C Support:
Kagetsu: Prince Diamant! I must see your skill. Let us duel.
Diamant: A duel? Sounds like fun.
Diamant: I don’t believe we’ve had a proper sparring match yet, have we?
Kagetsu: Ah, you are easy to convince. Good!
Diamant: You like to train, right? I have a pretty rigorous routine myself.
Diamant: I just got done sprinting up and over three local mountains. A duel sounds like a nice cooldown.
Kagetsu: Mountains? Three mountains?
Diamant: All right, Kagetsu. Give me everything you’ve got!
Kagetsu: …
Kagetsu: I cannot.
Diamant: What? Why?
Kagetsu: Much as I long to challenge you, it would not do to face you in this state.
Kagetsu: It would not be satisfying to win merely because you are tired.
Diamant: So you won’t challenge me unless I’m fresh out of bed? A win is a win, so let’s duel!
Kagetsu: No. I cannot allow it.
Kagetsu: I have been raised to prize honor above victory. That is my homeland’s way.
Kagetsu: Win or lose, it is essential to uphold standards of dignity and fairness.
Kagetsu: We must be like cherry blossoms, blooming only at appropriate times.
Diamant: Ah, I see. That is an admirable philosophy. Let’s consider our duel…postponed.
Kagetsu: Thank you. I know it was I who extended this invitation. I appreciate your understanding.
Diamant: I’ll make sure I’m rested and at full strength next time. I won’t hold anything back.
Kagetsu: Excellent! I look forward to this fine contest.
B Support:
Kagetsu: We are well matched, Prince Diamant.
Kagetsu: Your strength is beyond my expectations!
Diamant: You’re not so bad yourself, Kagetsu.
Diamant: You’ll have to keep giving this duel everything you’ve got. I certainly will.
Diamant: So? Do you want to keep going?
Kagetsu: I have fought with all my strength. I am content to leave it here and not push us to exhaustion.
Diamant: Same here. You’re quite an opponent!
Kagetsu: I realize you put much of your valuable time toward this. Thank you.
Diamant: It was fun. We’ll have a rematch soon, right?
Kagetsu: Would you like to?
Diamant: We can’t just let this end in a draw, can we?
Diamant: I’ll warn you…our next battle is going to end very differently.
Diamant: I’ll lay my honor as a crown prince on the line and fight until you’re begging for mercy.
Kagetsu: You speak boldly. But I swear by my blade that I shall have victory!
Diamant: Your blade is rather impressive. I can tell you sharpen it often.
Kagetsu: Our swords reflect our souls. I tend to mine each and every day.
Kagetsu: Yours is majestic and powerful as well.
Diamant: Ah, well… Brodian culture prioritizes strength, so I make sure my sword is a symbol of that.
Diamant: And just like you, I consider it to be more than a simple weapon.
Kagetsu: It is interesting. Our cultures are far apart, and yet this perception of weapons unites us.
Diamant: It’s amazing how well you get to know a person once you start crossing swords with them.
Kagetsu: Knowledge beyond words. I look forward to our next contest.
A Support:
Diamant: Another draw. I can’t believe it.
Kagetsu: Nor I. You are much stronger than before. I was certain I would win this time.
Diamant: Same here. You put in some real work after our last duel, didn’t you?
Kagetsu: A strong opponent provides much motivation to grow. Thank you, Prince Diamant.
Diamant: Is that why you challenged me to begin with? To grow stronger?
Kagetsu: That is part of my reason…but only part.
Kagetsu: My true interest is in learning about the world.
Diamant: How do you mean?
Kagetsu: Custom, ideology, philosophy… There are many differences in other cultures I do not yet grasp.
Kagetsu: But there are many similarities as well─such as our views with regard to swords.
Kagetsu: I believe, as you do, that crossing swords can teach us more of one another than mere words.
Kagetsu: That is why I wander in search of strong and interesting opponents.
Diamant: Ahh, so that was your goal…
Diamant: I’m a bit jealous, to be honest. My position often prevents me from traveling on my own terms.
Kagetsu: Perhaps you could experience travel through me. I would be glad to share stories.
Diamant: I’d like that. I do enjoy a good adventure story.
Diamant: Uh… Pardon me.
Kagetsu: Haha, no need to apologize. Our duel has worked you up to hunger!
Kagetsu: Here, have some onigiri. It is made with rice. Delicious and refreshing.
Diamant: Huh. Odd shape, but food is food.
Diamant: It’s…so sour!
Kagetsu: There are plums inside, dried and salted. Does it not soothe your tired body?
Diamant: It definitely has a kick out of the gate. Hm… I could get used to these.
Kagetsu: Perhaps this could be another frontier for us to explore together, Prince Diamant.
Diamant: Like a meal exchange? Sounds fun. Let’s put down our swords and load up some plates.