C Support:
Amber: Prince Diamant! Check this out. I got my hands on a legendary secret potion!
Amber: One whiff of this baby is supposed to make you spill your deepest, truest feelings…
Diamant: Amazing. We could use this to extract plans and information from enemies. Well done, Amber!
Amber: Thanks! I’ll go put it somewhere safe. I would hate for something to happ─
Amber: Waaagh!
Diamant: Oh. There goes that bottle. You OK?
Amber: Ugh…
Amber: Prince Diamant… I… I must tell you how I feel.
Diamant: Oh no. You must have caught some of the fumes from that potion.
Amber: Prince Diamant… Thank you so much for letting me be your retainer.
Amber: If it weren’t for you…I’d probably be on an alpaca ranch.
Amber: I’m so grateful to you and respect you so, so much. Like, really a lot.
Amber: I think you’re the greatest, because…b-because you…ugh. Ugh.
Amber: Huh?
Diamant: Amber?
Amber: What’s up, Prince Diamant? Wait, was I just talking a bunch? My head feels fuzzy.
Diamant: You don’t remember? The potion worked. You were pouring your heart out just now.
Amber: Whoa! No way! What did I say?
Diamant: Well…it would be embarrassing to repeat, to be honest. Let’s talk about this later.
Amber: Oh. Sure. Understood. I’ll, uh, talk to you later.
B Support:
Diamant: Hey, Amber. I’m ready to talk about that secret potion incident.
Amber: Oh, right! I can’t wait to hear what I said.
Diamant: So, you said you’re grateful to me and you respect me─an extreme amount, apparently.
Amber: Haha, is that all? Aw, you knew that stuff already!
Diamant: True. You’re not shy about that. You’ve gone out of your way to save me many times.
Diamant: But there was something else you said…
Diamant: Something about how, if it weren’t for me, you would probably be on an alpaca ranch?
Amber: Yeah, that checks out. My family owns an alpaca ranch back home.
Amber: That’s all my hometown has─alpacas and cliffs. To become a big hero, I knew I’d have to leave.
Amber: You opened a path for me to become that hero as your retainer. That’s why I’m so grateful.
Diamant: I see. Well, it’s a shame that secret potion is gone, but at least it wasn’t a total loss.
Diamant: I was a bit embarrassed in the moment, but I got to hear your deepest, truest feelings.
Amber: Yeah. I’m kind of embarrassed too, but I’m glad I got a chance to share my appreciation.
Amber: Was that it? Did I say anything else?
Diamant: Now that you mention it, there was one last thing before you snapped out of it.
Diamant: You said you thought I was “the greatest,” but trailed off before explaining why.
Diamant: What were you going to say after that?
Amber: Hm. That’s a tough one. I do think you’re really great, Prince Diamant…for lots of reasons.
Amber: I’m not sure what the deepest, truest reason is… Can I think about this for a while?
Diamant: Please do.
A Support:
Diamant: Amber, please don’t leave me in suspense any longer. I need to know what you meant before.
Amber: You mean about the “deepest, truest” reason why I think you’re the greatest?
Diamant: Indeed.
Amber: I think I’ve got it. I was gonna say, “You’re the greatest…because you’re like a human alpaca!”
Diamant: What? An alpaca?!
Amber: Yeah! I’ve felt that about you since day one, so that has to be it.
Diamant: Since day one?
Amber: It was the day of the tournament, remember? My family didn’t want me to enter, but I did.
Amber: I lost to Jade…but got second place! Folks back home called it the “alpaca-country miracle.”
Diamant: I don’t remember you being quite as thrilled at the time. Didn’t you leave the arena weeping?
Amber: Yeah… I wanted to be the champion so bad.
Amber: I was sobbing in a corner when you walked over and asked me to be your second retainer.
Amber: You were smiling down at me so gently… That was when it hit me.
Amber: This man…has the soul of an alpaca.
Diamant: THAT was what hit you?
Amber: I decided, right then and there, to stand beside you and protect you.
Diamant: …
Amber: What’s up? Why the funny face?
Diamant: I’m just…not sure which parts of me make you think of an alpaca.
Amber: Oh. Well, it’s a few things. How can I explain…
Amber: You’re kind, you put me at ease, and I want to protect you. And you’re all light and fluffy!
Diamant: Did you just call me…light and fluffy?
Amber: I know. High praise. Not everyone understands how strongly I admire alpacas.
Diamant: So, it’s a compliment…
Amber: Totally.
Diamant: Huh. OK… I’ll track down another secret potion. Then I’ll know if you’re being honest with me.
Amber: Huh?!
Diamant: Haha! I’m joking. If you say you feel that strongly, I believe you.
Diamant: It’s an honor to be held in alpaca-level regard. I’m glad you’re my retainer, Amber.
Amber: Thanks, Prince Diamant. It’s an honor to stand with you. That’s the truth─no potion required!