C Support:
Pandreo: Well, that’s over and done with! Was that easy or was that easy?
Pandreo: Those losers thought they were tough, but we showed them, eh?
Pandreo: AROOO!
Fogado: Uh, yeah. Aroo…
Pandreo: Oh, come on!
Fogado: What?
Pandreo: You’re bumming me out here.
Fogado: Oh, sorry.
Pandreo: “Oh, sorry.” Give me a break!
Pandreo: Lighten up. Seeing you down in the dumps like this freaks me out.
Pandreo: Let’s dance it out, come on! Arf! Arf, arf, arf!
Fogado: Ruff… Rawr… Rawr…
Pandreo: Ugh, no!
Pandreo: Now I know something’s up. What happened? Bunet leave a hair in your chowder?
Fogado: Sorry. I was just thinking.
Pandreo: About?
Fogado: Uh…
Fogado: The party.
Pandreo: What?! That’s why you’re so distracted?
Fogado: Yeah. I just can’t wait to tear up that dance floor.
Pandreo: Aw, yeah! There’s the prince of parties I know and love!
Pandreo: Come on. Let’s get you to that bash before you pass out.
Fogado: Woo. Can’t wait to…party down.
Pandreo: Same! AROOO!
B Support:
Pandreo: Good going back there! Those guys were pretty tough.
Fogado: Yep, they were.
Pandreo: Whaddaya say we celebrate the win by partying till we can’t see straight?
Fogado: Ugh…
Pandreo: Uh… Something wrong?
Fogado: Sorry, Pandreo, but I’m gonna take a rain check.
Pandreo: What?!
Pandreo: No, no. My ears must be playing tricks on me. Fogado turning down a party?
Pandreo: What’s going on? You eat something that’s not agreeing with you?
Fogado: …
Fogado: Ha, just kidding! Heh heh… You should have seen the look on your face.
Pandreo: Aw, man! You really had me going there.
Fogado: Haha, sorry. Thought it would be fun to mess with you a little bit.
Pandreo: Geez! Breaking a guy’s heart─you call that fun?
Fogado: Pandreo, before I forget… Will you hear my confession soon?
Pandreo: Better not be another cruel prank. Fool me once, et cetera.
Pandreo: As long as you promise not to yank my chain again…of course I’ll hear your confession.
Fogado: Thanks, Pandreo. I appreciate it.
A Support:
Fogado: Pandreo, I am ready to make a confession.
Pandreo: OK, I’m ready. What do you wish to confess?
Fogado: You see, I…I lied to my friend. To you.
Pandreo: Huh?
Fogado: It’s…the war, Pandreo. I’m not sure we can win. Our enemies are getting stronger.
Fogado: I’m so worried for the future I can barely sleep.
Fogado: The other day, when I told you I was distracted because of the party? That was a lie.
Fogado: I just…couldn’t stop thinking a-about…all the people who could die on my watch.
Pandreo: Aw, buddy…
Fogado: I’m not the happy-go-lucky guy you think I am.
Fogado: I know it’s my job to keep a smile on. I just… I’m so damn scared, Pandreo.
Pandreo: I appreciate you telling me.
Fogado: Only after pulling the wool over your eyes.
Pandreo: Nah, don’t flatter yourself. I saw right through it.
Fogado: You did?
Pandreo: Of course. How gullible do you think I am? I can tell when my friend’s feeling blue.
Pandreo: I’m not a prince, so I won’t pretend I can fix it, or that I really know what you’re feeling.
Pandreo: But what I can do is promise that I’ll always support you. As your retainer and your friend.
Pandreo: So, don’t worry. Uh, let me rephrase that. Worry to your heart’s content. I’ll still be here.
Fogado: That’s all I need.
Pandreo: Good. Because at the end of the day, that’s all I can offer.
Fogado: Ah, that’s strange… My vision’s gone blurry.
Pandreo: Hey, hey, hey. Crying’s not allowed, you hear? Because if you do, I’m gonna.
Fogado: No, I’m not crying. Not quite, at least.
Pandreo: Ah, whew.
Pandreo: You know, this reminds me. It was during a confession you told me you were the prince.
Fogado: That’s right. I used to go to your parents’ church all the time. You and I were fast friends.
Pandreo: And then you dropped that on me. Easily one of my top five most interesting confessions.
Pandreo: I almost forgot to breathe─I was so shocked.
Fogado: Well, you were looking for Panette. I had to tell you she’d become my sister’s retainer.
Fogado: And if you didn’t know I was the prince, you wouldn’t have bought it.
Pandreo: And the next thing you said was even more shocking. You turned to me and asked…
Fogado: How’s a job as my retainer sound?
Pandreo: That’s right. Ah, that brings me back. The seven most beautiful words I’ve ever heard.
Pandreo: And as your retainer, I’m not just here for the highs, all right? I’m here for the lows too.
Pandreo: Whether you need a buddy on the dance floor or a shoulder to cry on, I can be that.
Fogado: Thank you, Pandreo.
Fogado: I gotta say, I’m gladder than ever that I was so honest in my confession back then.