C Support:
Fogado: Mm, yes! This grilled fish is divine. Mm! It has such a supple mouthfeel.
Bunet: I added a pinch of salt to suck out the moisture. That makes the fish nice and tender.
Fogado: Might be your finest work yet, Bunet, and that’s saying something.
Bunet: Well, after all, I’m not just your retainer but also your personal chef.
Bunet: It is my duty to know what you like and prepare your meals accordingly.
Fogado: I know! I’m a lucky man.
Fogado: But you forgot one thing.
Bunet: What?! Does it need more lemon? Is the presentation not to your liking?
Fogado: Oh, not the dish─the titles. Retainer, personal chef. You left one out.
Fogado: Best friend.
Bunet: Ah. Right you are, Fogado.
Bunet: We have a long history─sharing meals together in my parents’ bistro almost every day.
Bunet: More than the meals, it was the hours we spent talking─well after patrons left─that I cherished.
Fogado: Yes. I’ll always remember those days. Unlike somebody, who forgot we were even friends…
Bunet: I didn’t forget. For friends and flavors alike, my memory is long and exacting.
Bunet: It’s just that now I see you as more of a savior than a friend.
Fogado: Psh, a savior? Me? How come?
Bunet: Heh… You don’t understand. Of course.
Bunet: Never mind that. Just finish your meal before it gets cold. Dessert will be ready shortly.
Fogado: Dessert? Oh, baby!
Fogado: This is the best food in the world, bar none. I’ll have a clean plate in no time.
Bunet: The best food in the world… Heh…
B Support:
Fogado: Mm, delicious! Yet another culinary triumph, Bunet.
Bunet: I could tell you were enjoying it because of that scrumptious smile on your face.
Fogado: Oh, before I forget. We need to circle back and talk about what you said the other day.
Bunet: What do you mean?
Fogado: You know, the “savior” thing. I’ve been racking my brain, but I can’t figure out what you meant.
Bunet: Oh. That.
Bunet: I entered that contest to become the royal court’s chef, and…I lost.
Bunet: It was the greatest shame of my life.
Bunet: Yet you found it in your heart to overlook my failure and hire me as your personal chef.
Bunet: I could never pay you back for that kindness.
Fogado: Ah, I see. But, Bunet, I didn’t really care about the contest itself.
Fogado: I was just glad that you entered because it brought you back into my life.
Bunet: What? Was that your plan all along?
Fogado: Of course. It had been years since the last time we talked at your parents’ bistro.
Bunet: That’s true… What a bitter separation that was.
Bunet: But perhaps we should put this conversation on the backburner. Your main course is ready.
Bunet: You wouldn’t want a sour memory to detract from the delightful flavor.
Fogado: You make a good point.
Fogado: Whoa! What a stunning dish! Your food really is the best in the world.
A Support:
Fogado: Mm! Well, that’s dessert done with. What a satisfying meal.
Bunet: Your delectable praise is a boon to my soul.
Fogado: Did I detect a note of bitterness? Setting the stage for a hard conversation, I bet.
Bunet: Indeed. Something you said has been eating at my mind. You…searched for me?
Fogado: Yeah. When I heard about the bandit raid on your town, I was devastated.
Fogado: There was basically nothing left. Your parents’ cozy bistro…a pile of ashes.
Bunet: That image is burned in my memory.
Fogado: I felt so helpless. I had come as fast as I could, but…it was too late.
Fogado: You’d fled along with everyone else. I had no idea where you might have gone.
Bunet: I’m sorry… It all happened so suddenly, I didn’t have a chance to tell you.
Fogado: It wasn’t your fault. At any rate…after you left, I never stopped looking for you.
Fogado: I missed your delicious cooking, but more than that, I missed our conversations.
Bunet: I missed them too.
Fogado: And then when I heard about the cooking tournament, I knew you’d enter.
Fogado: There was no way you’d miss a chance to show off to the whole queendom.
Fogado: If you think about it, your culinary skills are the reason we were reunited.
Bunet: I did lose the contest, however.
Fogado: Heh heh─this again! Bunet, it’s not a big deal. You were out of practice.
Fogado: If there was another contest today, you’d win hands down.
Bunet: Oh, Fogado… Thank you.
Bunet: I’m grateful you kept looking for me. That is why we can enjoy delicious moments like this.
Bunet: You truly are my savior.
Fogado: “Savior” still feels a little…strong, but, eh, I’ll take it.
Fogado: And just so you know…I’m never letting you leave me like that again.
Bunet: The feeling is entirely mutual.
Bunet: I am your personal chef and retainer.
Bunet: Most importantly, I am your best friend. And as such, I swear to be true.
Fogado: I’m glad. Nothing is sweeter than your friendship, Bunet.