C Support:
Veyle: Diamant, is there anything that’s troubling you right now?
Diamant: Lady Veyle? Why the sudden concern?
Veyle: I did…something awful to you. I want to atone for what I’ve done…if I can.
Diamant: Do you mean my father? You don’t need to atone for that. You weren’t yourself then.
Veyle: Still, I want to make things right.
Diamant: I see. If I were in your position, I would be offering the same sort of gesture.
Diamant: I have to be honest… Nothing is troubling me at the moment.
Diamant: Though, I wonder… Would you be interested in working with me to help other people?
Veyle: Other people?
Diamant: As the crown prince of Brodia, easing the minds of the people in my kingdom is my job.
Diamant: If you help me alleviate their burdens, I would consider that a great service.
Diamant: What do you say, Lady Veyle?
Veyle: I’d say yes, I like the sound of that very much!
Veyle: Hmm, how strange.
Veyle: We walked around town all day long and couldn’t find anyone who needed our help.
Diamant: I’m surprised too. Not a single person was distressed or in need of assistance…
Diamant: I suppose that’s an odd thing to be upset about. We should be glad.
Diamant: I’m grateful that today was a good day for my people.
Veyle: Yes, but…that won’t help me make up for what I did to you.
Diamant: Well, not today, no…but how about this?
Diamant: Someday, something will trouble me. When that day comes…promise you’ll help me solve it.
Diamant: Will that suffice, Lady Veyle?
Veyle: Yes, it will. Thank you, Diamant.
B Support:
Veyle: Hello, Diamant. Tell me, is anything troubling you today?
Diamant: Ah. Normally I would give you the same “not today” reply, but not this time…
Diamant: Something is troubling me.
Veyle: Really?!
Veyle: I will solve it, I promise! Just tell me what it is.
Diamant: We went through town before to try and find people who needed help. Remember?
Veyle: Of course. We didn’t find anyone, though. Not a single person.
Diamant: Yes, well, I spoke with a guard who told me the townsfolk actually have a lot of problems.
Veyle: But…why didn’t they tell us?
Diamant: Everyone knows that I’m the crown prince, so they’re afraid to approach me or speak with me.
Veyle: Oh, I see…
Diamant: I must find a way to let my people know that I want─ No, I need to hear from them.
Diamant: I’m just not sure how to do that…
Veyle: Oh! That’s easy! I know exactly what to do.
Diamant: If you have an idea, I’m all ears.
Veyle: Well, there’s a type of food I really love. It’s delicious and very exciting to eat.
Veyle: So I could prepare the food, and you could host a banquet. It would be our treat to everyone.
Diamant: Ahh, I see…
Diamant: If we host an informal dinner for the town, then people might not find me so intimidating…
Veyle: Exactly! Food is the perfect way to win people’s hearts. I’ll begin preparations immediately.
A Support:
Diamant: This is bad. We have to do something…
Veyle: I’ve ruined the banquet. I’m sorry, Diamant.
Diamant: I had no idea your favorite dishes were all so incredibly, dangerously spicy.
Diamant: We can’t serve this to the townsfolk…can we?
Veyle: I─ I don’t know.
Veyle: I love super spicy food. I just assumed everyone else would love it too. I’m so, so, so sorry.
Diamant: You did nothing wrong, Lady Veyle. It’s my fault for not asking about the menu before now.
Veyle: I wanted to help, but all I did was make more trouble for you.
Veyle: I really thought we could make everyone smile.
Diamant: Make everyone smile…
Diamant: That’s it! I’ve got it!
Veyle: You do?
Diamant: We’ll turn this dinner into a spicy-food eating contest. That’s guaranteed to liven things up.
Veyle: A contest to see who has the…toughest mouth? That will help you connect with people?
Diamant: As opposed to a quiet meal? In Brodia? Yes! I’ll be laughing and cheering right beside them.
Veyle: That’s wonderful! I get to help you and you get to help your people…with spicy food!
Diamant: Today’s going to be a good day, Lady Veyle.
Veyle: Just so you know, I will probably win the contest.
Diamant: Ha! I won’t be easy to beat, that I promise you.
Veyle: We’ll find out soon enough. Everyone is on their way. The heat is on!