C Support:
Hortensia: …
Rosado: Haha! Picture-perfect, Hortensia!
Hortensia: Huh? What did you say?
Rosado: Look! I drew your picture! I can draw real fast─ it’s my not-so-hidden talent.
Rosado: See? It’s practically a mirror. And look at how beautiful you are!
Hortensia: Seriously? I’m staring off into the distance. I look boring.
Hortensia: Here, do it again. I’ll pose for it properly this time.
Rosado: I like this one, though.
Hortensia: Are you joking? It’s awful. The expression doesn’t…express me at all!
Hortensia: Here, this is my good side. Draw me again.
Rosado: Nah. Your first expression’s better.
Hortensia: This is an order from your princess.
Rosado: Fine, fine. Make the face again… Done. Is this what you wanted?
Hortensia: Perfect! Be sure to throw that other one away.
Hortensia: We can’t let future generations think I was some boring girl always staring off at nothing.
Rosado: There’s nothing boring about you…
B Support:
Rosado: Yeah, she’s just wrong. This expression is way better.
Hortensia: Hey! That’s the portrait you drew of me staring at nothing!
Hortensia: I told you to throw it away. Why is it still here?
Rosado: I’m sorry…but also kinda not?
Rosado: I really like what I see in this picture.
Hortensia: Well I don’t. And it’s my face. Get rid of it!
Rosado: If you really hate it that much… OK.
Hortensia: Why is this at all difficult?
Rosado: Because it’s a picture of the real you. Not the fake smile you put on.
Rosado: You used to be so expressive!
Rosado: Like back at the academy! Remember?
Hortensia: I can’t, Rosado.
Hortensia: I can’t dwell on the academy. I don’t get to do that anymore.
Hortensia: I’m a princess, and that means I keep smiling, all the time, forever.
Rosado: Well, that’s a load of royal duty.
Hortensia: Heh. Yeah, but it’s what we get. And that’s why that picture has to get tossed. Understand?
Rosado: Yeah. Farewell then, honest Hortensia…
A Support:
Rosado: This is too many Corrupted to take on! Hortensia, we have to retreat!
Hortensia: No, I’ve got this! I can…handle it!
Rosado: Look out!
Hortensia: Rosado, no!
Rosado: Ah!
Hortensia: Rosado… I was trying to protect you.
Hortensia: Let’s get out of here─no one’s dying today!
Hortensia: Rosado! Come back to me! Don’t be dead…
Rosado: Ugh…
Hortensia: You’re awake! Are you all right? Do you recognize me?!
Rosado: Yeah… Sure, sure. Just nodded off for a sec.
Hortensia: Nodded off?! I thought you were dead!
Hortensia: Wait, what’s the paper fo─ Are you DRAWING?!
Rosado: Hahaha! Picture-perfect, Hortensia!
Hortensia: WHAT?
Hortensia: You’re not even hurt!
Rosado: Nope! But take a look─you really are beautiful this time.
Hortensia: It’s right when you woke up. I look so…relieved.
Hortensia: That is a pretty good one.
Hortensia: You’re right… I used to make faces like this more when we were in school.
Rosado: Usually when the history teacher called on someone else instead of you!
Hortensia: Hey!
Rosado: So, can I keep this one?
Hortensia: Fine. But you can’t show it to anyone.
Rosado: Of course I won’t.
Hortensia: …
Hortensia: Thanks for looking out for me.
Hortensia: I feel like you’re always saving me from something.
Rosado: If you wanna pay me back, just show me the real you once in a while. That’s all I want.
Hortensia: Hehe, deal.
Hortensia: You’re much more than just a retainer to me, you know. You’re my friend.
Hortensia: And as long as we’re friends, I don’t think I’ll have any trouble being myself.