C Support:
Saphir: HYAAA!
Saphir: All right─that’s 10 of you. Who’s next?
Diamant: Very impressive, Saphir.
Saphir: Prince Diamant! Didn’t realize you were watching.
Diamant: Checking in on our soldiers is part of my job.
Saphir: Don’t worry about me─I’m in prime condition, built for battle. Ready anytime.
Diamant: I’ve seen enough to know that’s not talk. I’m sure you can handle just about anything.
Diamant: Like, say…a sudden sparring match. Got time for a quick round?
Saphir: Sir, I…couldn’t possibly.
Diamant: Oh, sure you could. Don’t tell me you’re not up for it…
Saphir: I have a long way to go before I’ll feel ready to take you on.
Saphir: When I’m truly satisfied…it’d be a privilege to spar with you.
Diamant: I see. And when do you think that will be?
Saphir: When I finally get past my hatred.
Diamant: What do you mean?
Saphir: The war with Elusia’s been too bloody.
Saphir: I haven’t been able to wipe away the stain on my memory.
Saphir: I want to put it behind me, but…I need to be stronger than I am right now to do it.
Diamant: I see. Sorry, Saphir. I didn’t mean to dredge up painful memories like that.
Saphir: Not at all. I’m honored by your invitation and sorry to decline it.
B Support:
Diamant: Saphir! Any chance I can talk you into that sparring match today?
Saphir: My stance hasn’t changed, Prince Diamant. I don’t feel ready.
Diamant: Even if you don’t think you’re ready, I’d still like to test your current skills.
Saphir: If you insist… It’d be rude to turn you away.
Saphir: But if I win, will you hear me out on something?
Diamant: If you’d rather just chat, we don’t need to spar.
Saphir: I don’t want to discuss this unless I win. Wouldn’t feel right.
Diamant: Interesting. It’s a deal, then.
Diamant: You actually beat me…
Diamant: I knew you were strong, but…I clearly underestimated you.
Saphir: …
Diamant: All right. A deal is a deal. What did you want to talk about?
Saphir: Right… OK.
Saphir: When I was a child…Elusia attacked and destroyed my home village.
Diamant: …
Saphir: I survived basically by luck. My parents, my friends…they were all killed.
Saphir: There was nothing I could do. I was powerless.
Saphir: That feeling haunts me to this day. It makes me want to scream and tear my heart out.
Diamant: I’ve felt a similar kind of pain myself.
Saphir: That pain is why I train the way I do. Only strength can free me from it.
Diamant: It’s royals like me who declare wars…but the citizens and soldiers are the ones who suffer.
Diamant: Your training may keep innocent Brodians safe someday. That’s the greater meaning behind it.
Saphir: Thank you, Prince Diamant. It does feel good to get that off my chest.
Saphir: I’m going to overcome this weakness, no matter what it takes.
A Support:
Saphir: Prince Diamant. Did you need something from me?
Diamant: I noticed some hesitation in your last few training sessions.
Saphir: …
Saphir: I know more strength is what I need, but at the same time…I’m starting to scare myself.
Saphir: I’m worried about becoming someone who only exists to hurt people.
Diamant: …
Diamant: Wars leave scars that last forever. They hurt everyone involved, on all sides of any conflict.
Diamant: I often feel lost, just like you…but I always come back to two things. One─I can’t run away.
Diamant: Two─I don’t fight to win. I fight to end the fighting. As soldiers, that’s all we can do.
Saphir: I don’t know if I have that in me.
Diamant: I’m so sorry…but we have to. That’s the only way to change a world driven by conflict.
Saphir: I’ll…do my best.
Saphir: With your help, Prince Diamant…maybe I can find a way to do as you ask.
Diamant: That’s precisely why we train together─to grow stronger in our bodies and our bonds.
Diamant: After all this talk of fighting…do you feel up to another sparring match?
Saphir: That’s all we can do, isn’t it?
Diamant: That’s exactly right.
Saphir: OK, but no holding back this time.
Diamant: You think I was holding back? I never hold back!
Saphir: Whatever you say. In that case, though, you better dig deep.
Diamant: Haha, now I’m fired up. Bring it on, soldier!