C Support:
Ivy: Is someone there?
Ivy: No one? Or…a ghost?
Ivy: Please don’t be a ghost. Please don’t be a ghost.
Diamant: Princess Ivy?
Ivy: Aaah!
Diamant: It’s OK. You’re safe─I promise. Those shadows in the brush are just that, simple shadows.
Ivy: I was…actually jumping at shadows?
Ivy: You’re right. Not a ghost to be seen.
Diamant: It isn’t like you to misread foliage as an active threat. Is everything OK?
Ivy: …
Ivy: Please don’t tell anyone about this.
Ivy: It cannot get out that the future ruler of Elusia was frightened by mere shrubbery.
Ivy: Or even worse, that the prince of Brodia had to come to her rescue.
Diamant: Believe me─I understand. I won’t say a word.
Ivy: I am in your debt.
Diamant: It seems you’ve been dealing with this fear for a while…
Diamant: Here, Princess Ivy. I’d like for you to have this.
Ivy: What is it? Some kind of…crystal?
Diamant: It’s a gem from one of Brodia’s mines. It’s said to bring courage to those who need it.
Diamant: Keep it as a good-luck charm. Then you won’t have anything to be afraid of.
Ivy: Charity from Brodia is not going to do my royal image any favors…
Diamant: Don’t think of it as a tether to Brodia. This is just a simple gift from me to you.
Ivy: …
Diamant: If it truly makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to keep it. I won’t mind. Farewell.
Ivy: Thank you, Prince Diamant.
Ivy: I didn’t know such treasures could be found in Brodia.
B Support:
Ivy: Prince Diamant, I wanted to apologize for earlier.
Diamant: What do you mean?
Ivy: I failed to thank you properly─both for your discretion and for the gem you gave me.
Ivy: Please let me make amends by expressing my gratitude now.
Ivy: Thank you.
Diamant: Oh, please don’t worry about that.
Diamant: Brodia has a lot to answer for. Offering a token like that gem is the least I can do.
Ivy: It’s true. Brodia has invaded our lands many times.
Ivy: I often wonder how my people would have fared without that suffering and bloodshed.
Diamant: I’m not surprised. That’s why you don’t owe me any gratitude. I hope you understand.
Ivy: But you stepped in to help me, one person to another, in accordance with your values.
Diamant: Hm.
Ivy: That is why, in accordance with my values, I want to thank you.
Diamant: I see.
Diamant: If that’s how you truly feel, Princess Ivy, then I accept your gratitude.
Ivy: It’s all too easy for one individual to give a simple thank-you to another.
Ivy: Apologies are much the same. It is when kingdoms are involved that it gets complicated.
Diamant: That’s true.
Diamant: My father was focused on our kingdom’s affairs when he began expanding our territory by force.
Diamant: That singular focus is how things have always been done in Brodia…but that needs to change.
Ivy: What do you mean?
Diamant: My father is no longer here, but his influence remains. Change will take time.
Diamant: If there’s an easier way, I haven’t found it yet. I often wonder if I’m ready to be king.
Ivy: I know exactly how you feel.
Diamant: Ah. I apologize. I didn’t mean to unload like that.
Ivy: No, I understand. I’m actually relieved to hear that you have the same concerns I do.
Ivy: I am much more hopeful now for that future when you and I are king and queen.
A Support:
Ivy: Prince Diamant, I have something to show you.
Diamant: Is the gem in this necklace the one I gave you?
Ivy: Yes. I decided to make it into something I can wear every day.
Diamant: Well done. It’s quite stunning.
Ivy: We don’t have materials like this in Elusia, but we do have skill in craftsmanship.
Ivy: Perhaps this is a symbol of the way forward for us─Brodian resourcefulness, Elusian talent.
Ivy: A path to peace and prosperity based on respect for one another’s gifts.
Diamant: I see…
Ivy: This gift, the gem, really has made me braver.
Ivy: Where else could I have gotten the courage to reimagine our entire relationship?
Diamant: Thank you, Princess Ivy…and I say that as a crown prince of Brodia this time.
Ivy: Oh…
Diamant: Convincing Brodia to change its warmongering ways will be a battle of its own.
Diamant: War leads to profits, which lead to wars, which lead to further profits… It’s a horrible cycle.
Diamant: That cycle cannot continue. And I’m the only one who can stop it.
Diamant: This necklace is a perfect symbol of our shared goal. Both of our kingdoms intertwined…
Diamant: So thank you. I promise you here and now that, under my rule, Brodia will champion peace.
Ivy: Thank you, Prince Diamant.
Ivy: I will take your words to heart and share them with my people.
Ivy: With the two of us as role models, our kingdoms can stop fighting. We can open trade relations.
Ivy: Elusia’s craftspeople will certainly benefit from access to Brodia’s resources.
Diamant: If that leads to more goods like this necklace, both kingdoms will prosper.
Diamant: It’s a good plan.
Ivy: Now we just need to bring it to fruition.
Diamant: And we will. We’ll make sure of that.
Diamant: Let’s shake on it as leaders and friends. A new era of peace begins right here.
Ivy: Gladly. Let this be the dawn of a new day between us.