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Diamant: Amazing. What a remarkable novel.
Nel: Hello, little prince. All finished reading?
Diamant: Lady Nel. This is unexpected.
Nel: Is it? I have been eager for an opportunity to speak with you.
Diamant: What about?
Nel: You are no doubt aware that I am a child of the Fell Dragon Sombron.
Nel: Despite our differences in heritage, you are also a child of royalty. We have this in common.
Nel: I never understood my father. I thought perhaps you could share some experiences with yours.
Diamant: I’ve always wanted to be like my father, though there were times I failed to understand him too.
Diamant: He’s always been considered a great king for his military might. That isn’t how I’d like to rule.
Nel: Different ideologies, then.
Diamant: You could say that. We occasionally butted heads over the future of Brodia.
Nel: Yet you were not sentenced to death for the defiance of your lord father. Why?
Diamant: What do you mean why?! We don’t execute people over simple disagreements in Brodia.
Nel: I see. Unlike your father, Lord Sombron preferred to silence all dissent with execution.
Nel: To object to his decree was out of the question. To survive, there was no choice but to obey.
Diamant: I can’t even imagine living under such a vile dictatorship. I’m so sorry.
Nel: There is no need to apologize. That is all in the past for me now.
Nel: Hearing of your experiences has taught me a great deal. I hope we will speak again soon.
Diamant: Of course.
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Nel: We meet again, little prince. Perhaps you will indulge me in conversation once more.
Diamant: It would be my pleasure.
Nel: Your talk of Brodia piqued my interest. I wished to know more about your kingdom.
Nel: So I took it upon myself to travel to the castle town and gather information.
Diamant: You went all the way to Brodia Castle?
Nel: For a dragon, it is not far. Discretion was the greater challenge, but I did go unnoticed.
Diamant: I’ll take your word for it. What did you learn?
Nel: I heard much talk of the young Prince Diamant, who will someday become a splendid king.
Nel: There seemed to be little doubt that his reign would be even greater than his father’s.
Diamant: …
Nel: Perhaps it is strange for me to say, but it pleased me very much to hear these things.
Diamant: Thank you, Lady Nel, but I really can’t accept the compliment.
Nel: Explain.
Diamant: It’s nice to hear I have a good reputation, but imagine for argument’s sake that I don’t.
Diamant: Suppose that all you heard in your time at the castle was what a terrible king I’d make.
Diamant: If that was what everyone was saying, would you accept the rumor without question?
Nel: Certainly not. And I suppose you intend to say that such rumors cannot be assumed true.
Diamant: Exactly. If you want to judge whether I’d be a good king, you should do it with your own eyes.
Nel: You are right. It was careless of me to make such an assumption.
Diamant: I know you were only trying to be nice. I hope I didn’t offend.
Nel: I took no offense. And what you said was precisely correct.
Nel: But since you suggested it, I have indeed decided to take the measure of you myself.
Nel: So be advised─these eyes will judge whether you have the makings of a worthy king.
Diamant: Haha! I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Diamant: Until then, Lady Nel, I will be sure to put my best foot forward.
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Diamant: Hello again, Lady Nel.
Nel: Little prince. I have been observing you carefully since last we spoke.
Nel: And I have determined, based on what I have observed, that you will make a fine king indeed.
Diamant: I am honored.
Nel: You possess great strength, both of body and mind. Your will and resolve are indomitable.
Nel: And you have the ability to remain objective, even when placed under terrible stress.
Nel: That is my assessment. Your kingdom will prosper during your reign.
Diamant: That’s very high praise. Thank you.
Nel: No thanks are needed. I merely spoke my mind.
Diamant: Then let me speak my mind as well. Your kindness, wisdom, and tenacity are humbling.
Diamant: I’ve seen you throw yourself against strong foes and impossible odds to keep your friends safe.
Nel: I am a dragon. Our superior durability allows us such indulgences.
Diamant: Not even the toughest dragon would step up to protect others without kindness of heart.
Nel: I suppose.
Diamant: I’ve seen your compassion off the battlefield as well.
Diamant: You cherish all life. You even once replanted a roadside flower so it wouldn’t be trampled.
Nel: I see that you have studied me quite closely.
Diamant: It was only fair to return the favor.
Diamant: It’s not easy being a Fell Dragon from another world, but somehow you make it look easy.
Nel: Thank you for the compliment.
Nel: I did not realize you had been assessing me. You are even more interesting than I expected.
Nel: Perhaps more observation is in order. You may possess more traits that I have yet to discover.
Diamant: Hm-hm! And you might retract some of that praise once you’ve dug up all my flaws.
Diamant: Until then, I’m happy to spend more time with you. I think we’ll make great friends.