to yours─but I’ll learn what I can.
Diamant: We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Constant self-deprecation counts as the latter.
Alcryst: It’s not self-deprecation. It’s the truth. How am I supposed to win against the prince of Brodia?
Diamant: You are a prince of Brodia, Alcryst.
Alcryst: Yes, I am a Brodian prince, but I’m not THE Brodian prince. I’m not you, Diamant.
Diamant: That’s an awful way to think about it. Is that how you talk when I’m not around?
Diamant: You can’t bring that lack of confidence to the battlefield.
Diamant: Enemies much stronger than you will be waiting out there. Don’t offer them your weakness.
Alcryst: Yes, Diamant… I understand.
Diamant: We need to get you in the right mindset for battle. Let’s focus on your strengths.
Diamant: You’re a skilled archer, right?
Alcryst: People say that, sure, but I’m actually not very good…
Diamant: Stop. That’s your lack of confidence talking. Did you hear what I said about weakness?
Alcryst: Do you have any weaknesses, Diamant?
Diamant: Ha! Good question. What do you think?
Alcryst: I can’t spot a single one. You’re flawless.
Diamant: Well, you certainly won’t find any if we don’t start training. Let’s build Brodia a better future!
Alcryst: Yes, Diamant…
Alcryst: For Brodia’s future, I’ll do the best I can.
B Support:
Diamant: …
Diamant: Ngh…not good enough. I can’t protect the kingdom like this…
Alcryst: Diamant?! Are you OK? You’re drenched in sweat. What happened to you?
Diamant: Alcryst… You’re not supposed to see me like this.
Diamant: I’m fine. Don’t worry. I was just doing some focused training with a few of our mages.
Alcryst: I’ve never seen training wipe you out like this…
Alcryst: You might have some kind of illness. We should get a doctor in here to check your─
Diamant: I’m not ill.
Diamant: Alcryst… Do you remember when you asked if I have any weaknesses?
Diamant: Now you know. This is my weakness.
Alcryst: Your weakness is…training with mages? I don’t understand.
Diamant: As a boy, I made a careless mistake while handling magic. Had a serious injury for a while.
Diamant: Ever since then…I’ve been afraid of magic.
Alcryst: You? Afraid?
Diamant: That’s right. Now I work like this every day to overcome that fear and conquer my weakness.
Diamant: That’s why training with these mages is so important.
Alcryst: I always thought you were flawless…
Diamant: No one is flawless. I have to train like this every single day.
Diamant: Alcryst. You must not speak of this to anyone. Do you understand?
Alcryst: I won’t tell a soul.
Diamant: I should get back to it. I don’t like to keep the mages waiting.
Alcryst: Diamant, you don’t need to push yourself so hard.
Diamant: We’re Brodia’s protectors. It’s our duty to grow stronger in every way we can.
Alcryst: Oh…
Diamant: Talking with you has settled my nerves a bit. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.
Alcryst: But, Diamant…
Alcryst: He’s afraid of something. My brother has a weakness. I can’t believe it…
A Support:
Alcryst: …
Alcryst: Ah, bullseye. That’s good! I’ll do 50 more, just like that.
Diamant: You really are skilled with a bow, you know that?
Alcryst: Diamant? How long have you been watching?
Diamant: Long enough to see that archery is definitely one of your strengths.
Alcryst: Thank you…but there’s still plenty of room for improvement.
Alcryst: I need to train more. I want to grow stronger.
Diamant: There it is! That’s the right attitude. I knew my little brother had it in him.
Alcryst: …
Alcryst: Diamant, may I… May I challenge you to an archery contest? If you have the time?
Diamant: Ha! That sounds like my kind of fun.
Diamant: What’s the challenge? Most bullseyes out of 10 wins?
Alcryst: That sounds good to me. Let’s begin!
Diamant: Alcryst… I’m shocked. I knew you were a skilled archer, but…
Alcryst: What are you talking about? You scored nine over my miserable eight. I’ve been defeated…
Alcryst: Heaping praise on your brother after soundly defeating him at his own contest? What a bully.
Diamant: Ha! I’m not going to let my baby brother win. If you want to beat me, you have to beat me.
Alcryst: Heh heh, I should have expected nothing less from the crown prince of Brodia.
Alcryst: I wish you knew how reassuring it is to have an older brother like you, Diamant. I’m lucky.
Diamant: I’m lucky to have you as a brother, too, Alcryst.
Diamant: No other challenger has ever been as skilled and polite as you─archer or otherwise.
Alcryst: I’ll just have to train more and grow stronger. When I’m ready, I’ll come looking for a rematch.
Diamant: You’re on. But be warned, my own training won’t slow down. I’ll be stronger as well.
Alcryst: I have no doubt that you will, Diamant.
Alcryst: I’m behind you for now, but I will catch up. No. Better than that─I’ll surpass you.
Alcryst: And whatever else happens…I will always protect you.
Diamant: Hm? What was that last bit, Alcryst?
Alcryst: Just talking to myself. Don’t worry.