C Support:
Panette: Goldmary, I hear you are quite the chef.
Goldmary: I certainly am.
Goldmary: I’m sorry to say, to the chagrin of all lesser cooks, my talent in the kitchen has no equal.
Goldmary: I feel the envy of others weighing heavily on me, but I suppose that is the price of greatness.
Panette: Marvelous! Well then, being such an expert, might you be willing to teach me?
Goldmary: Maybe. Why?
Panette: To my great shame, I know nothing of the culinary arts.
Panette: As a servant of the royal family, I ought to have some facility in the kitchen. Don’t you think?
Goldmary: Naturally…
Goldmary: But giving you my culinary secrets would mean more competition for me.
Panette: I assure you, I do not wish to steal your thunder. All I want is to please the boss.
Goldmary: If it’s purely for the crown princess…
Goldmary: All right. Out of respect for your devotion, I’ll do it.
Goldmary: I will gather up the ingredients. Be ready to get started next time we meet.
Panette: Thank you! I will not forget this kindness.
B Support:
Goldmary: Time to begin our cooking lesson, Panette. We are going to roast a chicken.
Panette: Marvelous. The boss is quite partial to fowl concoctions.
Goldmary: I’m…not sure that phrasing makes sense to me, but all right. Here is what we’re working with.
Panette: Mm-hmm, I see.
Panette: So this bird has been roasted and is ready to serve, correct?
Goldmary: What? Of course not. It’s absolutely raw.
Goldmary: First, we’ll put in some stuffing, and then we’ll roast it. Over fire.
Panette: Oh, mm-hmm. I see, I see.
Goldmary: We’ll use these vegetables for our stuffing. Would you chop them into fine pieces for us?
Panette: With gusto!
Goldmary: They’re only vegetables, Panette… They don’t fight back.
Panette: Here comes the finishing strike! Hiya!
Goldmary: Well, I’d say you’ve chopped them into complete submission.
Panette: Why, thank you, Miss Goldmary! I am happy to chop further, if need be.
Goldmary: No, you’ve been…very thorough. If you chop them anymore, we’ll be having soup.
Goldmary: We should also not be seasoning with splinters from the cutting board, but…we’ll let that go.
Goldmary: Now, let’s stuff the chicken with the veggies, put it on a skewer, and roast it up nicely.
Panette: Teacher, teacher! I have a question.
Goldmary: Yes?
Panette: Is it ready yet?
Goldmary: Uh, we only just put it on the fire…
A Support:
Panette: Thank you ever so much for the cooking lesson, Goldmary!
Panette: I later made a chicken roast for the boss, following your steps to the letter.
Panette: She was over the moon, I say! Could not stop singing the dish’s praises.
Goldmary: I’m so glad.
Goldmary: Could it be that teaching is yet another entry in my absurdly long list of talents?
Goldmary: I-I’m sorry if the pristine quality of my lesson presented a distraction for you while cooking.
Panette: Ah, no, but there was one issue. The boss did appear to be in some pain as she ate.
Goldmary: That’s worrisome.
Panette: Yes. There was something hard in the chicken that ground against her teeth. Gristle, perhaps?
Goldmary: Or a chunk of the cutting board.
Goldmary: You really must learn to be more careful with the chopping.
Panette: Understood!
Goldmary: Despite that, I think my cooking course was quite successful. Wouldn’t you agree?
Panette: Indeed, it was a rousing success! Thank you for your assistance, my teacher.
Panette: In fact, thanks to your tutelage, I have already received my first cooking assignment.
Goldmary: You’ve been given work? As a chef?
Panette: The boss found my way of chopping ingredients rather charming, you see.
Panette: So, when the war is over, she will invite some luminaries for a demonstration at Solm Palace.
Goldmary: A demonstration in the palace? For the whole court of the queendom?!
Panette: I know! Isn’t it wonderful? I will be sure to tell them that it was you who taught me all I know.
Goldmary: Th-th-that’s a bit… Uh, well…
Goldmary: There are bound to be serious individuals even in a relaxed court like Solm…
Goldmary: So I suppose I’d better help make sure your chopping skill is up to the task.
Panette: What?! I thought our lessons were finished!
Goldmary: If my name is on this, we will do it right. Shall I tell Princess Timerra that you refused lessons?
Panette: Aw…
Goldmary: Shouldn’t you be grateful to have individual instruction from such a gifted teacher?
Panette: Yes, Miss Goldmary.