C Support:
Goldmary: ♪Hmm-hmm…♪ It’s a wonderful day for laundry.
Goldmary: Wash, rinse, dry, starch, fold… Every step with precision and grace.
Yunaka: Look at you, enjoying your chores! Is that even allowed?
Goldmary: I should hope so. Ah, I love laundry.
Goldmary: Care to join me?
Yunaka: Me? Eh… I’ll pass.
Goldmary: Are you sure?
Goldmary: You might discover that washing clothes on a sunny day is refreshing and restorative.
Goldmary: Keeping neat and clean won’t exactly lose you any friends either.
Yunaka: Yeah, I don’t care about that.
Goldmary: Or maybe you’ve got something hidden among your unmentionables and don’t want me to see?
Yunaka: What?! Gross, no!
Goldmary: I suppose I’ll take your word for it.
Yunaka: Look, it’s just…better if I decline. Sorry.
Goldmary: Why is that?
Yunaka: It just is. I’d rather not get into why.
Yunaka: Actually, I’d better go. See you around.
Goldmary: I wonder what that was about.
B Support:
Goldmary: ♪Hmm-hmm…♪ Love to make the dishes sparkle.
Goldmary: Each polished plate rewards me with a view of my own scintillating smile…
Yunaka: There you are, Goldmary. Look, I…wanted to apologize to you about the other day.
Goldmary: Apologize? Why?
Yunaka: You made doing laundry look like lots of fun. I actually did wanna join you. I just…couldn’t.
Goldmary: I don’t understand. What do you mean?
Yunaka: I can explain, but it’s…kinda personal.
Goldmary: It’s all right. Don’t be shy.
Yunaka: OK, well… I normally hate to bring this up, but I had a horrible childhood.
Yunaka: My parents were too poor to raise me, so I was abandoned. I ended up living with a…stranger.
Yunaka: Even from a really young age, he had me doing all the housework.
Yunaka: So…something about doing chores takes me right back to that place. It fills me with dread.
Goldmary: I had no idea.
Yunaka: These days, I always do stuff like laundry and dishes alone.
Yunaka: That way I’m not bothering anybody if I go to pieces over it.
Goldmary: I understand.
Yunaka: But I’m not here to make excuses. I’m determined to put my past behind me.
Yunaka: I wanna be a totally new person. So in the spirit of a fresh start…
Yunaka: Let’s do some chores!
Goldmary: I admire your courage, Yunaka. In that case, please join me in washing the dishes.
Yunaka: You got it, Goldmary!
A Support:
Yunaka: Hey, Goldmary. I’m sorry for ruining all your fun the other day.
Yunaka: Even just the thought of housework makes me fall apart so fast.
Goldmary: Don’t worry yourself about that.
Goldmary: As it happens, I’ve been thinking it over since then. And I may have an idea.
Goldmary: I heard that you’re gifted at impersonation. Is that true?
Yunaka: Sure. I mean, I’m decent at it.
Goldmary: Would you like to try impersonating me?
Yunaka: What? Why?
Goldmary: Humor me. Show me what I was like washing clothes the other day.
Yunaka: OK, if you insist. I think that went a little something like…
Yunaka: “♪Hmm-hmm…♪ It’s a wonderful day for laundry.”
Yunaka: “Wash, rinse, dry, starch, fold… Every step with precision and grace.”
Goldmary: Wonderful. Keep that up, and follow me. We’ll do laundry as two Goldmarys.
Yunaka: Sounds weird. Let’s give it a go!
Goldmary: So, how did you feel? Any of the old dread?
Yunaka: Amazingly, no. Not even a little!
Yunaka: I was so focused on being you that I totally forgot about my past!
Goldmary: Perfect. Exactly as planned.
Goldmary: From now on, whenever you need to do chores, you can just pretend to be me.
Goldmary: Once you form the habit, I think you’ll find chores far less worrisome.
Goldmary: There’s no easy cure for a wound like yours, but take it one small step at a time. You’ll heal.
Yunaka: So that’s what you had in mind.
Yunaka: Great idea, Goldmary! You’re a genius.
Yunaka: I said I wanted to be a new person, and now I have someone to be─you!
Goldmary: I suppose there are worse goals to have. Consider me honored.
Goldmary: I’m sorry if my perfection is too much for you. But it’s good to aim high, of course.
Yunaka: Ooh, that’s good. You’re good. I need to start taking notes.
Yunaka: “I’m sorry if my perfection is too much for you.” To be said coyly in response to praise.
Goldmary: You’re a little too quick a study! You don’t have to imitate everything I say…
Yunaka: Hehe! Only kidding. But now I’ve got your flustered face in my back pocket too!
Yunaka: Thanks for taking me under your wing. I know I can be a handful.
Goldmary: My pleasure. If you want me to be your teacher, I will happily accept you as a student.