C Support:
Hortensia: Hey, Lindon! My sister’s asking for you.
Lindon: Ah, thank you, Princess Hortensia. So sorry to have made you fetch me like this.
Hortensia: That’s OK─I had a thing to do and you were on the way. Oh, that’s a pretty painting!
Hortensia: The lady’s beautiful… Is she your daughter?
Lindon: This lovely painting is of my even lovelier wife.
Hortensia: Yeah, she’s a vision. You’re a lucky guy!
Lindon: If she were here now, I’m sure she would be delighted to hear you say so.
Hortensia: You’ll have to introduce us next time she’s around. I’d love to meet her.
Lindon: Unfortunately, that will not be possible… She passed away some time ago.
Hortensia: Oh… Oh no. I had no idea. I’m so sorry.
Lindon: Hm-hm, it’s quite all right, Princess Hortensia.
Lindon: We raised three children together. They’re all grown now, off living lives of their own.
Lindon: I’ve had mages to train and keep me company, and I’m sure she’s at peace in the hereafter.
Hortensia: You’ve accomplished so much. I’m sure if she were here, she’d say she’s very proud.
Hortensia: Say, Lindon… Would you consider giving me some lessons? I could learn a lot from you.
Lindon: I’m flattered that you would suggest the idea… but I think it best for us both that I decline.
Hortensia: How come?
Lindon: I simply don’t have the stamina to teach anymore.
Hortensia: I understand. You’ve still got battles to fight. I shouldn’t trouble you.
Lindon: Don’t fret! I’m sure there’s a spry spellcaster out there who would make the perfect tutor.
B Support:
Hortensia: Lindon, can we talk?
Hortensia: I was hoping you might…reconsider giving me some lessons.
Lindon: As I said before, Princess Hortensia, I don’t have the energy for teaching anymore.
Lindon: Besides, I’ve heard that you’re already top of the class in the Elusian Academy, are you not?
Lindon: There’s no reason to rush your education. Take the time to grow.
Hortensia: …
Hortensia: My father didn’t live long enough to see me make it on my own.
Hortensia: That’s why I’m in a rush. I don’t want any more regrets like that.
Lindon: Ah, of course.
Hortensia: I want my father to rest knowing I can take care of myself─like your children do.
Hortensia: You can help me with that, can’t you?
Lindon: I understand you, truly. But…I have further reasons to decline.
Hortensia: What do you mean?
Lindon: Since King Hyacinth’s abrupt passing, Elusia has been gripped in a moment of crisis.
Lindon: In a time such as this, even a minor incident could upset the balance of our kingdom.
Lindon: To protect my beloved Elusia, I must dedicate all of my strength to our reconstruction efforts.
Lindon: Under these conditions, I simply do not have any time to devote to you, Princess Hortensia.
Hortensia: So that’s why Ivy was asking for you…
Hortensia: I’m sorry, Lindon. I was being selfish.
Hortensia: I was thinking only of my own education, while you and Ivy are both hard at work for Elusia.
Lindon: No, no. You have nothing to apologize for.
Lindon: There’s no fault in looking out for yourself, Princess Hortensia.
Hortensia: Maybe you’re right. Thanks.
Hortensia: I am still a princess of Elusia, though. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
A Support:
Hortensia: …
Hortensia: What can I do for Elusia?
Hortensia: What can I do, Father? Help me…
Lindon: If he were here, I’m sure King Hyacinth would say that you already serve our kingdom well.
Hortensia: Lindon…
Hortensia: How can you be so sure? My father’s…gone.
Hortensia: Ivy was always the model daughter, but I… I was more of a pain.
Hortensia: When I imagine him looking down on me, all I see on his face is disappointment.
Lindon: I was originally a retainer to the king’s older brother─your uncle. I think you knew that…
Lindon: At that time…I did not think kindly of King Hyacinth.
Hortensia: Really? I had no idea.
Lindon: There was a scrabble for succession, with your uncle openly opposing your father’s claim.
Lindon: In the end, the elder brother lost the battle for the throne…and soon abandoned the country.
Lindon: I had argued passionately in favor of your uncle, so I resented your father right out of the gates.
Lindon: But then, one day, he turned to me and said, “Lindon, you serve our kingdom well.”
Hortensia: Ah…
Lindon: I didn’t know what to make of that. He and I were supposed to be enemies!
Lindon: Then I realized that he meant it. In uncertain times, we both cared deeply for Elusia’s safety.
Lindon: That’s why I can confidently speak for him and say…you serve our kingdom well.
Hortensia: That means a lot to me.
Lindon: What’s more, a parent always loves their child.
Lindon: King Hyacinth could never be disappointed in you, Princess Hortensia.
Lindon: I’ve raised three children to your nil, so if I say it’s true…you have no room to argue.
Hortensia: OK, OK. Consider me convinced.
Hortensia: I really do feel much better now. Thank you.
Hortensia: I’m going to keep taking care of myself─and keep doing my best. I’ll make Father proud.
Lindon: That’s it. That’s the spirit.
Lindon: I may lack time, but I’m never short on words of advice. If you ever need to talk, I will listen.
Lindon: You’re a fine, accomplished young woman. I’m eager to see what else you become.
Hortensia: I’ll make you proud too, Lindon.