C Support:
Goldmary: Here we are, Framme. This is the perfect spot for apple picking.
Framme: Oooh, it’s pretty!
Framme: Kind of a long hike just to get some fruit to cook with, don’t you think? Phew!
Goldmary: The best food requires the best ingredients. Gathering them takes effort.
Framme: Just getting here was a serious workout. Cooking is no joke!
Framme: I can’t wait to relax in a nice warm bath after I get home.
Framme: Uh, Goldmary? What are you doing?!
Goldmary: What’s the matter?
Framme: Why are you taking your clothes off?!
Framme: Put them back on this instant!
Goldmary: There’s a lovely spring right here. I thought I would take a quick dip.
Framme: A little warning would’ve been nice!
Goldmary: Warning? For what? I was only going to rinse off.
Goldmary: You said yourself you were looking forward to a bath after that long hike.
Framme: Um, sure…but I was planning on doing that when I got home.
Framme: You’re really comfortable enough to just take a bath out in the open?
Goldmary: Yes, it seems normal to me. But that’s probably because I grew up in a village with hot springs.
Framme: I always thought you seemed pretty shy, but it looks like I was totally wrong.
Framme: I guess that’s what I get for judging by appearances, huh…
B Support:
Goldmary: Aw…
Framme: Hey, Goldmary! How’d it turn out with the apples we gathered the other day?
Goldmary: Better than I could have possibly imagined, unfortunately…
Goldmary: They also ruined my life.
Framme: Um, what? How?
Goldmary: I was so delighted eating the dish I made that my face bore a terribly inelegant expression.
Framme: Um, I don’t get it. Your face looks fine to me.
Goldmary: It’s fine now, but there’s nothing I can do about those who saw it. They’ll remember forever.
Framme: I still don’t think I see the problem, but OK…
Goldmary: How can you not see? Whenever those people look at me, they’ll see nothing but a silly face.
Framme: I really don’t think they will, if they even noticed the, um, expression to begin with.
Framme: You sound like you could use a break though. Hey, how about taking a soak in a hot spring?
Framme: That’d be nice and relaxing, right? Get you feeling back to your elegant self again?
Goldmary: No! I can’t do that!
Framme: What? Why not?!
Goldmary: What if someone who saw my silly face is there? What if they tell everyone?!
Goldmary: I’d never live it down…
Framme: I’m sure that won’t happen, Goldmary. Look, this isn’t the end of the world, OK?
Goldmary: If everyone there knew how ridiculous I looked, I could never go to the hot springs again.
Goldmary: There’s no way to know if anyone who saw me would be there…until I went there.
Goldmary: It’s like wanting to go shopping for clothes… without having an outfit to wear to the store…
Framme: OK, I…don’t really get it, but I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Please don’t cry.
Goldmary: Will you…help me rehearse my demeanor until it’s graceful and refined again?
Framme: Um…
Framme: Sure, yeah. Whatever makes you feel better…
Goldmary: Thank you, Framme.
A Support:
Goldmary: Hello, Framme. Notice anything different about me?
Goldmary: That’s right. My place in the world has been restored. I’m once again the picture of elegance.
Framme: Hey, that’s great! I’m glad our efforts paid off.
Framme: I mean…you don’t seem any different to me. But I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Goldmary: You can’t tell? I’m tilting my head 10 degrees instead of that unseemly 15.
Framme: Umm… OK!
Goldmary: I really must thank you, Framme.
Goldmary: You stood by me even when my head was tilted much too far to be taken seriously.
Goldmary: You were even there to help me practice my expression until I got it exactly right.
Goldmary: Thanks to you, I understand that one graceless moment isn’t going to ruin a friendship.
Framme: Exactly. Friends aren’t superficial with each other like that.
Goldmary: Would you let me give my thanks in the form of a delicious home-cooked meal?
Framme: Yeah! I’d love that!
Goldmary: I will make something with those apples we gathered. It will be both tasty and nutritious.
Framme: Ooh, I can’t wait! This is gonna be amazing!
Goldmary: Try to temper your expectations. It will only be about as good as the top restaurants.
Framme: Only that good, huh? Hehe, you’re really confident in your cooking.
Goldmary: I’m sorry in advance if the delights I prepare ruin your taste buds to all other cuisine…
Framme: Hehehe! I’m glad to see you’re fully back to your old self, Goldmary.
Framme: And I can’t wait to try what you cook up!